Research Highlights
GPU-Accelerated Reconstruction on FastSPECT II (920 KB)
Image Science Uses of GPU Texture Memory (1 MB)
FastSPECT III: A Dedicated Rodent-Brain SPECT Imager (116 KB)
FaCT: First Adaptive CT system. (726 KB)
The AEGIS Read-out Chip for Gamma-Ray Detectors. (1.16 MB)
SPECT Imaging of Cell Death Using 99mTc-Labeled C2A Domain of Synaptotagmin I. (68 KB)
The Bead Phantom (571 KB)
A Compact CT/SPECT Dual-Modality System (54 KB)
High-Resolution High-Sensitivity Electron Imager (429 KB)
EROC Curves and Ideal EROC Observers (52 KB)
FaCT: FastSPECT II and CT (252 KB)
FastSPECT I: A Stationary Small-Animal SPECT System (68 KB)
List-Mode Cardiac Gating Methods for SPECT Systems (66 KB)
Glucose Analogues as Tumor Tracers (415 KB)
99mTc-labeled Bispecific Cytokine Ligand and SPECT Imaging of Inflammation (64 KB)
The Multi-Module, Multi-Resolution (M3R) SPECT System (1.52 MB)
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Computations of Ideal-Observer Performance (32 KB)
ModPET: A Novel Small-Animal PET System (67 KB)
Evaluation of Estimation Accuracy Without a Gold Standard (47KB)
SiliSPECT: A Double-Sided Strip Silicon Detector-Based SPECT System (303 KB)
Wiener Estimation of Tumor Volume and Location in Nuclear Medicine (31 KB)
Multimodality Assessment of Tumor Response to Therapy (207 KB)
SemiSPECT (297 KB)
Adaptive Imaging (55 KB)