TR&D Project II
Project Leader
Harrison H. Barrett, Ph.D.
Project Summary
The overall goal of TR&D Project II is to develop a wide variety of detector technologies, providing the flexibility needed to design imaging systems in response to specific biomedical problems under investigation in our laboratory or by our collaborators. Collaborative projects and new applications drive need for diversity of detectors, and diversity is feasible because of commonality of data acquisition and processing. Common themes include
- Accurate statistical and deterministic modeling and calibration.
- Super-listmode data acquisition, in which all available information is recorded for each event.
- Maximum-likelihood estimation of event parameters.
- Increased space-bandwidth product through larger detector area and improved spatial resolution.
- Independent detector modules for flexible system design and adaptation
SPECT Detectors at the CGRI
2 x 2 modular scintillation camera
- Material: NaI(Tl), 5 mm
- Energy Range: 30-200 keV
- Area: 10 x 10 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: ~3 mm @ 140 keV
- Sp-BW Product: ~1,100
- Depth Of Interaction: Possible, not demonstrated
- Detector Status: Outmoded; Still Useful
3 x 3 modular scintillation camera
- Material: NaI(Tl), 5 mm
- Energy Range: 30-200 keV
- Area: 12 x 12 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: ~3 mm @ 140 keV
- Sp-BW Product: ~1,600
- Depth Of Interaction: Possible, not demonstrated
- Detector Status: Routine tool; used in FS II & key to collaborations
3 x 3 modular camera for PET
- Material: NaI(Tl), 5-25 mm
- Energy Range: 511 keV
- Area: 12 x 12 cm20 x 10 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: ~1.5 mm
- Sp-BW Product: ~5,000
- Depth Of Interaction: Demonstrated
- Detector Status: Active in research; current emphasis on thinner crystal
MAPMT module
- Material: NaI(Tl), 5 mm
- Energy Range: 30-200 keV
- Area: 5x 5 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: 2 mm
- Sp-BW Product: >2,500
- Depth Of Interaction: Demonstrated
- Detector Status: Update in development
2 x 2 modular scintillation camera
- Material: NaI(Tl), 5 mm
- Energy Range: 30-200 keV
- Area: 10 x 10 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: ~3 mm @ 140 keV
- Sp-BW Product: ~1,100
- Depth Of Interaction: Possible, not demonstrated
- Detector Status: Outmoded; Still Useful
64 x 64 CZT hybrid array
- Material: CZT, 2 mm
- Energy Range: 30-200 keV
- Area: 2.5 x 2.5 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: 380 µm
- Sp-BW Product: 4,000
- Depth Of Interaction: Demonstrated but not routine
- Detector Status: Active in research; used in SemiSPECT
Ajat DIC-100
- Material: CdTe, 750 µm
- Energy Range: 10-140 keV (25% eff. @ 140 keV)
- Area: 5 x 5 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: 100 µm
- Sp-BW Product: 250,000
- Depth Of Interaction: Outmoded; Still Useful
- Detector Status: On indefinite loan from Ajat
BazookaSPECT (image intensifier + fast, inexpensive CCD camera)
- Material: Columnar scintillator or X-ray screen, Various Thicknesses
- Energy Range: 20-200 keV photons, betas, and positrons
- Area: 50 mm Dia.
- Intrinsic Resolution: 50 – 100 µm
- Sp-BW Product: ~3 X105
- Depth Of Interaction: Demonstrated
- Detector Status: Active area of research; basis for FS III
Wide-field BazookaSPECT (as above, but larger FO taper)
- Material: As above
- Energy Range: As above
- Area: 100 or 150 mm Dia.
- Intrinsic Resolution: TBD
- Sp-BW Product: 106 possible
- Depth Of Interaction: TBD
- Detector Status: Many applications in molecular imaging, test bed for x-ray photon counting
Silicon double-sided strip detector
- Material: Crystalline Si,1 mm thick
- Energy Range: 10-60 keV
- Area: 5 x 5 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: 50 µm
- Sp-BW Product: 106
- Depth Of Interaction: No
- Detector Status: Active in research, collaboration with Vanderbilt
ISAS/JAXA CdTe double-sided strip detector
- Material: CdTe 0.75 mm thick
- Energy Range: Up to 140 keV
- Area: 3.4 X 3.4 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: 250 µm
- Sp-BW Product: 16,000
- Depth Of Interaction: Possible
- Detector Status: Collaborative project with Takahashi et al.
Fuji BASIS – 5000 autoradiography system
- Material: Photostimulable Phosphor
- Energy Range: 10-30 keV gammas, betas
- Area: ~20 x 27.5 cm2
- Intrinsic Resolution: 25 µm
- Sp-BW Product: >107
- Depth Of Interaction: No
- Detector Status: Active in research
Direct electron imager
- Material: P47 phosphor, 3 µm
- Energy Range: >10 keV electrons and positrons
- Area: Flexible
- Intrinsic Resolution: ~25 µm
- Sp-BW Product: ~106
- Depth Of Interaction: No
- Detector Status: Active in Research; key to Moffitt collaboration
DSLR x-ray detector (Nikon D700 viewing x-ray screen)
- Material: Various x-ray screen
- Energy Range: Up to 120 kVp
- Area: Flexible
- Intrinsic Resolution: Depends on magnification
- Sp-BW Product: ~107
- Depth Of Interaction: No
- Detector Status: Used for inexpensive portable DR system
sCMOS X-Ray Detector (Andor camera viewing x-ray screen)
- Material: As above
- Energy Range: As above
- Area: As above
- Intrinsic Resolution: As above
- Sp-BW Product: 5 X 106
- Depth Of Interaction: No
- Detector Status: Used in CT test bed