Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging – Department of Medical Imaging – Professors Harrison H. Barrett & Lars Furenlid
Related Literature
Applications of Objective Measures of Image Quality
- C.-J. Lee, M. A. Kupinski and L. Volokh, “Assessment of cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography performance using a scanning linear observer,” Medical Physics. 40(1)::011906, 2013. PMC3581138.
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, J. J. Rodriguez, R. M. Stephen, A. T. Stopeck, “Task-based evaluation of segmentation algorithms for Diffusion-weighted MRI without using a gold-standard,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57(13): 4425-4446, 2012. PMC3932666.
- D. Kang, and M. A. Kupinski, “Signal detectability in diffusive media using phased arrays in conjunction with detector arrays,” Optics Express 20;19(13):12261-74, 2011. PMID: 21716463.
- J. Y. Hesterman, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “PMID:21716463–A signal-detection study”, Medical Physic, 34:3034-3044, 2007. PMC2471875.
- L. Caucci, H. H. Barrett, N. Devaney, and J. L. Rodriguez, “Application of the Hotelling and ideal observers to detection and localization of exoplanets”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24(12):B13-B24, 2007. PMC2596684.
- M. A. Kupinski, J. W. Hoppin, J. Krasnow, S. Dahlberg, J. A. Leppo, M. A. King, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett,“Comparing cardiac ejection fraction estimation algorithms without a gold standard”, Academic Radiology 31:329-337, 2006. PMC2464280.
- A. K. Sahu, A. Joshi, M. A. Kupinski, E. M. Sevick-Muraca, “Assessment of a fluorescence-enhanced optical imaging system using the Hotelling observer”, Optics Express 14:7642-7660, 2006. PMC2832206.
- L. Chen and H. H. Barrett, “Task-based lens design with application to digital mammography”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 1:148-167, 2005. PMC1785332.
- J. Rolland, J. O’Daniel, C. Akcay, T. DeLemos, K. S. Lee, K-L. Cheong, E. Clarkson, R. Chakrabarti, and R. Ferris, “Task-based optimization and performance assessment in optical coherence imaging”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22:1132-1142, 2005. PMID:15984486.
- J. D. Sain and H. H. Barrett, “Performance evaluation of a modular gamma camera using a detectability index”, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 44:58-66, 2003. PMID:12515877.
Objective Assessment of Image Quality
- L. Caucci and H. H. Barrett, “Objective assessment of image quality: V. Photon-counting detectors and list-mode data,”Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29(6):1003-16, 2012. PMC3377176.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “A task-based approach to adaptive and multimodality imaging”, Proceedings of IEEE, 96(3):500-511, 2008. PMC2597814.
- M. A. Kupinski, A. B. Watson, J. H. Siewerdsen, K. J. Myers, and M. Eckstein, “Image Quality”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24(12):IQ1-IQ1, 2007.
- H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, N. Devaney, and C. Dainty,“Objective assessment of image quality: IV. Application to adaptive optics”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23:3080-3105, 2006. PMC2596685.
Basic Image-Quality Theory
- H. H. Barrett, “Objective assessment of image quality: Effects of quantum noise and object variability“, JOSA A, 7:1266-1278, 1990. PMID: 2370589.
- H. H. Barrett, J. L. Denny, R. F. Wagner, and K. J. Myers, “Objective assessment of image quality. II. Fisher information, Fourier crosstalk, and figures of merit for task performance“, JOSA A, 12:834-852, 1995. PMID:7730951.
- H. H. Barrett, C. K. Abbey, and E. Clarkson, “Objective assessment of image quality. III. ROC metrics, ideal observers, and likelihood-generating functions“, JOSA A, 15:1520-1535, 1998. PMID: 9612940.
- H. H. Barrett, T. Gooley, K. Girodias, J. Rolland, T. White, and J. Yao, “Linear discriminants and image quality“, Image and Vision Computing, 10(6):451-460, 1992.
- H. H. Barrett, J. L. Denny, H. C. Giffort, and C. K. Abbey, “Generalized NEQ: Fourier analysis where you would least expect to find it“, SPIE, 2708:41-52, 1996.
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- R.F. Wagner and D.G. Brown, “Unified SNR analysis of medical imaging systems.” Phys. Med. Biol. (1985) vol 30, 489-518.
- D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “Decomposition of images and objects into measurement and null components“, Optics Express, 2:254-260, 1998. PMID: 19377608.
Observer Models
- C. K. Abbey, and H. H. Barrett, “Human- and model-observer performance in ramp-spectrum noise: effects of regularization and object variability“, JOSA A. 18:473-488, 2001. PMC2943344.
- H. H. Barrett, J. Yao, J. P. Rolland, and K. J. Myers, “Model observers for assessment of image quality“, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 90:9758-9765, 1993.
- J. P. Rolland, H. H. Barrett, and G. W. Seeley, “Ideal versus human observer for long-tailed point spread functions: does deconvolution help?“, Phys. Med. Biol. 36:1091-1109, 1991. PMID: 1924544.
- C. K. Abbey, H. H. Barrett, and D. W. Wilson, “Observer signal-to-noise ratios for the ML-EM algorithm”, SPIE Vol 2712:47-58, 1996. PMC2943373.
- J. P. Rolland, and H. H. Barrett, “Effect of random background inhomogeneity on observer detection performance”, JOSA A, 9:649-658, 1992. PMID: 1588452.
- D. Kang and M. A. Kupinski, “A new figure of merit for frequency-domain diffusive imaging,” Optics Letters 38(2): 235-7, 2013.
- E. Clarkson, “Asymptotic ideal observers and surrogate figures of merit for signal detection with list mode data,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29(10): 2204-2216, 2012. PMC3967985.
- E. Clarkson and F. Shen, “Fisher information and surrogate figures of merit for task-based assessment of image quality,”Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 27(10), 2313-2316, 2010. PMC2963440.
- S. Park and E. Clarkson, “Efficient estimation of ideal-observer performance in classification tasks involving complex backgrounds.” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 26, B59-B71, 2009. PMC2909882.
- L. Caucci, H. H. Barrett, and J. J. Rodriguez, “Spatio-temporal Hotelling observer for signal detection from image sequences,“Optics Express 17,10946-10958, 2009. PMC2859675.
- M. K. Whitaker, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Estimating random signal parameters from noisy images with nuisance parameters: linear and scanning-linear methods”, Optics Express, 16(11):8150-8173, 2008. PMC2577032.
- S. Park, H. H. Barrett, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and K. J. Myers, “Channelized-ideal observer using Laguerre-Gauss channels in detection tasks involving non-Gaussian distributed lumpy backgrounds and Gaussian signal”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24(12):B136-B150, 2007. PMC2655642.
- S. Park, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “Efficiency of the human observer detecting random signals in random backgrounds”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22(1):3-16, 2005. PMC2464287.
- S. Park, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett “Ideal-observer performance under signal and background uncertainty,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2732, 342-353, 2003.
- A. R. Pineda, and H. H. Barrett, “Figures of merit for digital radiography. I. Flat background and deterministic blurring”, Medical Physics,31:348-358, 2004.
- A. R. Pineda, and H. H. Barrett, “Figures of merit for digital radiography. II. Finite number of secondaries, structured and random backgrounds”, Medical Physics, 31:359-367, 2004.
- M. A. Kupinski, J. W. Hoppin, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Ideal-observer computation in medical imaging with use of Markov-chain Monte Carlo”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 20:430-438, 2003.
- J. W. Hoppin, D. W. Wilson, T. E. Peterson, M. A. Kupinski, G. A. Kastis, E. Clarkson, L R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Evaluating estimation techniques in medical imaging without a gold standard: experimental validation”, Proceedings of SPIE, 5034:230-237, 2003.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, K. Gross, J. W. Hoppin, and H. H. Barrett, “Optimizing imaging hardware for estimation tasks”, Proceedings of SPIE, 5034:309-313, 2003.
- B. D. Gallas and H. H. Barrett, “Validating the use of channels to estimate the ideal linear observer”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 20(9):1725-1738, 2003. PMID: 12968645
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- C. E. Metz, “Some practical issues of experimental design and data analysis in radiological ROC studies,” Invest Radiol., 24(3):234-245, 1989. PMID: 2753640.
- R.F. Wagner, S.V. Beiden, C.E. Metz, “Continuous versus Categorical Data for ROC Analysis: Some Quantitative Considerations.” Acad Radiol., 8:328-334, 2001. PMID: 11293781.
- S.V. Beiden, R.F. Wagner, G. Campbell, “Components-of-variance Models and Multiple-Bootstrap Experiments: An alternative method for random-effects, receiver operating characteristic analysis.” Acad Radiol 7(5): 341-349, 2000. PMID: 10803614.
- E. Clarkson, J. L. Denny and L. Shepp, “ROC and the bounds on tail probabilities via theorems of Dubins and F. Riesz,” Annals of Applied Probability 19(1):467-476, 2009. PMC2828638.
- E. Clarkson, “Estimation receiver operating characteristic curve and ideal observers for combined detection/estimation tasks”,Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24(12):B91-B98, 2007. PMC2575755.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, “A probabilistic model for the MRMC method, part 1: Theoretical development,”Academic Radiology. 13(11):1410-1421, 2006. PMC2844793.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “A probabilistic model for the MRMC method. Part 2: Validation and applications”, Academic Radiolology, 13(11):1422-1430, 2006. PMC2077079.