Applied Optics Publication

10/16/2019: C. Bigler et al., “Holographic Waveguide HUD with in-line pupil expansion and 2D FOV expansion“, accepted for publication in Applied Optics, to appear in the Special issue on Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging,  Vol.58, G326-G331 (2019). Link


In this publication, we present an head up display with expanded pupil using a waveguide and holograms. The geometry of the system is in-line instead of L shaped, which bring some benefits.

Applied Optics Publication

10/08/2019: C. Bigler at al., “Holographic Amplification of the Diffraction Angle from Optical Phase Array for Optical Beam Steering“, Applied Optics, Special issue on Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging 2019, Vol. 58, N.34, December 2019. Link


In this article we present a potential solution to the limited steering angle of phase array LIDAR due to large (compared to wavelength) pixel size.

Frontier in Optics

09/17/2019: I will be attending the OSA conference “Frontier in Optics” in Washington DC, and  will be participating to the Facebook’s “Augmented Reality Optics & Display” Academic Forum. Link

09/18/2019: During the FiO conference, I will be organizing a networking session on behalf of the Holography and Diffractive Optics Technical Group. The theme of the session will be “must AR headsets reproduce accommodation?“. Link

Digital Holography Conference

05/19/2019: I will be attending the OSA Digital Holography Conference in Bordeaux, France. Link




I will be presenting the following 4 papers:

  • M3A.1. Holographic See-Through Displays. (Invited)
  • M5A.2. Tabletop Radar Range Using Interferometric Time-of-Flight.
  • W4A.2. Continuous Recording of Holographic Stereograms.
  • Th3A.24. Holographic Angular Amplification for LIDAR Scanner.

I will also be panelist for the OSA holography technical group event: “The next scientific contributions of Holography”, taking place Monday May 20th during lunch time.

Patent Granted

04/11/2019: P.-A. Blanche and B. Lynn: “Diffraction-Based light beam scanner” Patent US 2019/0107711 A1. Link

This patent is about how to use a spatial light modulator to steer a light beam and compensate for the chromatic aberration in a monostatic LIDAR configuration.

If you are interested about licensing please contact Rakhi Gibbons, Director of Licensing at Tech Launch Arizona:

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