Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging – Department of Medical Imaging – Professors Harrison H. Barrett & Lars Furenlid
Peer Reviewed Publication
- Y. Ding, L. Caucci and H.H. Barrett, “Charged-Particle Emission Tomography“, Medical Physics 2472-4209, 2017.
- A. Tazrart, M.-A. Bolzinger, S. Coudert, S. Lamart, B. W. Miller, A. F. Angulo, S. Briançon, and N. M. Griffiths, “Skin absorption of actinides: influence of solvents or chelates on skin penetration in vivo,” International Journal of Radiation Biology 3:1-10, 2017.PMID: 28276896
- Ding, L. Caucci, and H. H. Barrett, “Null functions in three-dimensional imaging of alpha and beta particles,” Scientific Reports, 7:15807, 2017.
- E.Clarkson and H. H. Barrett, “Characteristics functionals in imaging and image-quality assessment: tutorial,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33(8):1464-1475, 2016. PMID: 27505644. Pubmed- in process.
- E. Clarkson and J. B. Cushing, “Shannon information for joint estimation/detection tasks and complex imaging systems,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33(3):286-292, 2016. PMID: 26974897. Pubmed – in process.
- V. Bora, H. H. Barrett, D. Fastje, E. Clarkson, L. Furenlid, A. Bousselham, K. S. Shah, and J. Glodo, “Estimation of Fano factor in inorganic scintillators,” Nucl Instr & Meth Phys Res A, 805:72-86, 2016. PMC4669903
- L. Caucci, K. J. Myers and H. H. Barrett, “Radiance and photon noise: Imaging in geometrical optics, physical optics, quantum optics and radiology,” Opt. Eng., 55(1):013102, 2016.
- J. MacGahan, M. A. Kupinski, N. R. Hilton, E. M. Brubaker, and W. C. Johnson, “Development of an ideal observer that incorporates nuisance parameters and processes list-mode data,” JOSA A, 33(4):689-697, 2016.
- Z. Liu, B. T. Larsen, L. O. Lerman, B. D. Gray, C. Barber, A. F. Hedayat, M. Zhao, L. R. Furenlid, K. Y. Pak and J.s M. Woolfenden, “Detection of atherosclerotic plaques in Apo-E-deficient mice using 99mTc-duramycin,” Nucl Med Biol. 43(8): 496–505, 2016. PMC4947567
- Z. Liu, B.D. Gray, C. Barber, M. Bernas, M. Cai, L.R. Furenlid, A. Rouse, C. Patel, B. Banerjee, R. Liang, A.F. Gmitro, M.H. Witte, K.Y. Pak, J.M. Woolfenden, “Characterization of TCP-1 probes for molecular imaging of colon cancer”, J Control Release, 10(239):223-30, 2016. PMC5037054.
- M. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, “Optimal Channels for Channelized Quadratic Estimators,” JOSA A, 33(6):1214-25, 2016. PMID27409452
- H. Barrett, D. S. Alberts, J. M. Woolfenden, Z. Liu, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, L. R. Furenlid and J. W. Hoppin, “Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainties in Cancer Therapy,” J. Med. Imag., 9412:94120N, 2016. PMC4497821
- H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, C. Hoeschen, M. A. Kupinski, and M. P. Little, “Task-based measures of image quality and their relation to radiation dose and patient risk,” Invited review in Phys. Med. Biol., 60:R1-R75, 2015. PMC4318357.
- A. K. Jha, H. H. Barrett, E. C. Frey, E. Clarkson, L. Caucci, and M. A. Kupinski. “Singular value decomposition for photon-processing gamma-ray imaging systems,” Phys Med Biol.,60(18):7359-852015, 2015. PMC4711280.
- V. Bora, H. H. Barrett, A. K. Jha, and E. Clarkson, “Impact of the Fano factor on position and energy estimation in scintillation detectors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl, Sci., 62(1):42-56, 2015. PMC4625574.
- C.M. Ryan, J. A. L. Brown, E. Bourke, A. M. Prendergast, C. Kavanagh, Z. Liu, P. Owens, G. Shaw, W. Kolch, T. O’Brien, and F. P. Barry, “ROCK activity and the Gβγ complex mediate chemotactic migration of mouse bone marrow-derived stem cells,” Stem Cell Res Ther, 6:136, 2015. PMC4603944
- A. Könik, M. K. Kupinski, P. H. Pretorius, M. A. King, and H. H. Barrett, “Comparison of the Scanning Linear Estimator (SLE) and ROI Uptake Estimation for Quantitative SPECT Imaging,” Phys. Med. Biol., 60(16):6479-94, 2015. PMC4561528.
- M. K. Kupinski and E. Clarkson, “Method for optimizing channelized quadratic observers for binary classification of large-dimensional image datasets,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 32:549-565, 2015. PMC4667371.
- B. W. Miller, S. H.L. Frost, S. L. Frayo, A. L. Kenoyer, E. Santos, J. C. Jones, D. J. Green, D. K. Hamlin, D. S. Wilbur, D. R. Fisher, J. J. Orozco, O. W. Press, J. M. Pagel, and B. M. Sandmaier, “Quantitative Single-Particle Digital Autoradiography with Alpha-Particle Emitters for Targeted Radionuclide Therapy using the iQID Camera,” Medical Physics, 42(7):4094-105, 2015. PMC4464071.
- H. H. Barrett, D. S. Alberts, J. M. Woolfenden, Z. Liu, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, L. R. Furenlid, and J. W. Hoppin, “Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainties in Cancer Therapy,” Proc. SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 9412: 2015. PMC4497821.
- L. Caucci, K. J. Myers, and H. H. Barrett, “Radiance and photon noise: Imaging in geometrical optics, physical optics, quantum optics and radiology,” Optical Engineering, 55(1):0131022015, 2015.
- B.W. Miller, S.J. Gregory, E.S. Fuller, H.H. Barrett, H.B. Barber, and L.R. Furenlid, “The iQID camera: An ionizing radiation quantum imaging detector,” Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, 767: 146-152, 2014. PMC4497505.
- J. Huang, Q. Yuan, B. Zhang, K. Xe, P. Tankam, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, H. B. Hindman, J. V. Aquavella, T. J. Thomas, and J. P. Rolland, “Measurement of a multi-layered tear film phantom using optical coherence tomography and statistical decision theory,” Biomedical Optics Express 5:4374-4386, 2014. PMC4285612.
- M.W. Lee and Y.C. Chen, “Rapid construction of pinhole SPECT imaging system matrices by distance-weighted Gaussian interpolation method combined with geometric parameter estimations,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 737:122-134, 2014.
- L.R. Furenlid, H.H. Barrett, H.B. Barber, E.W. Clarkson, M.A. Kupinski, Z. Liu, G.D. Stevenson, and J.M. Woolfenden, “Molecular Imaging in the College of Optical Sciences – An Overview of Two Decades of Instrumentation Development,” Proc. SPIE, 9186-18, 2014. PMC4520714.
- Z. Liu, L.O. Lerman, H. Tang, C. Barber, L. Wan, M.M. Hui, L.R. Furenlid, and J.M. Woolfenden, “Inflammation imaging of atherosclerosis in Apo-E-deficient mice using a 99mTc-labeled dual-domain cytokine ligand,” Nuclear Medicine and Biology 41:785-792, 2014 PMC4192104.
- E. Salçın, H.H. Barrett, H. B. Barber, S. Takeda, S. Watanabe, T. Takahashi, and Lars R. Furenlid, “Fisher Information Analysis of Depth-of-Interaction Estimation in Double-sided Strip Detectors,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61(3):1243-1251, 2014. PMC4494127.
- H. Durko, H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “High-Resolution Anamorphic SPECT Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 61(3):1126-1135, 2014. PMC4494124.
- J. Huang, K-S. Lee, E. Clarkson, M. Kupinski, K. L. Maki, D. S. Ross, J. V. Aquavella, and J. P. Rolland, “Phantom study of tear film dynamics with optical coherence tomography and maximum-likelihood estimation,” Optics Letters, 38, 1721-1723, 2013. PMID: 23938923.
- J. Huang, E. Clarkson, M. Kupinski, K.S. Lee, K.L. Maki, D.S. Ross, J.V. Aquavella, and J.P. Rolland, “Maximum-likelihood estimation in Optical Coherence Tomography in the context of the tear film dynamics,” Biomed Opt Express 4(10):1806-16, 2013. PMC3799647.
- A. K. Jha, H. T. van Dam, M. A. Kupinski and E. Clarkson, “Simulating silicon photomultiplier response to scintillation light,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60: 336-351, 2013. PMC4519993.
- D. Kang and M. A. Kupinski, “Figure of merit for task-based assessment of frequency-domain diffusive imaging,” Opt. Letters, 38(2): 235-237, 2013. PMID: 23454973.
- J. Elster, Z. Liu, C. R. Rathbone, Z. Liu, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Skeletal muscle satellite cell migration to injured tissue measured with 111 In-oxine and high-resolution SPECT imaging,” J. Musc. Res. Cell Motil, 34(5-6): 417-427, 2013. PMC3896547.
- Z. Liu, C. Barber, L. Wan, S. Liu, M.M. Hui, L. R. Furenlid, H. Xu, and J. M. Woolfenden, “SPECT imaging of inflammatory response in ischemic-reperfused rat hears using a 99mTc-labeled dual-domain cytokine ligand,” J. Nucl. Med, 54(12): 2139-2145, 2013. PMID: 24179185.
- H. H. Barrett, M. A. Kupinski, S. Mueller, H. H. Halpern, J. C. Morris III, and R. Dwyer, “Objective assessment of image quality VI: Imaging in radiation therapy,” Phys. Med. Bio, 58(22): 8197-8213, 2013. PMC4326059.
- R. Park, D. W. Kim, and H. H. Barrett, “Synthetic phase-shifting for optical testing: aliased point-diffraction interferometry without null optics or phase shifters,” Opt. Express, 21(22): 26398-26417, 2013. PMC386719.
- R. J. Havelin, B. W. Miller, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, and M. J. Foley, “Design and performance of a small- animal imaging system using synthetic collimation,” Phys. Med. Biol, 58(10):3397-412, 2013. PMC4520437.
- C.-J. Lee, M. A. Kupinski, and L. Volokh, “Assessment of cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography performance using a scanning linear observer,” Med. Phys, 40(1): 011906, 2013. PMC3581138.
- Y. Zhang, G. D. Stevenson , C. Barber, L. R. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, J. M. Woolfenden, M. Zhao, and Z. Liu, “Imaging of rat cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury using 99mTc-labeled duramycin,” Nucl. Med. Biol, 40(1):80-88, 2013. PMC3632380.
- M. K. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, and E. Clarkson, “Scanning linear estimation: Improvements over region of interest (ROI) methods,” Phys. Med. Biol, 58:1283-1301, 2013. PMC361315. *Editor’s Choice on PMB’s Sister Website <>.
- W. C. J. Hunter, H. H. Barrett, J. P. Muzi, W. McDougald, L. R. MacDonald, R. S. Miyaoka, and K. Lewellen, “SCOUT: a fast Monte-Carlo modeling tool of scintillation camera output”, Phys. Med. Biol, 58(11):3581-98, 2013. PMC3711478.
- Z. Liu, L. Wyffels, C. Barber, M. M. Hui, and J. M. Woolfenden, “A (99m) Tc-labeled dual-domain cytokine ligand for imaging of inflammation,” J. Nucl. Med, 38(6):795-805, 2013. PMC3156989.
- A. K. Jha, E. Clarkson, and M.A. Kupinski, “An ideal-observer framework to investigate signal detectability in diffuse optical imaging,” Opt. Express, 4(10):2107-2123, 2013. PMC3799670.
- A. K. Jha, H. T. van Dam, M. A. Kupinski and E. Clarkson,”Simulating silicon photomultiplier response to scintillation light,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 60(1):336-351, 2013. PMC4519993.
- A. Bernstein, A. Espinoza, C. Dumas, D. Morgan, K. Lewis, M. Nipper, H. H. Barrett, M. A. Kupinski, and L. R. Furenlid, “SmartCam: adaptive clinical SPECT camera,” Proc. SPIE, 8853:885307, 2013. PMC4520707
- R. J. Havelin, B. W. Miller, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, J. M. Murphy, and M. J. Foley, “A SPECT imager with synthetic collimation,” Proc. SPIE, 8853:885309, 2013. PMC4558906.
- A. K. Jha, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “Joint reconstruction of activity and attenuation map using LM SPECT emission data,” Proc. SPIE, 8668:86681W, 2013. PMC4519980.
- C. Huang, C. G. Graff, E. W. Clarkson, A. Bilgin, and M. I. Altbach, “T2 mapping from highly undersampled data by reconstruction of principal component coefficient maps using compressed sensing,” Magn. Reson. Med, 67:1355-1366, 2012. PMC3311721.
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, J. J. Rodriguez, R. M. Stephen, and A. T. Stopeck, “Task-based evaluation of segmentation algorithms for Diffusion-weighted MRI without using a gold-standard,” Phys. Med. Biol, 57(13):4425-4446, 2012. PMC3932666.
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, E. Clarkson, and J. H. Hartman, “A Three-dimensional Neumann-series for modeling light transport in nonuniform media,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A Opt Image Sci Vis, 29(9):1885-1899, 2012. PMC39963433.
- J. A. Sakamoto and H. H. Barrett, “Maximum-likelihood estimation of parameterized wavefronts from multifocal data,” Opt. Express, 20(14):15928-15944, 2012. PMC3601653.
- L. Caucci and H. H. Barrett, “Objective assessment of image quality: V. Photon-counting detectors and list-mode data,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A,29(6): 1003-1016, 2012. PMC33771176.
- E. Clarkson and M.A. Kupinski, “Global compartmental pharmacokinetic models for spatiotemporal SPECT and PET imaging,” SIAM J. Imaging Sci, 2(1):203-225, 2009. PMC2905890.
- E. Clarkson, “Asymptotic ideal observers and surrogate figures of merit for signal detection with list mode data,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A,29:2204-2216, 2012. PMC2905890.
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, E. Clarkson and J. H. Hartman, “A Three-dimensional Neumann-series approach to model light transport in non-uniform media,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 29(8):1885-1899, 2012. PMC2905890.
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, T. Masumura, E. Clarkson, A. A. Maslov, and H. H. Barrett, “Simulating photon-transport in uniform media using the radiative transport equation: A study using the Neumann-series approach,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 29(8):1741-1757, 2012. PMC3603149.
- D. Kang, and M. A. Kupinski, “Noise characteristics of Heterodyne/Homodyne frequency-domain measurements,” J. Biomed. Opt,17(1):015002, 2012. PMC3603149.
- D. Kang and M. A. Kupinski, “Effect of noise on modulation amplitude and phase in frequency-domain diffusive imaging,” J. Biomed. Opt,17(1):016010, 2012. PMC4098065.
- C. J. Lee, M. A. Kupinski, and L. Volokh, “Assessment of cardiac singe-photon emission computer tomograph performance using a scanning linear observer,” Med. Phys, 40(1):011906, 2012. PMC3581138.
- Z. Liu, L. Wyffels, C. Barber, L. Wan, H. Xu, M. M. Hui, L. R. Furenlid, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Characterization of 99mTc-labeled cytokine ligands for inflammation imaging via TNF and IL-1 pathways,” Nucl. Med. Biol, 39(7):905-15, 2012. PMC3443298.
- B. W. Miller, R. Van Holen, H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “A system calibration and fast iterative reconstruction method for next-generation SPECT imagers,” NSS/MIC, 3545-3553, 2011. PMC4520546.
- L. Wyffels, B. D. Gray, C. Barber, K. Y. Pak, S. Forbes, J. A. Mattis, J. M. Woolfenden, and Z. Liu, “Detection of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury using a fluorescent near-infrared Zinc(II)-Dipicolylamine probe and 99mTc glucarate,” Mol. Imaging, 11(3): 187-96 2012. PMC3435486.
- B. W. Miller, J. W. Moore, H. H. Barrett, T. Fryé, S. Adler, J. Sery, and L. R. Furenlid, “3D printing in x-ray and gamma-ray imaging: A novel method for fabricating high-density imaging apertures,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. Section A 10, 659(1):262-268, 2011. PMC3244175.
- D. A. Lemieux, C. Baudet, G. P. Grim, H. B. Barber, B. W. Miller, D. Fastje and L. R. Furenlid, “Investigation of the possibility of gamma-ray diagnostic imaging of target compression at NIF,” Proc. SPIE 8144:814407, 2011. PMC3571118.
- D. Kang, and M. A. Kupinski, “Signal detectability in diffusive media using phased arrays in conjunction with detector arrays,” Opt. Express 19(13):12261-74, 2011. PMID: 21716463.
- E. Salçin, H. B. Barber, and L. R. Furenlid, “Design considerations for the next-generation MAPMT-based monolithic scintillation camera,” Proc. SPIE, 8143:81430Q, 2011.
- H. L. Durko, T. E. Peterson, H. H. Barrett, and L. R. Furenlid, “High-resolution, anamorphic, adaptive small-animal SPECT imaging with silicon double-sided strip detectors,” Proc. SPIE, 8143:81430G, 2011. PMC4558916.
- K. Haston, H. B. Barber, L. R. Furenlid, E. Salçin, and V. Bora, “Test apparatus to monitor time-domain signals from semiconductor-detector pixel arrays,” Proc. SPIE 8143: 81430P, 2011.
- L. Wyffels, B. D. Gray, C. Barber, J. M. Woolfenden, B. D. Smith, K. Y. Pak, and Z. Liu, “Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of radiolabeled bis(zinc(II)-dipicolylamine) coordination complexes as cell death imaging agents,” Bioorg. Med. Chem, 1;19(17):5277, 2011. PMC3102142.
- M. Cai, Z. Liu, H. Qu, H. Fan, Z. Zheng, and V. J. Hruby, “Utilize conjugated melanotropins for the earlier diagnosis and treatment of Melanoma,” Euro. J. Pharmac, 660(1):188-93, 2011. PMC3095766.
- R. M. Dwyer, J. Ryan, R. Havelin, J. C. Morris, B. Miller, Z. Liu, M. Foley, H. H. Barrett, M. Murphy, F. P. Barry, T. O’Brien, and M. J. Kerin, “Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) mediated delivery of the Sodium Iodide Symporter (NIS) supports radionuclide imaging and treatment of breast cancer,” Stem Cells, 29(11):1149-1157, 2011. PMC3998644.
- T. E. Peterson and L. R. Furenlid, “SPECT detectors: the Anger Camera and beyond,” Phys. Med. Biol, 56(17):R145-82, 2011. PMC3178269.
- R. M. Dwyer, J. Ryan, R. Havelin, J. C. Morris, B. Miller, Z. Liu, M. Foley, H. H. Barrett, M. Murphy, F. P. Barry, T. O’Brien, and M. J. Kerin,“Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) mediated delivery of the Sodium Iodide Symporter (NIS) supports radionuclide imaging and treatment of breast cancer,” Stem Cells, 29(7):1149-1157, 2011. PMC3998644.
- Z. Liu, L. Wyffels, C. Barber, M. M. Hui, and J. M. Woolfenden, “A 99mTc-labeled dual-domain cytokine ligand for imaging of inflammation,” Nucl. Med. Biol, 38(6):795-805, 2011. PMC3156989.
- E. Clarkson and F. Shen, “Fisher information and surrogate figures of merit for task-based assessment of image quality,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 27(10):2313-2316, 2010. PMC2963440.
- Z. Liu, L. Chen, S. Liu, C. Barber, G. D. Stevenson, L. R. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Kinetic characterization of a novel cationic 99mTc(I)-tricarbonyl complex, 99mTc-15C5-PNP, for myocardial perfusion imaging,” J. Nucl. Cardio, 17(5):858-867, 2010. PMC2940957.
- J. Y. Hesterman, L. Caucci, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, and L. R. Furenlid, “Maximum-likelihood estimation with a contracting-grid search algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 57(3):1077-1084 2010. PMC2932457.
- A. Bousselham, H. H. Barrett, V. Bora, and K. Shah, “Photoelectron anticorrelations and sub-Poisson statistics in scintillation detectors,” Nucl. Instrum. Metrics Phys. Res. Med. Chem. A., 620:359-362, 2010. PMC2923410.
- A. Burvall, H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, and C. Dainty, “Singular-value decomposition of a tomosynthesis system,” Opt. Express 18(20):20699-20711, 2010. PMC2958053.
- E. Clarkson, R. Palit, and M. A, Kupinski, “SVD for imaging systems with discrete rotational symmetry,” Opt. Express 18(24):25306-25320, 2010. PMC3027225.
- D. R. Okada, Z. Liu, G. Johnson III, D. Beju, B. A. Khaw, and R. D. Okada, “99mTc-Glucarate Kinetics Differentiate Normal, Stunned, Hibernating and Non-Viable Myocardium in a Perfused Rat Heart Model,” Euro. J. Nucl. Med. Molec. Imaging, 37:1909-1917, 2010. PMID: 20652807.
- D. Kang, E. Clarkson, andT. D. Milster, “Effect of optical aberration on Gaussian laser speckle,” Opt. Express, 17:3084-3100, 2009. PMID: 19259145.
- S. Park and E. Clarkson, “Efficient estimation of ideal-observer performance in classification tasks involving complex backgrounds,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 26:B59-B71, 2009. PMC2909882.
- E. Clarkson and M. A. Kupinski, “Global Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Models for Spatiotemporal SPECT and PET Imaging,” SIAM J. Imaging Sci, 2(1):203-225, 2009. PMC2905890.
- L. Caucci, H. H. Barrett, and J. J. Rodriguez, “Spatio-temporal Hotelling observer for signal detection from image sequences,” Opt. Express, 17:10946-10958, 2009. PMC2859675.
- L. Chen, L. S. Gobar, N. G. Knowles, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “Direct charged-particle imaging system using an ultra-thin phosphor: physical characterization and dynamic applications,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 56:2628-2635, 2009. PMC2828636.
- H. H. Barrett, W. C. J. Hunter, B. W. Miller, S. K. Moore, Y. Chen, and L. R. Furenlid, “Maximum-likelihood methods for processing signals from gamma-ray detectors,” plenary paper, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 56:725-735, 2009. PMC2811692.
- W. C. J. Hunter, H. H. Barrett and L. R. Furenlid, “Calibration method for ML estimation of 3D Interaction Position in a thick gamma-ray detector,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 56:189-196, 2009. PMC2828637.
- E. Clarkson, J. L. Denny, and L. Shepp, “ROC and the bounds on tail probabilities via theorems of Dubins and F. Riesz,” Ann. Appl. Probab., 19:467-476, 2009. PMC2828638.
- S. Shokouhi, B. S. McDonald, H. L. Durko, M. A. Fritz, L. R. Furenlid, and T. E. Peterson, “Thick silicon double-sided strip detectors for low-energy small-animal SPECT,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 56:557-564, 2009. PMC2914306.
- J. A. Sakamoto, H. H. Barrett, and A. V. Goncharov, “Inverse optical design of the human eye using likelihood methods and wavefront sensing,” Opt. Express, 16(1):304-314, 2008. PMC2575408.
- Z. Liu, H. H. Barrett, G. D. Stevenson, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, J. M. Woolfenden, and K. Y. Pak, “Evaluating the protective role of ischemic preconditioning in rat hearts using a stationary small-animal SPECT imager and 99mTc-glucarate,” Nucl. Med. Comm, 29(2):120-128, 2008. PMC2586977.
- B. W. Miller, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, H. B. Barber, and R. J. Hunter, “Recent advances in BazookaSPECT: Real-time data processing and the development of a gamma-ray microscope,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 591(1):272-275, 2008. PMC2597870.
- Z. Liu, D. R. Okada, G. Johnson, S. D. Hocherman, D. Beju, and R. D. Okada, “99mTc-sestamibi kinetics predict myocardial viability in a perfused rat heart model,” Euro. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging, 35:5770-5787, 2008. PMC2575409.
- M. Freed, M. A. Kupinski, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “A prototype instrument for single pinhole small-animal adaptive SPECT imaging,” Med. Phys, 35(5):1912-1925, 2008. PMC2575412.
- H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, M. Freed, J. Y. Hesterman, M. A. Kupinski, S. Clarkson, and M. K. Whitaker, “Adaptive SPECT,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 27(6):775-788, 2008. PMC2575754.
- L. Chen, L. S. Gobar, N. G. Knowles, Z. Liu, A. F. Gmitro, and H. H. Barrett, “Direct imaging of radionuclide-produced electrons and positrons with an ultra-thin phosphor,” J. Nucl. Med, 49(10):1141-1145, 2008. PMC2564991.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “A task-based approach to adaptive and multimodality imaging,” Proc. IEEE Inst. Electr. Electron Eng, 96(3):500-511, 2008. PMC2597814.
- D. Burke, N. Devaney, S. Gladysz, H. H. Barrett, M. K. Whitaker, and L. Caucci, “Optimal linear estimation of binary star parameters,” Proc. SPIE, 7015:70152J, 2008.
- M. K. Whitaker, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Estimating random signal parameters from noisy images with nuisance parameters: linear and scanning-linear methods,” Opt. Express, 16(11):8150-8173, 2008, PMC2577032.
- N. Hagen, M.A. Kupinski, E. L. Dereniak, “Gaussian profile estimation in one dimension,” Appl. Optics. 46:5374-5383, 2007. PMC2464285.
- H. H. Barrett, C. Dainty, and D. Lara, “Maximum-likelihood methods in wavefront sensing: Stochastic models and likelihood functions”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24:391-414, 2007. PMC2581470.
- B. S. McDonald, S. Shokouhi, H. H. Barrett, and T. E. Peterson,“Multi-energy, single-isotope imaging using stacked detectors,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 579:196-199, 2007. PMC2600473.
- J. Y. Hesterman, M. A. Kupinski, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett,“The multi-module, multi-resolution system–A novel small-animal SPECT system,” Med. Phys, 34(3):987-993, 2007. PMC2517228.
- M. A. Kupinski, A. B. Watson, J. H. Siewerdsen, K. J. Myers, and M. Eckstein, “Image Quality,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24(12):IQ1-IQ1, 2007.
- S. Park, H. H. Barrett, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and K. J. Myers, “Channelized-ideal observer using Laguerre-Gauss channels in detection tasks involving non-Gaussian distributed lumpy backgrounds and Gaussian signal,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24(12):B136-B150, 2007. PMC2655462.
- M. B. Abbott, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, G. D. Stevenson, J. M. Woolfenden, and H. H. Barrett, “An implantable synthetic SPECT lesion: a bridge from phantom to reality,” J. Nucl. Med, 48(11):1796-1799, 2007. PMC2576409.
- J. Y. Hesterman, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Hardware assessment using the multi-module, multi-resolution system (M3R)–A signal-detection study,” Med. Phys, 34:3034-3044, 2007. PMC2471875.
- L. Caucci, H. H. Barrett, N. Devaney, and J. L. Rodriguez, “Application of the Hotelling and ideal observers to detection and localization of exoplanets,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24(12):B13-B24, 2007. PMC2596684.
- Z. Liu, M. Zhao, X. Zhu, L. R. Furenlid, Y-C. Chen, and H. H. Barrett, “In vivo dynamic imaging of myocardial cell death using 99mTc-labeled C2A domain of synaptotagmin I in a rat model of ischemia and reperfusion,” Nucl. Med. Biol, 34(8):907-915, 2007. PMC2515710.
- E. Clarkson, “Estimation receiver operating characteristic curve and ideal observers for combined detection/estimation tasks,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24:B91-B98, 2007. PMC2575755.
- P. J. McLaughlin, B. Bakall, J. Choi, Z. Liu, T. Sasaki, E. C. Davis, A. D. Marmorstein, and L. Y. Marmorstein, “Lack of Fibulin-3 causes early aging and herniation, but not macular degeneration in mice,” Hum. Molec. Genetics, 16:3059-3070, 2007. PMID: 17872905.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “A probabilistic model for the MRMC method, part 1: Theoretical development,” Acad. Radiol, 13:1410-1421, 2006. PMC2844793.
- F. Shen and E. Clarkson,“Using Fisher information to approximate ideal observer performance on detection tasks for lumpy background images,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23:2406-2414, 2006. PMID: 16985526.
- M. A. Kupinski, J. W. Hoppin, J. Krasnow, S. Dahlberg, J. A. Leppo, M. A. King, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Comparing cardiac ejection fraction estimation algorithms without a gold standard,” Acad. Radiol, 31:329-337, 2006. PMC2464280.
- H. Kim, L. R. Furenlid, M. J. Crawford, D. W. Wilson, H. B. Barber, T. E. Peterson, W. C. J. Hunter, Z. Liu, J. M. Woolfenden, and H. H. Barrett, “SemiSPECT: A small-animal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imager based on eight cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) detector arrays,” Med. Phys, 33(2):465-474, 2006, PMC2655644.
- V. V. Nagarkar, I. Shestakova, V. Gaysinskiy, B. Singh, B. W. Miller, and H. B. Barber, “Fast X-ray/gamma-ray imaging using electron multiplying CCD based detector”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 563:45-48, 2006.
- A. Burvall, H. H. Barrett, J. C. Dainty, and K. J. Myers, “Singular-value decomposition for through-focus imaging systems,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23:2440-2448, 2006. PMID: 16985529.
- H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, N. Devaney, and C. Dainty,“Objective assessment of image quality: IV. Application to adaptive optics,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23:3080-3105, 2006, PMC2596685.
- A. R. Pineda, M. Schweiger, S. R. Arridge and H. H. Barrett, “Information content of data types in time-domain optical tomography,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23:2989-2996, 2006, PMC2585371.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “A probabilistic model for the MRMC method. Part 1: Theoretical development,” Acad. Radiol, 13:1410-1421, 2006. PMC2844793.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “A probabilistic model for the MRMC method. Part 2: Validation and applications,” Acad. Radiol, 13:1422-1430, 2006. PMC2077079.
- G. Johnson III, C. C. Okada, S. D. Hocherman, Z. Liu, C. Hart, B. A. Khaw, and R. D. Okada, “99mTc-glucarate imaging for the early detection of infarct in partially reperfused canine myocardium,” Euro. J. Nucl. Med. Molec. Imaging, 33:319-328, 2006. PMID: 16237571.
- A. K. Sahu, A. Joshi, M. A. Kupinski, and E. M. Sevick-Muraca, “Assessment of a fluorescence-enhanced optical imaging system using the Hotelling observer,” Opt. Express, 14, 7642-7660, 2006. PMC2832206.
- B. W. Miller, H. B. Barber, H. H. Barrett, I. Shestakova, B. Singh, and V. V. Nagarkar, “Single-photon spatial and energy resolution enhancement of a columnar CsI(Tl)/EMCCD gamma camera using maximum-likelihood estimation,” Proc. SPIE, 6142:61421T:1-10, 2006.
- T. E. Peterson, S. Shokouhi, L. R. Furenlid, and D. W. Wilson,“Multi-pinhole SPECT imaging with silicon strip detectors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 5: 2752-2756, 2006.
- S. Park, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “Efficiency of the human observer detecting random signals in random backgrounds,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 22:3-16, 2005. PMC2464287.
- L. Chen and H. H. Barrett, “Task-based lens design with application to digital mammography,” J. Opt.Soc. Am. A, 1:148-167, 2005. PMC1785332.
- M. I. Altbach, A. Bilgin, Z. Li, E. Clarkson, and A. F. Gmitro, “Processing of radial fast-spin echo data for obtaining T2 estimates from a single K-space data set,” Magn. Reson. Med, 54:549-559, 2005. PMID: 16086321.
- K-S. Lee, A. C. Akcay, T. De Lemos, E. Clarkson and J. P. Rolland, “Dispersion control with a Fourier domain optical delay line in a fiber optic imaging interferometer,” Appl. Optics, 44:4009-4022, 2005. PMID: 16004048.
- Z. Liu, G. D. Stevenson, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, G. A. Kastis, M. Bettan, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Imaging recognition of inhibition of multidrug resistance in human breast cancer xenografts using 99mTc-labeled sestamibi and tetrofosmin,” Nucl. Med. Biol,32(6):573-583, 2005, PMC1402231.
- G. A. Carini, G. S. Camarda, Z. Zhong, D. P. Siddons, A. E. Bolotnikov, G. W. Wright, B. Barber, C. Arnone, and R. B. James, “High energy X-ray diffraction and topography investigation of CdZnTe,” J. Electr. Materials, 34(6), 804-810, 2005.
- J. Rolland, J. O’Daniel, C. Akcay, T. DeLemos, K. S. Lee, K-L. Cheong, E. Clarkson, R. Chakrabarti, and R. Ferris, “Task-based optimization and performance assessment in optical coherence imaging,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 22:1132-1142, 2005. PMID: 15984486.
- C. Akcay, E. Clarkson, and J. P. Rolland, “Effect of source spectral shape on task-based assessment of detection and resolution in OCT,” Appl. Opt, 44(35):7573-7580, 2005. PMID: 16366006.
- L. R. Furenlid, J. Y. Hesterman, Y-C. Chen, and H. H. Barrett, “Real-time data acquisition and maximum-likelihood estimation for gamma cameras,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 14th IEEE-NPSS, 498-501, 2005.
- D. C. Edwards, C. E. Metz, and M. A. Kupinski, “Ideal observers and optimal ROC hypersurfaces in N-class classification,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 23:891-895, 2004. PMC2464283.
- Z. Liu, G. D. Stevenson, H. H. Barrett, G. A. Kastis, M. Bettan, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Imaging recognition of multi-drug resistance in human breast tumors using 99mTc-labeled monocationic agents and a high-resolution stationary SPECT system,” Nucl. Med. Biol, 31:53-65, 2004. PMC3062994.
- Z. Liu, G. A. Kastis, G. D. Stevenson, H. H. Barrett, M. Bettan, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, J. M. Woolfenden, and K. Y. Pak. “High-resolution imaging with 99mTc-glucarate for assessing myocardial injury in rat heart models exposed to different durations of ischemia followed by reperfusion,” J. Nucl. Med, 45:1251-1259, PMC2586845.
- G. A. Kastis, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, T. E. Peterson, H. B. Barber, and H. H. Barrett, “Compact CT/SPECT small-animal imaging system,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 51(1):63-67, 2004.
- V. Shaoulov, R. V. Satya, G. Schiavone, E. Clarkson, and J. P. Rolland, “Model of wide-angle optical field propagations using scatter diffraction theory,” Opt. Eng, 43:1561-1567, 2004.
- L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, Y. Chen, H. Kim, P. J. Pietraski, H. H. Barrett, and M. J.Crawford , “FastSPECT II: A second-generation high-resolution dynamic SPECT imager,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 51(3):631-635, 2004. PMC2945369.
- Z. Liu, G. D. Stevenson, G. A. Kastis, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, and J. M. Woolfenden, “99mTc-glucarate high-resolution imaging of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant human breast cancer xenografts in SCID mice,” Nucl. Med. Comm, 25:711-720. PMC2946081.
- A. R. Pineda and H. H. Barrett, “Figures of merit for digital radiography. I. Flat background and deterministic blurring,” Med. Phys, 31(2):348-358, 2004. PMID: 15000621.
- A. R. Pineda and H. H. Barrett, “Figures of merit for digital radiography. II. .Finite number of secondaries, structured and random backgrounds,” Med. Phys, 31(2):359-367, 2004. PMID: 15000622.
- S. Park, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett “Ideal-observer performance under signal and background uncertainty,” Inf. Process Med. Imaging, 18:342-353, 2003. PMID: 15344470.
- J. D. Sain and H. H. Barrett, “Performance evaluation of a modular gamma camera using a detectability index,” J. Nucl. Med, 44:58-66, 2003. PMID: 12515877.
- M. A. Kupinski, J. W. Hoppin, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Ideal-observer computation in medical imaging with use of Markov-chain Monte Carlo,” J. Opt.Soc. Am. A, 20:430-438, 2003. PMC2464282.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, J. W. Hoppin, L. Chen, and H. H. Barrett, “Experimental determination of object statistics from noisy images,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 20(3):421-429, 2003. PMC1785324.
- T. E. Peterson, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “Application of silicon strip detectors to small-animal imaging,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 505(1-2):608-611, 2003.
- L. Chen and H. H. Barrett, “Optimizing lens-coupled digital radiographic imaging systems based on model observers’ performance,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:63-70, 2003.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, J. W. Hoppin, and H. H. Barrett, “Assessing the accuracy of estimates of the likelihood ratio,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:135-143, 2003.
- J. W. Hoppin, D. W. Wilson, T. E. Peterson, M. A. Kupinski, G. A. Kastis, E. Clarkson, L R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Evaluating estimation techniques in medical imaging without a gold standard: experimental validation,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:230-237, 2003.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, K. Gross, J. W. Hoppin, and H. H. Barrett, “Optimizing imaging hardware for estimation tasks,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:309-313, 2003.
- B. D. Gallas and H. H. Barrett, “Validating the use of channels to estimate the ideal linear observer,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 20(9):1725-1738, 2003. PMID: 12968645.
- D. C. Edwards, M. A. Kupinski, R. M. Nishikawa, and C. E. Metz, “Maximum Likelihood Fitting of FROC Curves Under an Initial Detection and Candidate Analysis Model,” Med.Phys, 29(12):2861-2870, 2002. PMID: 12512721.
- J. W. Hoppin, M. A. Kupinski, G. A. Kastis, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Objective comparison of quantitative imaging modalities without the use of a gold standard,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 21(5):441-449, 2002. PMC3150581.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Matching statistical object models to real images,” Proc. SPIE, 4686:37-42, 2002.
- M. A. Kupinski, J. W. Hoppin, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Estimation in medical imaging without a gold standard,” Acad. Radiol., 9(3):290-297, 2002. PMC3143018.
- G. A. Kastis, M. C. Wu, S. J. Balzer, D. W. Wilson, L. R. Furenlid, G. Stevenson, H. B. Barber, H. H. Barrett, J. M. Woolfenden, P. Kelly, and M. Appleby, “Tomographic small-animal imaging using a high-resolution semiconductor camera,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 49(1):172-175, 2002.
- D. W. Wilson and H. H. Barrett, “The effects of incorrect modeling on noise and resolution properties of ML-EM images,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 49(3):768-773, 2002. PMC3140698.
- Z. Liu, G. A. Kastis, G. Stevenson, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, M. A. Kupinski, D. D. Patton, and D. W. Wilson, “Quantitative analysis of acute myocardial infarction in rat hearts with ischemia-reperfusion using a high-resolution stationary SPECT system,” J. Nucl. Med,43:933-939, 2002, Second-place award for basic science investigations. PMC3062997.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “Transformation of characteristic functionals through imaging systems,” Opt. Express,10(13):536-539, 2002. PMC3143023.
- E. Clarkson, “Bounds on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for the ideal observer,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 19:1963-1968, 2002. PMID: 12365616.
- M. A. Anastasio, X. Pan, and E. Clarkson, “Comments on the filtered backprojection algorithm, range conditions, and the pseudoinverse solution,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 20(6):539-542, 2001. PMID: 11437114.
- M. A. Kupinski, D. C. Edwards, M. L. Giger, C. E. Metz, “Ideal Observer Approximation Using Bayesian Classification Neural Networks,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 20:886-899, 2001. PMID: 11585206.
- H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, B. Gallas, E. Clarkson, and H. Zhang, “Megalopinakophobia: its symptoms and cures,” Proc. SPIE, 4320:299-307, 2001.
- A. R. Pineda and H. H. Barrett, “What does DQE say about lesion detectability in digital radiography?” Proc. SPIE, 4320:561-569, 2001.
- E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and A. R. Pineda, “Analytical approximations to the Hotelling trace for digital X-ray detectors,” Proc. SPIE,4320:339-349, 2001.
- J. Lee, D. W. Wilson, H. H. Barrett, and A. F. Gmitro, “Image reconstruction of optical tomographic data from a highly scattering medium,” Proc. SPIE, 4320:792-799, 2001.
- H. Zhang, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Feature-extraction method based on the ideal observer,” Proc. SPIE, 4322:440-447, 2001.
- H. Zhang, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Nonlinear discriminant analysis,” Proc. SPIE, 4322:448-455, 2001.
- M. I. Altbach, T. P. Trouard, R. Van de Walle, R. J. Theilmann, E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and A. F. Gmitro, “Chemical-shift imaging utilizing the positional shifts along the readout gradient direction,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 20(11):1156-1166, 2001. PMID: 11700741.
- C. K. Abbey and H. H. Barrett, “Human and model-observer performance in ramp-spectrum noise: Effects of regularization and object variability,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 18(3):473-488, 2001. PMC2943344.
- E. Clarkson and H. H. Barrett, “High pass filters give histograms with positive kurtosis,” Opt. Letters, 26(16):1253-1255, 2001. PMID: 18049577.
- E. Clarkson, “Angular channels in a multidimensional wavelet transform,” SIAM J. Math. Analytics, 32(11):80-102, 2000.
- E. Clarkson and H. H. Barrett, “Approximations to ideal-observer performance on signal-detection tasks,” Appl. Optics, 39(11):1783-1793, 2000. PMID: 18345075.
- D. W. Wilson, H. H. Barrett, and E. W. Clarkson, “Reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional images from synthetic-collimator data,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 19(5):412-422, 2000. PMID: 11021685.
- G. A. Kastis, H. B. Barber, H. H. Barrett, S. J. Balzer, D. Lu, D. G. Marks, G. Stevenson, J. M. Woolfenden, M. Appleby, and J. Tueller, “Gamma-ray imaging using a CdZnTe pixel array and a high-resolution, parallel-hole collimator,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 47(6):1923-1927, 2000.
- R. Van de Walle, H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, M. I. Altbach, B. Desplanques, A. F. Gmitro, J. Cornelis, and I. Lemahieu, “Reconstruction of MR images from data acquired on a general non-regular grid by pseudoinverse calculation,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 19(12): 1160-1167, 2000. PMID: 11212364
- E. Clarkson, “Projections onto the range of the exponential Radon transform and reconstruction algorithms,” Inverse Problems,15(2):563-571, 1999.
- M. A. Kupinski and M. L. Giger, “Feature Selection with Limited Datasets,” Med. Phys, 26(10):2176-2182, 1999. PMID: 10535635.
- M. A. Kupinski and M. A. Anastasio, “Multiobjective Genetic Optimization of Diagnostic Classifiers with Implications for Generating Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 18:675-685, 1999. PMID: 10534050.
- J. D. Eskin, H. H. Barrett, and H. B. Barber, “Signals induced in semiconductor gamma-ray imaging detectors,” J. Appl. Phys, 85(2):647-659, 1999.
- S. Faris, D. Wilson, H. H. Barrett, D. Dougherty, G. Gindi, and I-T. Hsiao, “Using a digital anatomical phantom to optimize an imaging system,” Proc. SPIE, 3659:98-106, 1999.
- B. Gallas and H. H. Barrett, “Signal detection in a lumpy background: effects of providing more information to the human than just the raw data,” Proc. SPIE, 3663:264-272, 1999.
- E. Clarkson, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “The synthetic collimator for 2D and 3D imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 3659:107-117, 1999.
- D. G. Marks, H. B. Barber, H. H. Barrett, J. Tueller, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Improving performance of a CdZnTe imaging array by mapping the detector with gamma rays,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 428:102-112, 1999.
- L. R. Furenlid, E. Clarkson, D. G. Marks, and H. H. Barrett, “Spatial pileup considerations for pixellated gamma-ray detectors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci, 47:1399-1402, 1999.
- H. H. Barrett, C. K. Abbey, and E. Clarkson, “Objective assessment of image quality III: ROC metrics, ideal observers and liklihood-generating functions,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 15(6):1520-1535, 1998. PMID: 9612940.
- E. Clarkson and H. H. Barrett, “Symmetry properties of an imaging system and consistency conditions in image space,” Phys. Med. Bio,43(4):1039-1048, 1998. PMID: 9572526.