Invited Presentations
H.H. Barrett, “New roles for imaging in precision medicine,” Gordon Research Conference on Image Science, Easton, MA, 2016.
H. H. Barrett, “Quantifying and reducing uncertainties in cancer therapy,” Workshop on Uncertainties in the Medical Imaging Chain, SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, FL, 2015
H. Barrett, L. Caucci and K.J. Myers, “Phase-space optics: one photon at a time,” The Optical Society (OSA) Frontiers in Optics, Symposium in honor of Adolf Lohmann, San Jose CA, 2015
L.R. Furenlid, H.H. Barrett, H.B. Barber, E.W. Clarkson, M.A. Kupinski, Z. Liu, G.D. Stevenson, and J.M. Woolfenden, “Molecular Imaging in the College of Optical Sciences – An Overview of Two Decades of Instrumentation Development,” presented at SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, 2014.
H. H. Barrett, “Relating task-based image quality to dose and risk,” Workshop on Dose, Risk and Image Quality, SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, 2014.
H.H. Barrett, “New approaches to objective assessment of image quality,” Keynote talk, First Gordon Research Conference on Image Science, Easton, MA, 2014.
H.H. Barrett, “Information content of a photon: Relating task-based image quality to dose and risk,” Keynote talk, International Minisymposiuradiance anm on Information Contained in a Photon, Ghent, Belgium, 2014.
H. H. Barrett and K. J. Myers, “Image Science and Image-Quality Research in the Optical Sciences Center,” invited talk, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego 2014.
H. H. Barrett and K. J. Myers, “Radiance and photon noise: Imaging in geometrical optics, physical optics, quantum optics and radiology,” plenary talk, Optical Engineering Track, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego 2014.
H. H. Barrett, “Image Science at OSC,” invited talk, The Optical Society (OSA) Frontiers in Optics, Tucson, 2014.
H. H. Barrett, “New approaches to cancer diagnoses and treatment,” Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, 2013.
H. H. Barrett, “Recent research at the Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging,” Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 2013.
H. H. Barrett, “Approaches of adaptiSPECT in personalized cancer treatment,” H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Tampa, FL, 2013.
H. H. Barrett, “Information content of a photon, in optics and nuclear imaging,” Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Annual Meeting, Vancouver BC, 2013.
H. H. Barrett, “Adaptive imaging and adaptive chemotherapy,” First Charles E. Metz, Ph.D. Special Topics Course, Chicago, IL, 2013.
H. H. Barrett, “Perspectives on radiation dose, image quality and patient risk for imaging with ionizing radiation,” First Charles E. Metz, Ph.D. Special Topics Course, Chicago, IL, 2013.
H. H. Barrett, “Statistical methods for the detection and characterization of tumors and exoplanets: The Hotelling observer and beyond,” First Charles E. Metz, Ph.D. Special Topics Course, Chicago, IL, 2013.
H. H. Barrett and L. Caucci, “Information Content of a Photon in Quantum Imaging and Radiology,” 43rd Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird Utah, 2013.
L. Caucci and H.H.Barrett, “Efficient Utilization of the Information in a Photon in Radiological Imaging,” 43rd Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird Utah, 2013.
M. A. Kupinski, “ROC Analysis,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2012.
L. R Furenlid, “Small-Animal Imaging at CGRI,” invited talk at National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2, 2012.
L. R. Furenlid, “Advances in Resolution in Gamma-ray Imaging,” invited talk at National Central University, Jongli City, Taiwan, January 3, 2012.
H. H. Barrett, “Perspectives on radiation dose and image quality,” plenary talk, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2011.
C. R. De Silva, J. Vagner, Z. Liu, R. J. Gillies, V. J. Hruby, “111In-labeled deltorphin-II targeting the d-opioid receptor for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) Imaging,” 239th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA, March, 2010, Scientific Abstracts for the 239th National Meeting and Exposition, MEDI 489, 2011.
A. K. Jha, “Applications of image science in medical imaging,” invited talk at Department de Fisica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
B. W. Miller, S. Moore, V. Nagarkar, H. B. Barber, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “High-Resolution gamma-ray and SPECT imaging with columnar scintillators and CCD/CMOS sensors,” Nuclear Medicine, Physics, Engineering and Practice Workshop, Kharkov, Ukraine, 2011.
L. R. Furenlid et al., “ASICS for challenging SPECT experiments: Application-specific imaging configurations,” Presented at Bridging Scales in Neuroimaging, A Symposium at University College London, London, UK, September 13, 2010.
L. R. Furenlid, et al., “Advances in spatial resolution in gamma-ray imaging,” Presented at 57th Annual Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, June 4-9, 2010.
H. H. Barrett, “Stochastic models of objects, images and imaging systems,” Webcast tutorial for the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) on Imaging Science, Irvine, CA, November 17-19, 2010.
M. A. Kupinski, “Task-based assessment of image quality,” Webcast tutorial for The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) on Imaging Science, Irvine, CA, November 17-19, 2010.
E. Clarkson, “Imaging metrics for objective comparison,” International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, AZ, 2009.
M. A. Kupinski, “Image Quality Assessment,” Frontiers of Biomedical Imaging Science, Nashville, TN, June 2009.
H. H. Barrett, “NEQ: Its Progenitors and Progeny,” Keynote talk at SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, FL, 2009.
B. W. Miller, H. B. Barber, L. R. Furenlid and H. H. Barrett, “Progress in BazookaSPECT,” invited paper at SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2009. Proc. SPIE Vol. 7450, 74500C, 2009.
L. R. Furenlid, “Advances in Spatial Resolution in Gamma-Ray Imaging,” invited paper to be presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, in Salt Lake City, June 5-9, 2010.
Z. Liu, “Small-animal SPECT and molecular imaging,” Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China, 2008.
H. H. Barrett, “Task-based adaptive imaging,” 2008 Chicago Nuclear Medicine Forum, Chicago, Illinois, September 25-26, 2008.
H. H. Barrett, “Recent research at the Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging,” Keynote talk at the International Workshop on Nuclear Medicine Imaging, National Yang Min University, Taiwan, July 25-26, 2008.
H. H. Barrett, W. C. J. Hunter, B. W. Miller, S. K. Moore, Y. Chen, and L. R. Furenlid, “Maximum-likelihood methods for processing signals from gamma-ray detectors,” Plenary talk, SORMA West 2008, Berkeley, Califonia, June 2-5, 2008.
L. R. Furenlid, J. W. Moore, M. Freed, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, Z. Liu, D. W. Wilson, J. M. Woolfenden, and H. H. Barrett, “Adaptive small-animal SPECT/CT,” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Paris, France, May 14-17, 2008.
E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “A task-based approach to adaptive and multimodality imaging,” Proceedings of IEEE, 96, 500-511, March 2008.
H. H. Barrett, “Progress in speckle statistics,” Presented at the SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 29, 2007.
L. R. Furenlid, “Fast maximum-likelihood estimation methods for scintillation cameras and other optical sensors,” SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 29, 2007.
H. H. Barrett, “Progress in speckle statistics,” Invited speaker for the 2007 SPIE Gold Medal Ceremony, San Diego, California, August 29, 2007.
Z. Liu, “Small-animal SPECT imaging,” Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Beijing, China, August 2007.
H. H. Barrett, “Topical Meeting on Signal Recovery and Synthesis,” Plenary speaker, OSA, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 18-20, 2007.
H. H. Barrett and K. J. Myers, “Signal recovery as estimation: A discourse on null functions and nuisance parameters,” Plenary talk, Optical Society of America Topical Meeting on Signal Recovery and Synthesis, Vancouver, Canada, June 18-20, 2007.
K. J. Myers, H. H. Barrett, B. D. Gallas, R. M. Gagne, N. Petrick, and R. F. Wagner, “Unique issues in the assessment of biomarkers from imaging,” RSNA Imaging as a Biomarker for Planning and Monitoring Therapy Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland, May 3-4, 2007.
H. H. Barrett, Keynote Speaker, “Statistical characterization of radiological images: Basic principles and recent progress,” SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, February 17, 2007.
L. R. Furenlid, “Recent developments in laboratory SPECT and their potential impact in the clinic,” Presented at the Pacific Southwest Technologist Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Regional Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, 2007.
M. A. Kupinski, “Image Quality Assessment,” Radiology Research Seminar Series, Tucson, AZ, 2006.
M. A. Kupinski, “Image Quality Assessment in Medical Imaging,” Baylor College of Medicine, Molecular Imaging Group, Houston, TX, January 2006.
M. A. Kupinski, “Task-Based Assessment of Image Quality,” Rochester Institute of Technology Image Science Group, Rochester, NY, December 2006.
H. H. Barrett, “Image science: Windows on nature, vistas on the future,” Faculty Science Forum, University of Arizona College of Medicine Founders Day, Tucson, Arizona, November 17, 2006.
H. H. Barrett, “Stochastic models of objects and images,” Presented in Short Course on Image Quality, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, October 29-November 5, 2006.
H. H. Barrett, “Detector requirements and fundamental physics” and “Detector statistics and estimation methods,” Presented in Short Course on Gamma-Ray Detectors, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, October 29-November 5, 2006.
L. R. Furenlid, “Opportunities and challenges in instrumentation development for biomedical X-ray gamma-ray imaging,” Plenary lecture, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, California, August 13, 2006.
H. H. Barrett, “The Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging,” Arizona Biosciences Leadership Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, June 13-14, 2006.
L. R. Furenlid, “SPECT imager design and data-acquisition techniques,” 2nd Biennial Small-Animal SPECT Workshop, Tucson, Arizona, March 8-10, 2006.
H. H. Barrett, “Imaging random, dynamic objects through random, dynamic imaging systems,” Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Banff, Canada, March 2006.
J. M. Woolfenden, “Invited perspective: thyroid stunning revisited,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 47:1403-1405, 2006.
M. A. Kupinski, “Image Quality in Optical Tomography,” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington DC, 2005.
M. A. Kupinski, “Task-Based Assessment of Image Quality,” Illionois Institute of Technology, Bioengineering Department, Chicago, IL, March 2005.
H. H. Barrett, E. Clarkson, L. Furenlid, and M. A. Kupinski, “Task-based assessment and optimization of gamma-ray imaging systems,” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, October 16-20, 2005.
J. M. Woolfenden, Board Review Course: “Bone and Gallium Imaging,” Society of Nuclear Medicine 52nd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 18-22, 2005.
H. H. Barrett, “Molecular imaging: visualizing biology with gamma-rays and light,” Public lecture at the National University of Ireland, Galway, May 2005.
Z. Liu, G. D. Stevenson, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Small-animal models and MicroSPECT imaging,” Animal Molecular Image International Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005.
M. A. Kupinski, “Medical Image Quality Assessment,” Photonics and Imaging Workshop, Tucson, AZ, 2004.
H. H. Barrett and L. Furenlid, “State of the art in gamma-ray detectors,” Short course, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Rome, Italy, October 16-22, 2004.
E. Clarkson, “Positivity, entropy, and the moment cone,” SIAM Conference on Image Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 3-5, 2004.
H. H. Barrett and Z. Liu, “Recent advances in small-animal SPECT with application to cardiac imaging,” American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, Symposium on Molecular Cardiology, Bethesda, Maryland, May 3-4, 2004.
L. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, and Z. Liu, “Small-animal imaging with FastSPECT II,” Academy of Molecular Imaging , Orlando, Florida, March 28, 2004.
H. B. Barber, “Semiconductor arrays for small-animal imaging,” Short course at Workshop for Small-Animal SPECT, Tucson, Arizona, January 14-16, 2004.
D. W. Wilson, “Reconstruction and algorithms,” Workshop on Small-Animal SPECT, Tucson, Arizona, January 14-16, 2004.
H. H. Barrett, “State of the art in semiconductor detector arrays,” Plenary talk at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 19-25, 2003.
H. H. Barrett, “Aspects of image reconstruction from noisy, discrete data,” Workshop on New Mathematics and Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Image Analysis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, September 5-7, 2003.
L. Furenlid, “Small animal imaging using SPECT scanners,” Short course, Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Lousiana, June 21-25, 2003.
Z. Liu, “Detection of myocardial viability in ischemic-reperfused rat hearts with 99mTc sestamibi,” Annual International Cardiolite Workshop (a user-meeting) at the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Lousiana, June 23, 2003.
H. H. Barrett, “Task-based optimization of imaging systems,” John R. Cameron Lecture, University of Wisconsin, 2003.
H. H. Barrett, “Gamma-ray imaging: a tool for functional genomics,” Charles C. Jones Lecture, Thayer School, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2003.
E. Clarkson,“Tomographic operators in the complex plane,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Regional Meeting, Binghampton, NewYork, 2003.
E. Clakson, H. H. Barrett, “An approach to the task-based assessment of image quality,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Activity Group on Imaging Science Newsletter, 1, 2002.
M. A. Kupinski, “Hardware optimization and comparison using task-based measures of image quality,” University of Chicago, Program in Medical Physics, Chicago, IL, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, Instructor at Workshop on Task-based Assessment of Image Quality, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, November 10-16, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, “Model observers for assessment of image quality,” Plenary presentation, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, November 10-16, 2002.
H. B. Barber, L. R. Furenlid, W. C. J. Hunter, T. E. Petersen, S. J. Taylor, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Pixel detectors for gamma-ray imaging in biomedicine,” Pixel International Workshop, Carmel, California, September 9-12, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, G. Kastis, Z. Liu, L. Furenlid and D. W. Wilson, “Small-animal SPECT Imaging: recent advances in technology and applications,” Plenary presentation, First Annual Meeting, Society for Molecular Imaging, Boston, Massachusetts., August 24-26, 2002
H. H. Barrett, “Cardiac SPECT: Current limitations and potential ways to overcome them,” American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Sixth Invitational Conference, Lake Tahoe, California, July 21-24, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, L. Furenlid, G. Kastis, Z. Liu, G. Stevenson, and D. W. Wilson, “Multidetector SPECT systems for cardiac imaging in small animals,” American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Workshop, Lake Tahoe, California, July 21-24, 2002.
D. D. Patton, “High-Resolution Imaging in Nuclear Medicine,” First China-Japan-Korea Conference on Nuclear Medicine, Dalian, China, June 1-4, 2002.
C. K. Abbey, H. H. Barrett, and E. Clarkson, “Adjoint iterative algorithms for assessing the quality of reconstructed images,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Imaging Science, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-6, 2002.
C. K. Abbey, H. H. Barrett, and E. Clarkson, “Adjoint iterative algorithms for assessing the quality of reconstructed images,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Imaging Science, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-6, 2002.
E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and D. W. Wilson, “SPECT imaging with multiple-pinhole apertures,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Imaging Science, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-6, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, “Introduction to objective assessment of image quality,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Imaging Science, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-6, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, “What can we learn about continuous functions from discrete data sets?” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Imaging Science, Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-6, 2002.
H. H. Barrett, L. Furenlid, and J. Sain, “Theory and practice of modular scintillation cameras,” Short course, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, California, November 4-10, 2001.
H. H. Barrett, “Objective assessment of image quality and its implications for system design,” Optical Society of America Topical Meeting, Integrated Computational Imaging Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 4-8, 2001.
H. H. Barrett, “Experimental nuclear cardiology–small-animal SPECT,” American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, Boston, Massachusetts, September 2001 (cancelled after Sept. 11, 2001).
H. H. Barrett, “Overview of current research in image quality,” Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Davis, California, June 2001.
E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, H. Zhang, B. Gallas, and A. Lehovich, “Evaluating the effectiveness of parameterizations for signals and backgrounds,” Instititute for Pure and Applied Mathematics Symposium on Medical Imaging and Geometric Motions, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, May 2001.
E. Clarkson,“Positivity, the moment cone, and digital image reconstruction,” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, October 22-26, 2000.
J. D. Sain, and H. H. Barrett, “Tumor detection performance of a modular gamma camera,” Invited talk, Society of Nuclear Medicine 47thAnnual Meeting, St. Louis, Missori, June 4-7, 2000.
H. B. Barber, and J. Tueller, “A CdZnTe sensor for high-resolution medical imaging on space missions,” Invited talk, NASA Conference NanoSpace 2000: Advancing the Human Frontier, Houston, Texas, January 23-28, 2000.
H. H. Barrett, “Issues in tomographic imaging,” Symposium on Digital Imaging Across Interdisciplinary Boundaries, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, November 1999.
H. H. Barrett, “Topics in the mathematics of computed tomography,” Short course, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Seattle, Washington, October 24-30, 1999.
H. H. Barrett, “Bayesian approaches to pattern recognition and signal detection,” Tutorial, Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, California, September 26 – October 1, 1999.
H. H. Barrett and A. Pineda, “Information content of tomographic data sets,” ICO Meeting, Light for Life, Cancun, Mexico, July 28-30, 1999.
H. H. Barrett, “Research on image quality in nuclear medicine: a brief history and a status report,” Future Directions in Nuclear Medicine, Physics and Engineering conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 19-21, 1999.
H. B. Barber, “Semiconductor detectors,” Future Directions in Nuclear Medicine Physics and Engineering Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 19-21, 1999.
E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and J. L. Denny, “The positive and negative effects of positivity in digital imaging,” Workshop on Fundamental Issues in Image Formation, Detection and Processing, Center for Advanced Studies, Albuquerque, NM, February 6-7, 1999.
E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and J. L. Denny, “The role of positivity in image reconstruction,” Sparse Aperture Workshop, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, January 14, 1999.
H. H. Barrett, “Task-based assessment of image quality: tools from medical imaging, applications to sparse-aperture imaging?” Sparse Aperture Workshop, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, January 14, 1999.
E. Clarkson, “The effects of positivity on regularized and unregularized tomographic reconstruction methods,” Mathematical Methods in Tomography, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitute Oberwolfach, Germany, 1998.
C. K. Abbey, E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, S. P. Muller, F. J. Rybicki, “A method for approximating the denstiiy of maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori estimates under a Gaussian noise model,” Medical Image Analysis, 2, 1-9, 1998.