Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging – Department of Medical Imaging – Professors Harrison H. Barrett & Lars Furenlid
Conference Proceedings
- M.Ruiz-Gonzalez, V. Bora and L. Furenlid, “Maximum-likelihood estimation of scintillation pulse time,” IEEE Trans.on Radiation and Plasma Medical Science 2:1-6, 2018.
- Z.Liu, C. Barber, L. Wan, L. R. Furenlid, E. C. Unger, J. M. Woolfenden and D.R. Martin, “SPECT assessment of left ventricular remodeling and angiogenesis in ischemic-reperfused rat hearts protected by dodecafluoropentane oxygen-carrier,” World Federation of Nuclear Medicine & Biology, Melbourne, Australia, April 20-24, 2018. Accepted
- Z.Liu and C. Barber, “Radiolabeling of extracellular vesicles by targeting externalized phosphatidyl-ethanolamine,” World Federation of Nuclear Medicine & Biology, Melbourne, Australia, April 20-24, 2018. Accepted
- H. Barrett, Y. Ding, L. Caucci and N. Henscheid, “OpET and CPET: new emission computed tomographies for precision cancer therapy,” Presented at Workshop on Non-Conventional Emission Tomography Techniques and Their Applications in Image-Guided Therapeutics, 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Atlanta GA 2017
- H. Barrett, Y. Ding, L. Caucci and N. Henscheid, “Particle-processing detectors for charged-particle emission tomography,” 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC).
- Ding, L. Caucci, and H. H. Barrett, “Null functions in 3D imaging of alpha and beta particles,” SNMMI 2017 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2017.
- Henscheid, A. K. Jha and H. H. Barrett, “Evaluation of photon-processing detectors using the Fourier crosstalk matrix,” 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC).
- H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, E. Clarkson and N. Henscheid, “Use of characteristic functionals to analyze molecular images in targeted cancer therapy,” 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC).
- N.C. Momsen, G. Richards, M. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, “Maximum-Likelihood Event Parameter Estimation from Digital Waveform Capture”, 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC)
- C.Barber, L. Wan, B. D. Gray, K. Y. Pak and Z. Liu, “Assessment of solar ultraviolet radiation and topical rapamycin effects in mouse skin with 99mTc-duramycin imaging,” World Molec. Imag. Congress, 2017.
- Z.Liu, C. Barber, L. Wan, B. Gray, L. Furenlid, K. Pak and D. R. Martin, “99mTc-duramycin imaging for non-invasive assessment of myocardial infarction and cardioprotection in a dodecafluoropentane oxygen-carrier animal model”, 22nd International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Dresden, Germany. 2017.
- C.Barber, B. Gray, L. R. Furenlid, L. Wan, K. Y. Pak and Z. Liu, “Characterization of 99mTc-labeled TCP-1 peptide as a molecular imaging probe in mouse orthotopic colorectal cancer model,” 22nd International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, 2017
- N.Ghanbari, E. Clarkson, M. Kupinski and X. Li, “Optimization of an Adaptive SPECT System with the Scanning Linear Estimator,” IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci., 1(5):435-443, 2017. PMC5739332.
- L.Han, L. Caucci, B. W. Miller, H. H. Barrett, J. M. Woolfenden and L. R. Furenlid, “System calibration for FASTSPECT III: an ultra-high resolution CCD-based pinhole SPECT system,” 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC).
- S.Banerjee, A. Könik, J. M. Mukherjee, K. S. Kalluri, J. C. Goding, L. Caucci, G. Zubal, L. R. Furenlid and M. A. King, “Improved point spread function modeling for a multi-pinhole SPECT camera using higher order polynomial terms,” 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC).
- H-W. Tseng, J. Fan, M. A. Kupinski, W. H. Balhorn, and D. Okerlund, “Quantitative image quality evaluation for cardiac CT reconstructions,” Proc. SPIE, 9787-41, 2016.
- M.K. Kupinski, E. W. Clarkson, M. Ghaly, and E. C. Frey, “Applying the J-optimal channelized quadratic observer to a SPECT phantom for myocardial perfusion defect detection,” Proc. SPIE, 9787-5, 2016.
- X. Li, B. Barber, and L. Furenlid, “An analysis of side readouts of monolithie scintillation crystals,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, 2016.
- Ruiz-Gonzalez and L. R. Furenlid, “Fisher information analysis of digital plus timing”, Proc. SPIE, 9594:95940B, 2016.
- H-W. Tseng, J. Fan, M. A. Kupinski, W. H. Balhorn and D. Okerlund, “Quantitative image quality evaluation for cardiac CT reconstructions,” Proc. SPIE, 9787-41, 2016
- L. Caucci, H. H. Barrett, Z. Liu, H. Han, and L. R. Furenlid, “Towards Continuous-To-Continuous 3D Data Reconstruction,” 13th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Newport, RI, 2015.
- H. H. Barrett, D. S. Alberts, J. M. Woolfenden, Z. Liu, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, L. R. Furenlid, and J. W. Hoppin, “Quantifying and Reducing Uncertainties in Cancer Therapy,” Proc. SPIE, 9412 94120N-4, 2015. PMC4497821
- N. Ghanbari, M. A. Kupinski, and L. R. Furenlid, “Optimization of an adaptive SPECT system with the scanning linear estimate,” Proc. SPIE, 9594 95940A, 2015.
- M. Ruiz-Gonzalez and L. R. Furenlid, “Fisher information analysis of digital plus timing,” Proc. SPIE, 9594, 2015.
- L. Caucci and L. R. Furenlid, “Graphics Processing units for biomedical imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 9594, 95940G, 2015.
- L. Caucci, H. H. Barrett, Z. Liu, H. Han, and L. R. Furenlid, “Towards Continuous-To-Continuous 3D Data Reconstruction,” accepted for presentation at 13th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Newport, RI, 2015.
- H. H. Barrett, “New approaches to objective assessment of image quality,” Keynote talk, Gordon Research Conference on Image Science, Easton, MA, 2014.
- M. K. Kupinski, “Optimal Channelized Quadratic Observers for Detection and Estimation Tasks,” Gordon Research Conference on Image Science, Easton, MA, 2014.
- E. Clarkson, “Adaptive Imaging in Medicine and Homeland Security,” Gordon Research Conference on Image Science, Easton, MA, 2014.
- H. H. Barrett and K. J. Myers, “Image Science and Image-Quality Research in the Optical Sciences Center,” Invited talk, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA, 2014.
- H. H. Barrett and K. J. Myers, “Infromation content of a photon in optical imaging, quantum imaging and radiology,” Plenary talk, Optical Engineering Track, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA, 2014.
- L. R. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, H. B. Barber, E. W. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, Z. Liu, G. D. Stevenson, and J. M. Woolfenden, “Molecular imaging in the College of Optical Sciences: an overview of two decades of instrumentation development,” Proc. SPIE, 9186: 91860J, 2014.
- E. Salcin, H. H. Barrett, H. B. Barber, S. Takeda, S. Watanabe, T. Takahashi, and L. R. Furenlid, “Fisher Information Analysis of Depth-of-Interaction Estimation in Double-Sided Strip Detectors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 61(3), 1243-51, 2014..
- Y. Ding, L. Caucci, and Harrison H. Barrett, “Directional charged-particle detector with a two-layer ultrathin phosphor foil,” IEEE NSS-MIC Conference Record, 2014.
- Y. Ding, L. Caucci, and Harrison H. Barrett, “αET: Alpha Emission Tomography,” IEEE NSS-MIC Conference Record, 2014.
- X. Li and L. Furenlid, “A SPECT system simulator built on the SolidWorks TM 3D design package,” Proc. SPIE, 9214: 92140, 2014.
- L. Han, B.W. Miller, H.B. Barber, V.V. Nagarkar, and L.R. Furenlid, “A New Columnar CsI (Tl) Scintillator for iQID detectors,” Proc. SPIE,9214: 92140D, 2014.
- C. Chaix, M. Kupinski, H.H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “Fabrication of the AdaptiSPECT Aperture,” Proc. SPIE, 9214: 921408, 2014.
- E. Salcin and L.R. Furenlid, “Fisher information as a Gamma-Ray Detector Design Tool,” Proc. SPIE, 9215: 92150B, 2014.
- H. B. Barber, D. Fastje, D. Lemieux, G. P. Grim, L. R. Furenlid, B. W. Miller, P. Parkhurst, and V. V. Nagarkar, “Imaging properties of pixelated scintillators with deep pixels,” Proc. SPIE, 9215-14, p. 1-14, 2014. D.S. Fastje, H.B. Barber, B.W. Miller, L.R. Furenlid, L.Han, and Z. Liu, “Preclinical planar imager using a fine-pitch multi-bore collimator and an IQID detector,” Proc. SPIE 2014.
- E. Salcin, H.H. Barrett, H.B. Barber, S. Takeda, S. Watanabe, T. Takahashi, and L. Furenlid, “3D Position Estimation in a Crossed Strip CdTe Detector,” IEEE NSS-MIC Conference Record, 2014.
- C. Chaix, M. Kupinski, H.H. Barrett, and L. Furenlid, “System Calibration for Adaptive SPECT,” IEEE NSS-MIC Conference Record, 2014.
- X.Li and L.R. Furenlid, “A SPECT Aperture Simulation Method Built on the SolidWorksTM 3D-Design Package and GPU Programming That Includes Penetration, Scatter, and Fluorescence,” IEEE NSS-MIC Conference Record, 2014.
- M. Peterson, J. Ahlstedt, M. Lempart, L. Andersson-Lju, B. Blad, B. Miller, L. Furenlid, and S-E Strand, “Progress Report: InSPECT small animal imaging system,” IWORID International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, PO-1-04, 2013.
- B. W. Miller, H. B. Barber, H. H. Barrett, and L. R. Furenlid, “The iQID Camera: An Ionizing-Radiation Quantum Imaging Detector,” IWORID International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, PO-104, 2013.
- B. W. Miller, D. R. Fisher, L. R. Furenlid, J. M. Pagel, A. Kenoyer, S. Frost, D. S. Wilbur, D. K. Hamlin, E. Santos, O. Press, and B. M. Sandmaier, “Digital Autoradiography with the iQID Alpha Camera,” Targeted Alpha Therapies Conference, 2013.
- A. K. Jha, H. H. Barrett, E. Clarkson, L. Caucci, and M. A. Kupinski, “Analytic methods for list-mode reconstruction,” 12th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 94-97, Lake Tahoe, CA, 2013.
- A. K. Jha, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “Joint reconstruction of activity and attenuation map using LM SPECT emission data,” Proc. SPIE, 8668:86681W, 2013.
- A.K. Jha, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “A maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization approach to simultaneously reconstruct the activity and attenuation map in SPECT imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 8668:86681W, 2013.
- J.Fan, H-W.Tseng, G.Cao, P. Sainath, and M. A. Kupinski, “Study of CT systems low contrast detectability performance using mathematical model observers,” Proc. SPIE, 8673:86731Q, 2013.
- A. Könik, M. Kupinski, M. A. King, and H. H. Barrett, “Comparison of the Scanning Linear Estimator and 3D ROI Operator for Quantitative111In-Octreotide SPECT Imaging,” Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Lake Tahoe, CA, 469-472, 2013.
- E. Salcin, H. H. Barrett, H. B. Barber, S. Takeda, S. Watanabe, T. Takahashi, and L. R. Furenlid, “Fisher Information Analysis of Depth-of-Interaction Estimation in Double-sided Strip Detectors,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2013.
- H. Barrett, “Statistical methods for the detection and characterization of tumors and exoplanets: The Hotelling observer and beyond,” First Charles E. Metz, Ph.D. Special Topics Course, Chicago, IL, 2013.
- H. H. Barrett, “Perspectives on radiation dose, image quality and patient risk for imaging with ionizing radiation,” Charles E. Metz, Ph.D. Speicial Topics Course, Chicago, IL, 2013.
- H. H. Barrett, “Adaptive imaging and adaptive chemotherapy,” Charles E. Metz, Ph.D. Special Topics Course, Chicago, IL, 2013.
- H. H. Barrett, “Information content of a photon, in optics and nuclear imaging,” Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, Vancouver BC, 2013.
- H. H. Barrett, “Applications of adaptive SPECT in personalized cancer treatment,” Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, 2013.
- H. H. Barrett, “Recent research at the Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging,” Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 2013.
- H. H. Barrett, “New approaches to cancer diagnosis and treatment,” Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, 2013.
- J. Huang, K. Lee, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and J. Rolland, “Task-based assessment and optimization of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography for tear film imaging,” Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, NY, 2012.
- H. Fan and H. H. Barrett, “CT detector evaluation with complex random backgrounds,” Proc. SPIE, 8318:831802, 2012.
- S. Park, A. Badal, S. Young, and K. J. Myers, “A mathematical framework for including various sources of variability in a task-based assessment of digital breast tomosynthesis,” Proc. SPIE, 8313:83134S, 2012.
- A. K. Jha and J. J. Rodriguez, “A maximum-likelihood approach for ADC estimation of lesions in visceral organs,” IEEE Southwest Symp. on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Santa Fe, NM, 21-24, 2012.
- P. R. Lawson, R. Frazin, H. H. Barrett, L. Caucci, N. Devaney, S. Gladysz, O. Guyon, L. R. Furenlid, J. E. Kist, C. Marois, D. P. Mawet, D. Mouillet, L. Mugnier, L. A. Poyneer, L. A. Pueyo, and R. Soummer, “On advanced estimation techniques for exoplanet detection and characterization using ground-based coronagraphs,” Proc. SPIE, 8447, 2012.
- E. Salcin and L. R. Furenlid, “Event Processing for Modular Gamma Cameras with Tiled Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tubes,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2012.
- H. B. Bhandari, V. Gelfandbein , S. R. Miller, A. Agarwal, B. W. Miller, H. B. Barber, and V. V. Nagarkar, “Large-area crystalline microcolumnar LaBr3:Ce for high-resolution gamma-ray imaging,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Valencia, Spain, 2011.
- H. H. Barrett and R. Van Holen, “Analytical singular-value decomposition of three-dimensional, proximity-based SPECT systems,” International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Imaging and Image Reconstruction, Potsdam, Germany, 2011.
- V. Bora, H. H. Barrett, K. S. Shah, and J. Glodo, “Estimation of Fano factors in inorganic scintillators,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Valencia, Spain, 2011.
- H. L. Durko, T. E. Peterson, H. H. Barrett, and L. R. Furenlid, “High-resolution, anamorphic, adaptive small-animal SPECT imaging with silicon double-sided strip detectors,” Proc. SPIE, 8143, 81430G, 2011.
- J. D. Gordon, S. Young, B. Dukes, and R. J. Hamilton, “Feasibility of IMRT system evaluations using pre-made IMRT leaf patterns,” Proceedings of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2011.
- W. C. J. Hunter, H. H. Barrett, R. S. Miyaoka, and T. K. Lewellen “Multiple-hit parameter estimation in monolithic detectors,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Valencia, Spain, 2011.
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, and H. T. van Dam, “Monte Carlo simulation of silicon photomultiplier output in response to scintillation induced light,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Valencia, Spain, 2011.
- D. A. Lemieux, C. Baudet, G. P. Grim, H. B. Barber, B. W. Miller, D. Fastje, and L. R. Furenlid, “Investigation of the possibility of gamma-ray diagnostic imaging of target compression at NIF,” Proc. SPIE, 8144, 814407, 2011.
- J. Sakamoto, “Inverse optical design and its applications”, Topical Meeting on Signal Recovery & Synthesis Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Toronto, Canada, July 10-14, 2011.
- L. wyffels, J. M. Woolfenden, L. Furenlid and Z. Liu, “Characterization of three 99mTc-labeled cytokine ligands in mouse inflammatory ear model,” Society of Nuclear Medicine, San Antonio, TX, 2011.
- R. Van Holen, B. W. Miller, J. W. Moore, S. Vandenberghe and H. H. Barrett, “Object space interpolation of SPECT system matrices from point source measurements,” International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Imaging and Image Reconstruction, Potsdam, Germany, 2011.
- Z. Liu, C. Barber, L. Furenlid, Y.S. Kim, S. Liu, J. M. Woolfenden, “99mTc-N-MPO, new perfusion agent exhibiting high myocardial uptake and rapid liver clearance: comparison with 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-15C5-PNP in rats,” AHA Scientific Sessions, 2011.
- Z. Liu, L. wyffels, S. Liu, C. Barber, L. Furenlid and J. M. Woolfenden, “Tumor targeting properties of a novel 99mTc-labeled cyclic RGD peptide dimer in xenografted human breast and colon cancer,” Society of Nuclear Medicine, San Antonio, TX, 2011.
- K. Haston, H. B. Barber, L. R. Furenlid, E. Salcin, and V. Bora, “Test apparatus to monitor time-domain signals from semconductor-detector pixel arrays,” Medical applications of Radiation Detectors, Proc. SPIE, 8143:81430P, San Diego, CA, 2011.
- E. Salcin, H. B. Barber, and L. R. Furenlid, “Design Considerations for the Next-Generation MAPMT-Based Monolithic Scintillation Camera,” Medical Applicaitons of Radiation Detectors, Proc. SPIE, 8143:81430Q, San Diego, CA, 2011.
- A. K. Jha and M. A. Kupinski, “Solutions to the radiative transport equation for non-uniform media,” Proc. Topical Mtg. Biomed. Optics, Opt. Soc. America, 2010.
- S. Young and M. A. Kupinski, “Estimating signal detectability in a model diffuse optical imaging system,” Proc. Topical Mtg. Biomed. Optics, Opt. Soc. America, BSuD 26, 2010.
- A. K. Jha and M. A. Kupinski, “ADC Estimation in Multi-scan DWMRI,” Proc. Topical Mtg. Biomed. Optics, Opt. Soc. America, 2010.
- A. K. Jha and M. A. Kupinski, “ADC estimation of lesions in diffusion-weighted MR images: A maximum-liklihood approach,” IEEE Southwest Symp. on Image Analysis and Interpretation, 2010.
- H. Fan, H. L. Durko, S. K. Moore, J. Moore, B. W. Miller, L. R. Furenlid, S. Pradhan, and H. H. Barrett, “DR with a DSLR: Digital Radiography with a Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera,” Proc. SPIE, 7622, 76225E, 2010.
- H. H. Barrett, D. W. Wilson, M. A. Kupinski, K. Aguwa, L. Ewell, R. Hunter, and S. Mueller, “Therapy Operating Characteristic (TOC) Curves and their Application to the Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms,” Proc. SPIE, 7627, 76270Z, 2010. PMC2952955
- A. K. Jha, M. A. Kupinski, J. J. Rodriguez, R. M. Stephen, and A. T. Stopeck, “Evaluating segmentation algorithms for diffusion-weighted MR images: a task-based approach,” Proc. SPIE, 7627, 76270L-1, 2010.
- R. Van Holen, J. W. Moore, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Design and Validation of an Adaptive SPECT System: AdaptiSPECT,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Knoxville, TN, October 28-November 7, 2010.
- J. W. Moore, R. Van Holen, H. H. Barrett, and L. R. Furenlid, “Maximum-Likelihood Calibration of an X-Ray Computed Tomography System,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Knoxville, TN, October 28-November 7, 2010.
- L. Caucci, W. C. J. Hunter, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “List-Mode MLEM Image Reconstruction from 3D ML Position Estimates,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Knoxville, TN, October 28-November 7, 2010.
- M. I. Peterson, K. Ljunggren, L. Andersson-Ljus, B. Miller, and S.-E. Strand, “InSPECT a Multi-Modular Micro-SPECT System Based on the BazookaSPECT Technology,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, October 28-November 7, 2010.
- V. V. Nagarkar, V. Gaysinskiy, V. Gelfandbein, S. Miller, S. Cool, H. Kudrolli, and H. B. Barber, “Continuous Phoswich Detector for Molecular Imaging,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Knoxville, TN, October 28-November 7, 2010.
- B. W. Miller, H. B Barber, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Progress in BazookaSPECT,” invited paper at SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2009. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7450, 74500C (2009). PMC3033223
- H. H. Barrett, “NEQ: Its Progenitors and Progeny,” Keynote talk at SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, FL February 2009. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7263, 72630F (2009).
- R. Palit, M. A. Kupinski, H. H. Barrett, E. W. Clarkson, J. A. Aarsvold, L. Volokh, and Y. Grobshtein, “Singular value decomposition of pinhole SPECT systems,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7263, 72631U (2009). PMC3027005
- A. Bousselham, H. H. Barrett, and K. Shah, “Photoelectron Anticorrelations and Sub-Poisson Statistics in Scintillation Detectors,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009. PMC2923410
- S. Shokouhi, D. W. Wilson, S. D. Metzler, B. S. McDonald, and T. E. Peterson, “System Modeling and Image Reconstruction for SiliSPECT Using Synthetic Collimation with a Large Number of Focusing Apertures,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009.
- L. Volokh, Y. Grobshtein, H. H. Barrett, and M. A. Kupinski, “Singular Value Decomposition Analysis of a Novel Clinical Ultra-Fast Cardiac SPECT Camera,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009.
- M. I. Peterson, B. W. Miller, K. Ljunggren, and S.-E. Strand, “Construction of a Pre-Clinical High Resolution Tomographic Scintillation Camera System,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009.
- B. W. Miller, J. W. Moore, L. R. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, and M. E. Gehm, “Novel applications of rapid prototyping in SPECT, PET, CT, X-ray, and gamma-ray imaging,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 6515, 2009. NIHMS ID 241209
- B. W. Miller, L. R. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, S. K. Moore, H. B. Barber and V. V. Nagarkar, “System integration of FastSPECT III, a dedicated SPECT rodent-brain imager based on BazookaSPECT Detector Technology”, IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009. PMC3017366
- L. Caucci, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “List-mode maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization image reconstruction on GPU hardware,” Workshop on High-performance Medical Imaging, IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009.
- J. W. Moore, H. H. Barrett, and L. R. Furenlid, “Adaptive CT for high-resolution, controlled-dose, region-of-interest imaging,” Workshop on High-performance Medical Imaging, IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Orlando, FL, 2009. PMC2952940
- H. L. Durko, B. S. McDonald, S. Shokouhi, L. R. Furenlid, H. H. Barrett, and T. E. Peterson, “Data-Processing Strategies for Crossed-Strip Gamma-Ray Detectors,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Dresden, Germany, 2008.
- L. Caucci, M. A. Kupinski, M. Freed, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “Adaptive SPECT for Tumor Necrosis Detection,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Dresden, Germany, 2008.
- D. Burke, N. Devaney, S. Gladysz, H. H. Barrett, M. K. Whitaker, and L. Caucci, “Optimal linear estimation of binary star parameters,” Proc. SPIE, 7015, 70152J:90, Marseille, France, June 23-28, 2008.
- K. Cheong, E. Clarkson, and J. P. Rolland, “Detection of abnormalities in biological tissue using optical coherence tomography,” Proc. SPIE, 6849:68490L, 2008.
- S. Park and E. Clarkson, “Markov chain Monte Carlo for the performance of channelized-ideal observer in detection tasks with non-Gaussian lumpy backgrounds,” Proc. SPIE, 6917:69170T, 2008.
- B. W. Miller, H. B. Barber, H. H. Barrett L. Chen, and S. J. Taylor, “Photon-counting gamma camera based on columnar CsI(Tl) optically coupled to a back-illuminated CCD,” Proc. SPIE, 6510:22, 2007.
- H. H. Barrett and K. J. Myers, “Statistical properties of radiological images: basic principles and recent progress,” Proc. SPIE, 6510:651002, 2007.
- A. Breme, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Adaptive Hotelling discriminant functions,” Proc. SPIE, 6515:65150T, 2007.
- M. Freed, M. A. Kupinski, L. R. Furenlid, M. K. Whitaker, and H. H. Barrett, “A prototype instrument for adaptive SPECT imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 6510:65100U, 2007.
- L. Chen, L. D. Foo, H. H. Barrett, K. P. Thompson, and R. L. Cortesi, “Task-based evaluation of practical lens designs for lens-coupled digital mammography systems,” Proc. SPIE, 6515:30, 2007.
- J. Y. Hesterman, M. A. Kupinski, E. W. Clarkson, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “Evaluation of hardware in a small-animal SPECT system using reconstructed images,” Proc. SPIE, 6515:36, 2007.
- E. Clarkson, “Estimation ROC curves and their corresponding ideal observers,” Proc. SPIE, 6515:04, 2007.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and J. Y. Hesterman, “Bias in Hotelling observer performance computed from finite data,” Proc. SPIE, 6515:15, 2007.
- F. Shen and E. Clarkson, “Approximating the test statistic distribution and ALROC in signal-detection tasks with signal location uncertainty,” Proc. SPIE, 6515:23, 2007.
- L. R. Furenlid, J. Y. Hesterman, and H. H. Barrett, “Fast maximum-likelihood estimation methods for scintillation cameras and other optical sensors,” Proc. SPIE, 6707, 67070N:1-6, 2007.
- S. Shokouhi, B. S. McDonald, H. L. Durko, M. A. Fritz, L. R. Furenlid, and T. E. Peterson, “Performance characteristics of thick silicon double-sided strip detectors,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, 2:1656-1660, 2007.
- S. Shokouhi, M. A. Fritz, B. S. McDonald, H. L. Durko, L. R. Furenlid, D. W. Wilson, and T. E. Peterson, “A silicon SPECT system for molecular imaging of the mouse brain,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, 4:2782-2784, 2007.
- S. K. Moore, W. C. J. Hunter, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Maximum-likelihood estimation of 3D event position in monolithic scintillation crystals: II. Experimental results,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, 5:3691-3694, 2007.
- W. C. J. Hunter, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, and S. K. Moore, “Method of calibrating response statistics for ML estimation of 3D interaction position in a thick-detector gamma camera,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, 6:4359-4363, 2007.
- S. Shokouhi, W. Pham, D. W. Wilson, and T. E. Peterson, “System evaluation for in-vivo imaging of amyloid beta plaques in a mouse brain using statistical decision theory,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, 6:4528-4530, 2007.
- B. W. Miller, H. Barber, H. Barrett, I. Shestakova, B. Singh, and V. Nagarkar, “Single-photon spatial and energy resolution enhancement of a columnar CsI (Tl)/EMCCD gamma camera using maximum-likelihood estimation,” Proc. SPIE, 6142:61421T, 2006.
- S. Park, E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, M. A. Kupinski, and K. Myers, “Performance of a channelized-ideal observer using Laguerre-Gauss channels for detecting a Gaussian signal at a known location in different lumpy backgrounds,” Proc. SPIE, 61460P:1-9, 2006.
- V. V. Nagarkar, I. Shestakova, V. Gaysinskiy, B. Singh, B. W. Miller, and H. B. Barber,“Fast X-ray/X-ray imaging using electron multiplying CCD-based detector,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 563:45-48, 2006.
- I. Shestakova, V. V. Nagarkar, V. Gaysinskiy, G. Entine, B. C. Stack, and B. Miller, “Feasibility studies of an EMCCD-based beta imaging probe for radioguided thyroid surgery,” Proc. SPIE, 6319:63191E, 2006.
- S. Shokouhi, H. L. Durko, M. A. Fritz, L. R. Furenlid, and T. E. Peterson, “Thick silicon-strip detectors for small-animal SPECT imaging,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, San Diego, California, October 29-November 4, 2006.
- L. A. Franks, A. Burger, R. B. James, H. Bradford Barber, F. Patrick Doty, and H. Roehrig (Editors), “Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics and penetrating radiation systems VIII,” Proc. SPIE, 6319, Bellingham, Washington, 2006.
- M. A. Kupinski, G. D. Stevenson, H. H. Barrett, N. E. Preble and C. A. Thies, (Conference Organizers), “The 2nd Biennial Workshop on Small-Animal SPECT”, Tucson, Arizona, March 8-10, 2006.
- M. A. Kupinski and E. Clarkson, “Extending the channelized Hotelling observer to account for signal uncertainty and estimation tasks,” Proc. SPIE, 5749:183-190, 2005.
- L. Chen and H. H. Barrett, “Non-Gaussian noise in X-ray and gamma-ray detectors,” Proc. SPIE, 5745:366-376, 2005.
- H. H. Barrett, M. A. Kupinski, and E. Clarkson, “Probabilistic foundations of the MRMC method,” Proc. SPIE, 5749:21-31, 2005.
- H. B. Barber, F. L. Augustine, L. Furenlid, C. M. Ingram, and G. P. Grim, “Prototype AEGIS: a pixel-array readout circuit for gamma-ray imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 5923:H1-H10, 2005.
- K. Gross, M. Kupinski, and J. Y. Hesterman, “A fast model of a multiple-pinhole SPECT imaging system,” Proc. SPIE, 5749:118-127, 2005.
- S. Park, E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, and H. H. Barrett, “Efficiency of human and model observers for signal-detection tasks in non-Gaussian distributed lumpy backgrounds,” Proc. SPIE, 5749:138-149, 2005.
- J. Y. Hesterman, M. A. Kupinski, D. W. Wilson., and L.R. Furenlid, “Experimental task-based optimization of a four-camera variable-pinhole imaging system,” Proc. SPIE, 5749:300-309, 2005.
- L. R. Furenlid, J. Y. Hesterman, and H. H. Barrett, “Real-time data acquisition and maximum-likelihood estimation for gamma cameras,” 14th IEEE NPSS Real-Time Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
- S. Park, M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Efficient channels for the ideal observer,” Proc. SPIE, 5372:12-21, 2004.
- F. Shen and E. Clarkson, “Using Fisher information to compute ideal-observer performance on detection tasks,” Proc. SPIE, 5372:22-30, 2004.
- J. P. Rolland, J. K. O’Daniel, T. De Lemos, M. Chopra, A. C. Akcay, and E. Clarkson, “AUC-based resolution quantification in optical coherence imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 5372:334-343, 2004.
- M. A. Kupinski and E. Clarkson, “Image-quality assessment in optical tomography”, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 1471-1474, 2004.
- D. W. Wilson, L. R. Furenlid, Y-C. Chen, and H. H. Barrett, “A new PET system for small-animal imaging,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Rome Italy, 6:3389-3392, 2004.
- J. W. Hoppin, M. A. Kupinski, D. W. Wilson, T. Peterson, B. Gershman, G. Kastis, E. Clarkson, L. R. Furenlid, and H. H. Barrett, “Evaluating estimation techniques in medical imaging without a gold standard: experimental validation,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:230-237, 2003.
- E. Clarkson, M. A. Kupinski, “Assessing the accuracy of estimates of the likelihood ratio,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:135-143, 2003.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, K. Gross, and J. W. Hoppin, “Optimizing imaging hardware for estimation tasks,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:309-313, 2003.
- K. Gross, M. A. Kupinski, T. Peterson, and E. Clarkson “Optimizing a multiple-pinhole SPECT system using the ideal observer,” Proc. SPIE, 5034:314-322, 2003.
- L. Davis, J. P. Rolland, R. Parsons,and E. Clarkson, “Methods for designing head tracking probes,” Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 498-502, 2002.
- M. A. Kupinski, E. Clarkson, and H H. Barrett, “Matching statistical objects models to real images,” Proc. SPIE, 4686:37-42, 2002.
- H. Zhang, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Nonlinear discriminant analysis,” Proc. SPIE, 4322:448-455, 2001.
- H. Zhang, E. Clarkson, and H. H. Barrett, “Feature-extraction method based on the ideal observer,” Proc. SPIE, 4322:440-447, 2001.
- D. Edwards, J. Papaioannou, Y. Jiang, M. A. Kupinski, and R. Nishikawa, “Eliminating false-positive microcalcification clusters in a mammography CAD scheme using a Bayesian neural network,” Proc. SPIE, 4322:1954-1960, 2001.
- E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and A. R. Pineda, “Analytical approximations to the Hotelling trace for digital X-ray detectors,” Proc. SPIE, 4320:339-349, 2001.
- H. H. Barrett, K. J. Myers, B. D. Gallas, E. Clarkson, and H. Zhang, “Megalopinakophobia: its symptoms and cures,” Proc. SPIE, 4320:299-307, 2001.
- M. A. Kupinski and M. L. Giger, “Multiobjective Genetic Optimization of Diagnostic Classifiers Used in the Computerized Detection of Mass Lesions in Mammography,” Proc. SPIE, San Diego, CA, 3979:40-45, 2000.
- D. C. Edwards, M. A. Kupinski, R. M. Nishikawa, and C. E. Metz, “Estimation of Linear Observer Templates in the Presence of Multi-Peaked Gaussian Noise Through 2 AFC Experiments,” Proc. SPIE, San Diego, CA, 3981:86-96, 2000.
- M. A. Kupinski and M. L. Giger, “A Comparison of Bayesian ANN and Multiobjective Classifier Training Using Limited Datasets,” Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2000.
- Y. Shao, H. B. Barber, S. Balzer, and S. Cherry, “Measurement of coincidence timing resolution with CdTe detectors,” Proc. SPIE, 4142:254-264, 2000.
- L. R. Furenlid, E. Clarkson, D. G. Marks, and H. H. Barrett, “Spatial pileup considerations for pixellated gamma-ray detectors,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, 2:713-717, 1999.
- J. Denny and E. Clarkson, “Imaging methods that ensure positive images,” Proc. SPIE, 3749:166-167, 1999
- S. L. Faris, D. W. Wilson, H. H. Barrett, D. Dougherty, G. R. Gindi, and I-T. Hsiao, “Using a digital anatomical phantom to optimize an imaging system,” Proc. SPIE, 3659:98-106, 1999.
- E. Clarkson, D. W. Wilson, and H. H. Barrett, “The synthetic collimator for 2D and 3D imaging,” Proc. SPIE, 3659:107-117, 1999.
- H. H. Barrett, C. K. Abbey, and E. Clarkson, “Some unlikely properties of the likelihood ratio and its logarithm,” Proc. SPIE, 3340:65-77, 1998.
- J. P. Rolland, A. Goon, E. Clarkson, and L. Yu, “Synthesis of biomedical tissue,” Proc. SPIE, 3340:85-91, 1998.
- E. Clarkson, H. H. Barrett, and D. W. Wilson, “Synthesizing a parallel-projection image from pinhole data,” Proc. SPIE, 3336:251-259, 1998.
- M. A. Anastasio, M. A. Kupinski, and X. Pan, “New Classes of Reconstruction Methods in Reflection Mode Diffraction Tomography,” Proceedings of the Ultrasonics Symposium, 1998.
- M. A. Anastasio, M. A. Kupinski, R. M. Nishikawa, and M. L. Giger, “A Multiobjective Approach to Optimizing Computer-Aided Diagnosis Schemes,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Toronto, Canada, 1998.
- M. A. Anastasio, M. A. Kupinski, and X. Pan, “Noise Properties of Reconstructed Images in Ultrasound Diffraction Tomography,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Record, Albuquerque, NM. 1997.
- M. A. Kupinski and M. L. Giger, “Investigation of Regularized Neural Networks for the Computerized Detection of Mass Lesions in Digital Mammograms,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, Chicago, IL, 1997.
- M. A. Kupinski and M. L. Giger, “Feature Selection and Classifiers for the Computerized Detection of Mass Lesions in Digital Mammography,” IEEE International Congress on Neural Networks, Houston, TX, 1997.
- M. A. Kupinski, M. L. Giger, K. Doi, “Optimization of Neural Network Inputs with Genetic Algorithms,” Digital Mammography, 96: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Digital Mammography, Chicago, IL, 1997.