Thin Film Calculator
Allows user to make Fabry-Perot reflection and transmission of thin film stacks. Plots both the s and p polarization curves and the phases. It can also plot either the amplitude or the intensity. It can take a very large stack of different layers with no limit.
Getting Started:
The Thin Film Calculator is accessed through the Accessories menu under the name ‘TFT Calculator” or from the Custom Pattern Panel.
- the opening screen is always set to the commonly used values
- on the layer manager screen, click OK to save the layers used
- an error message appears if there are no layers in the manager
- the layer manager in this calculator works the same way as the thin film target layer manager
- Index of Incident Medium: this is the index of the starting location
- Index of Substrate: this is the last index in the stack
- Wavelength: wavelength of the light in meters
- From angle ___ to ___ : the chosen range of angles to make the plots, in degrees
- Plot the amplitude: press this button to just graph the amplitude of reflection or transmission
- Plot the intensity: press this to plot the intensity instead, (amplitude squared)
- Save Plot Values: check this box to save the actual numbers used to make the plot. They are saved as a .mat file that can be opened in the Matlab workspace window
- Reflection Plot: Chooses to plot the reflection curves
- Transmission Plot: Chooses to plot the transmission curves
- Change Layers: Opens the layer manager window