Scalar Delta Variables
The scalar description describes what the variable is used for:
Scalar Value:
A Scalar Value starts at “Initial Value” for the first calculation and it is incremented by “Step Value” in each subsequent calculation.
For example, if the Initial Value is 1 and the Step Value is 1, then the series “1,2,3,4,5,6…” would be generated.
The Modulo Count is used to determine when the series should be reset. For example, if the Modulo Count is set to two, the series: 1,2,1,2,1,2 would be generated.
Value Vector:
A Value Vector is a vector of values which specifies the exact values for the Delta Parameter:
In this illustration, the Value Vector contains two values: 2.5e-7 and 5.0e-7.
Because Modulo Count is set to two, the values of the series would be:
- 1st Value = 2.5e-7
- 2nd Value = 5.0e-7
- 3rd Value = 2.5e-7
- 4th Value = 5.0e-7
Hence, if the scalar was associated with the value of LAMBDA for a source, then the values for LAMBDA would be:
- 1st LAMBDA Value = 2.5e-7
- 2nd LAMBDA Value = 5.0e-7
- 3rd LAMBDA Value = 2.5e-7
- 4th LAMBDA Value = 5.0e-7
Monte Carlo – Uniform
Uniformly distributed random values within the specified range.
Using Objects Initial Value:
In this illustration the +/- value is set to 1e-7 so if the object’s initial value is 5e-7, then during the simulation the variable would have uniformly distributed random values between 4e-7 and 6e-7
Using a Minimum and Maximum:
In this illustration the Minimum is set to 3e-7 and the Maximum is set to 5e-7 so during the simulation the variable will have uniformly distributed random values between 3e-7 and 5e-7
Monte Carlo – Gaussian
Random values with a gaussian curve for a histogram
Using the Object’s Initial Value for the Mean
In this illustration sigma is set to 1e-7 so if the object’s initial value is 5e-7, then during the simulation the variable will have Gaussian curve distributed random values with a mean of 5e-7 and a standard deviation of 1e-7
Specifying a Mean
In this illustration sigma is set to 1e-7 and the mean is set to 6e-7 so during the simulation the variable will have Gaussian curve distributed random values with a mean of 6e-7 and a standard deviation of 1e-7