Multilayer File Format

This document describes the file format used for the multilayer style objects. These include such objects as the multilayer target and multilayer vector target.

Layer List File Format:

The Layer List Format is as follows:

layer_list = struct( ‘class’              , ‘target_list:1’,…
‘layer_fnames’ , cell array of filenames,…
‘layer_parms’  ,  array of Layer List Parameters);

Each of the specified layers must contain a data matrix called Nmat.

The layer list should be stored in a MATLAB 5.0 (or compatible) .MAT file. MATLAB 4.2c is not familiar with the struct data type.

Layer List Parameters Structure :

Each Layer List Parameter Structure uses the following declaration:

.layer_parms(ii) = struct( ‘n_reference’ , double,…
‘zstep’,          , double,…
‘ztotal’,          , double,….
‘growfac’        , double);