Monte Carlo Analysis

Optiscan has the capability to do a Monte Carlo Analysis by using Gooey Delta Variables. You can choose between uniformly distributed random numbers and gaussian curve distributed random numbers.

Getting Started

The first step is to build a Gooey Delta object and link it to all the objects you want to include in the Monte Carlo analysis. See Gooey Delta Panel and Scalar Delta Variables for more information on how to set them up. Make sure you set all the variables to use Monte Carlo in the Scalar options (only scalar variables can be used in the Monte Carlo analysis)


After the simulation is finished, a file will open that contains the values of the variable during the simulation. If you run another simulation that involves the same variable and uses Monte-Carlo analysis then the new values will be written to the same file. The time of the simulation is also written to the file so you can tell which set of values is which. If you want to start over with a clean file, simply delete (or move) the existing file. The file is saved in the current project’s userdata directory with the name of the variable as the filename.

See Also: