Gaussian Beam Width Calculator

Getting Started:

  1. Click right button at source icon, and select Edit.
  2. Select “Replace A Piece” in Menu Items, and click Go.
  3. Choose “Create custom pattern”, and click Next.
  4. Then the following window is shown.


Fig. 1.

How to use the Gaussian Beam Width Calculator

  1. Select SuperGaus, and input 1 in LargeNum X. This means source is Gaussian.
  2. Click Gaussian Beam Width Calculator, then the following is shown.image003
    Fig. 2.
  3. Sigma is value of HW 1/e for Gaussian Amplitude. Input proper value.
  4. Rim Radius is the half of source width. Input proper value.
  5. Click Calc, and repeat above procedure changing sigma until FW 1/e^2 of Amplitude Squared is same as Rim diameter(source width).
    Fig. 3.
  6. Put this FWHM value for Amplitude into FWHM X in Fig. 1.

The Meaning of Each Width:



See Also