Convert XFDTD to Optiscan
Converts XFDTD output into a format that Matlab and Optiscan can understand. This converter must be run before the Generate Field Map of XFDTD Data tool can be used.
Getting Started:
Click on the Accessories menu then the XFDTD Conversion tools menu and finally click on Convert XFDTD data to Optiscan
Input info into panel
- directory label: where the xfdtd simulation data directory is The program assumes that the directory name is the same as simulation name (see example for clarification) (don’t forget the ending slash)
- leader label: name of XFDTD simulation
- section label: observation plane of steady state data
- initial file: beginning time step of steady state data
- last file: end time step of data
- skip: time increment of steps
- number of rows: number of cells in x direction for xy and xz planes
- number of cells in y direction for yz plane
- number of columns: number of cells in y direction for xy plane
- number of cells in z direction for xz and yz
- save directory: directory in which you want the converted data to be saved. Make sure to create this directory before running the conversion program
- Save as Default: Saves the current input values so you don’t have to re-input them the next time you use this panel
- Convert: Runs the conversion program
This is the directory where my XFDTD simulation output is stored:
This is what I input into the panel:
- Directory label is “c:\” (note the ending slash and the fact that I don’t include “symmetric152020”)
- leader label is “symmetric152020” this is the name of the directory and part of the names of the files
- section label: xy plane at z=21
- my first time step is 878 and my ending time step is 1000
- the skip is 2
- I have 41 rows and 41 columns in my simulation
- I want the output saved in “c:\converted_symmetric152020\” (note the ending slash)
See Also: Field Map Generator