Support Us

SOCk is dedicated to promoting the study of optics as well as creating an inclusive, fun, and united community. This goal would not be possible without the help of our generous sponsors who also strive to advance this mission. These sponsors are determined to engage the public in the study of optics, as well as promote innovation, research, and collaboration to further technology. We thank them all for their continued support!

If you or your company are interested in helping SOCk further unite the optics community, consider sponsoring us. The below PDF outlines specific Sponsorship/Partnership Opportunities. 


Sponsorship_Partnership Opportunity Outline


Please reach out to our officers on the About Us page if you are interested. We would love to meet you!


SOCk is a proud chapter of Optica!
SOCk is a proud chapter of SPIE (The International Society of Optics and Photonics)!