Get Involved

Industry Partners

SOCk cannot function without the support of our generous industry sponsors! Your company can aid us in promoting the field of optics at a premier optics institute. We welcome any support and would love to get in contact with your company about how you can grow and connect with our optics community! Just a few of the many ways to get involved might be:

  • Laser Fun Day 
  • Fund a recruiting event
  • Sponsor SOCk/Optics marketing
  • Annual Camping Trip
  • Support SOCk social networking events
  • Professional Development Advice/Training
  • So much more!

Consider getting more involved in the dynamic optics community at the University of Arizona through SOCk. Please contact SOCk at to talk with us further. We would love to hear from you!


SOCk is looking for student volunteers!

Become a volunteer for SOCk! There are so many ways that the OSC can benefit from its members. If you feel that the OSC can benefit from your talents, connections, or research, please reach out! If you’re interested in volunteering, send an email to Hailey at or Sebastian at