Internship Q&A
Students gathered to ask questions to our internship gurus about their strategies and techniques to present themselves to companies. Topics ranged from resumes and interview questions. Thank you to everyone who attended and presented!

SOCK BBQ 2023!
Thank you to all who came out for the annual BBQ! Also, a special thanks to ASML for helping us make this BBQ so remarkable! We can’t wait for the next one!
2023 Mt. Graham Camping Trip & Large Binocular Telescope Tour
Mountain lakes, cliffside sunsets, stargazing, campfires, good food, great music, even better people, and a 2-hour tour of the Large Binocular Telescope (the largest single-mount telescope in the world!!) makes for a pretty epic weekend on one of the most prominent peaks in the United States.
SOCk hosts this amazing trip each year, providing transportation to the mountain, providing dinner, and setting up the telescope tour free of charge, which is something you do not want to miss out on! Make sure to join us next year as we’ll be returning to the same campsite!
A PhD/MD Conversation
Thanks to Colin Potter, a current graduate student here at the Wyant College of Optical Sciences pursuing his PhD/MD. Colin elucidated the different ways PhD/MDs are trying to change the world. In fact, Colin talked about he is creating a quick way to detect the SARs-COV-19 virus using a novel diffractive optical system faster than current standard testing. Thanks so much Colin!

Dr. Kester ’07, Rebellion Photonics co-Founder, Speaks!!
Dr. Robert Kester (MS ’07), co-founder of Rebellion Photonics, returned to the Wyant College to host a conversation about his experience establishing, running, and scaling a startup. Students asked pressing questions about how they can be successful in their own entrepreneurial enterprises. Everyone gained insight into some of the challenges he faced during his time building Rebellion. Thank you Dr. Kester for your time!

Internship Q&A Panel
Thanks to our panelists Greg Nero, Logan Pawlowski, and Trenton Brendel for your insightful advice and answers to our students’ most pressing questions about gaining and choosing internships. We are sure that your recommendations will help our students in the future. It goes a long way!

Jilian Nguyen ’20, Apple, Speaks
Jilian Nguyen, UA OpSci alumnus and a current camera hardware engineer at Apple, gave a virtual talk about her experience searching for, interviewing, and landing internships at a variety of tech companies. Topics ranged from what companies in optics want out of employees to how to maximize one’s experience at Wyant College of Optical Sciences.

SOCk Hike!
We started the year off right with a hike in the beautiful winter weather and desert scenery. Thank you to everyone who made it to Blackett’s Ridge Trail as well as those who trekked a variety of others on their own. Let’s have a wonderful semester!

Student Leadership takes on Rochester!
Last week, three of our current officers, and one former officer, were selected out of 100 students around the world to attend Optica’s Student Leadership Experience in Rochester, NY. They connected with chapters in India, Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Florida, New York, and more, and met many motivated, young leaders. From practicing networking skills and learning techniques to leverage the full impact of our Student Optics Chapter, it was a deLIGHTful experience. Thank you, Optica, for the cornhole boards and Optics suitcase, and for empowering student leaders across the globe.