Graduate Programs at Max-Planck Institute of Light in Germany

After obtaining his PhD from Yale in atomic physics, Dr. Vahid Sandoghdar is one of the pioneers of nano-optics, which merges various research methods to investigate the interaction of light and matter at the nanometer scale. He is the founder of the Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin, a joint research center that addresses questions in fundamental medical research with physical and mathematical methods.

Dr. Sandoghdar graciously gave us an informational talk about Graduate Programs at the Max-Plank Institute of Light in Germany, covering a broad spectrum of topics ranging from laser spectroscopy, quantum optics, nano-optics, fiber optics, nonlinear optics, and biophotonics. This was an amazing reminder that optics is being conducted worldwide and we have great opportunities to continue our education and research all over the world!

Optics in Military Aviation

A big thank you to Navy veteran, pilot, and former test and evaluation manager at Northrop Grumman, Bob Rutherford, for enlightening us on the intricate operational mission requirements for modern military combat and for showing us how optics is an integral part of the solutions to these missions and the safety of our military. His background of over 40 years of engineering, business development, and program management in both industry and government led to some great conversations!


Just another great poster!


SOCk 2023 Recap!

Like many student organizations across the country, the COVID-19 Pandemic left the Student Optics Chapter (SOCk) hanging onto members by a thread. There was an uncertain future for our chapter. However, in the years that have passed since, our chapter has not only rebounded but grown exponentially in terms of involvement and initiative. The 2023 calendar year was a testament to such a dynamic chapter that promotes the holistic development of its members, creating an inclusive, professional, and fun environment that radiates throughout this college.

2023 demonstrated SOCk’s commitment to catalyzing the UA Optics community in three main facets: academic, social, and outreach. Where many organizations talk, SOCk acts. Our committees have spent countless hours planning and executing events, so take a look back at all the good memories in our 2023 Recap Video!

A quote that resonates with the energy and passion in this committee is: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead.  So let’s lean into that quote this year, change the world by growing our community one step at a time, and let’s have some fun! Here’s to 2024!

2023 Mt. Graham Camping Trip & Large Binocular Telescope Tour

Mountain lakes, cliffside sunsets, stargazing, campfires, good food, great music, even better people, and a 2-hour tour of the Large Binocular Telescope (the largest single-mount telescope in the world!!) makes for a pretty epic weekend on one of the most prominent peaks in the United States. 

SOCk hosts this amazing trip each year, providing transportation to the mountain, providing dinner, and setting up the telescope tour free of charge, which is something you do not want to miss out on! Make sure to join us next year as we’ll be returning to the same campsite! 

Student Leadership takes on Rochester!

Last week, three of our current officers, and one former officer, were selected out of 100 students around the world to attend Optica’s Student Leadership Experience in Rochester, NY. They connected with chapters in India, Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Florida, New York, and more, and met many motivated, young leaders. From practicing networking skills and learning techniques to leverage the full impact of our Student Optics Chapter, it was a deLIGHTful experience. Thank you, Optica, for the cornhole boards and Optics suitcase, and for empowering student leaders across the globe.

Camping & Large Binocular Telescope Tour

Our annual camping trip was a great success after being halted by covid for the past two years. Due to covid requirements, only thirty students were allowed on the tour, and it filled up quickly! We enjoyed a night of campfire burgers, good weather, music, games, and fun memories, as well as an in-depth tour of the Large Binocular Telescope!

Located at 10,500-ft, the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) consists of two 8-m class telescopes able to provide a spatial resolution of a 22.7-m telescope, and the observatory’s mission is to be the first Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), and to be one of the leading 8-m telescopes. It is an international collaboration of the University of Arizona, Italy, Germany, The Ohio State University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Virginia, and the University of Notre Dame.


Music at Meinel

This Friday, Day Trails, a local Tucson band, is coming to the optics building to play some music from 5:00 to 6:30 PM!

    Day Trails is a group of UA students who performed on campus earlier this year, and we were so impressed with the music that we invited them to play for our November social event! 

    The event is taking place on the stage outside the 3rd-floor lobby, so stop by before 5:00 PM to grab some soda and chips as we all hang out and enjoy some live music!


On Friday the Student Optics Chapter hosted German-themed “SOCKtoberfest” as October’s social event! There were plenty of bratwursts (vegan options too!) from a quality deli, cornhole, spike ball, and music!

The event took place from 5:00-7:00 PM at Reid Park, Ramada 15, less than ten minutes from the University. It was great to see everyone!