We are back! The SOCk website returns to action for 22-23 School Year

After an extended vacation, we are excited to bring you the SOCk website, a one-stop destination for all things SOCk. With the support of everyone, we can’t wait to bring our community together through a variety of networking, social, philanthropic, and academic events.


Browse around the site to learn about events, who we are, our sponsors, and how you can get involved.


There will be some special changes this semester, so get ready! 

Camping & Large Binocular Telescope Tour

Our annual camping trip was a great success after being halted by covid for the past two years. Due to covid requirements, only thirty students were allowed on the tour, and it filled up quickly! We enjoyed a night of campfire burgers, good weather, music, games, and fun memories, as well as an in-depth tour of the Large Binocular Telescope!

Located at 10,500-ft, the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) consists of two 8-m class telescopes able to provide a spatial resolution of a 22.7-m telescope, and the observatory’s mission is to be the first Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), and to be one of the leading 8-m telescopes. It is an international collaboration of the University of Arizona, Italy, Germany, The Ohio State University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Virginia, and the University of Notre Dame.


Music at Meinel

This Friday, Day Trails, a local Tucson band, is coming to the optics building to play some music from 5:00 to 6:30 PM!

    Day Trails is a group of UA students who performed on campus earlier this year, and we were so impressed with the music that we invited them to play for our November social event! 

    The event is taking place on the stage outside the 3rd-floor lobby, so stop by before 5:00 PM to grab some soda and chips as we all hang out and enjoy some live music!


On Friday the Student Optics Chapter hosted German-themed “SOCKtoberfest” as October’s social event! There were plenty of bratwursts (vegan options too!) from a quality deli, cornhole, spike ball, and music!

The event took place from 5:00-7:00 PM at Reid Park, Ramada 15, less than ten minutes from the University. It was great to see everyone!



Industrial Affiliates Fall 2021

On September 25th, we hosted a Resume Workshop which was the first in a series of two events SOCk, WiO, and POW are hosting to help you get your resume cleaned up.  Our next resume event will be on October 2nd at 4:30pm at 1702 which is located just north of Meinel on Speedway.  This will be a more informal resume review session so bring a copy of your resume for your peers to review and enjoy some pizza!

On October 18th at 12pm, our Community Speakers Friday will be several short talks from our students who had summer internships this past year. This will be a fantastic opportunity for students to share their networking tips with their peers and show off what they worked on over the summer. Have an internship you would like to talk about? Sign up here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrWnsdE2A3X5WFD3n_IDbK2JEuDpo8NLVtKLV28CW7iXqKjw/viewform

Finally, SOCk will be hosting the Industrial Affiliates Poster Session on October 22nd at 5pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to present your research to the affiliates and get some conversations started. SOCk will be printing posters for the first handful of students who sign up here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsmatBI9KwpqTAeELn28pQW5swowwYsw0G36yBkLv7yPJbzg/viewform

Curious about who our affiliates are? Find the list here: https://www.optics.arizona.edu/outreach/industrial-affiliates

We hope to see you at some of these events!


Industrial Affiliates CSF

Come and listen to a talk by John Jackson about building connections at the Industrial Affiliates. Pizza will be provided after the talk to give everyone time to practice what they learned while they eat.

Room: 305 (The bottom floor of the new building)
Topic: Building connections at showcases
Day: 4/5/18
Time: 12 – 1 pm talk; 1- 1:30 pm pizza

Laser Fun Day 2018!

Our 8th Laser Fun Day is coming soon! Laser Fun Day 2018 is on April 7th, from 10AM to 3PM, and we need volunteers (You!) for this massive event.


All volunteers will receive a Laser Fun Day shirt, pizza, and Eegees.

Our first Laser Fun Day Committee meeting is Friday, February 2nd at noon. FREE pizza will be provided. Bring your ideas for optical demonstrations, and we can work on making them come to life; this isn’t a low budget event, as we are supported by our generous event sponsors. Come join us inspire kids about STEM and optics!

If you have any questions, please contact us at outreach@optics.arizona.edu


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