Community Speakers: Matthew Noyes

Matthew Noyes from JPL for gave a wonderful talk on what it takes prepare new technology for a space flight mission. We were fortunate to see some of the testbeds he has worked on, as well as learning how NASA’s Technology Readiness Level process works. We cannot wait to see some of that new technology be put into action in the future!

IA Preparation with Edmund Optics

We had a blast learning about interview questions, resume building, and other key building blocks to help us reach our goals! A big thank you to Jeremy Govier from Edmund Optics for sharing his insights and providing a wonderful presentation and discussion. 

Bubble SOCk-er!

  Thank you to all who came out to play or watch some Bubble Soccer. We had a BALL of a time!  If you would like to see more pictures of this event make sure to check out SOCk’s instagram: @uasock.

Thanks to Our Speakers and Study Abroad Opportunities!

Thank you to our wonderful speakers, Eliana and Kris, for sharing their wonderful testimonies about their summers in Taiwan and Germany as study abroad students! UA Study Abroad is an opportunity that even Optics students get to participate in, gaining incredibly valuable research experience while exploring new parts of the world! SOCk would like to encourage everyone who is interested in study abroad to click the link and see what other areas in the world you can visit! As Kris mentioned, there are significant stipends that help cover much of the cost for our students, so don’t let finances deter you!


SOCk Hike!

We started the year off right with a  hike in the beautiful winter weather and desert scenery. Thank you to everyone who made it to Blackett’s Ridge Trail as well as those who trekked a variety of others on their own. Let’s have a wonderful semester!