Graduate Programs at Max-Planck Institute of Light in Germany

After obtaining his PhD from Yale in atomic physics, Dr. Vahid Sandoghdar is one of the pioneers of nano-optics, which merges various research methods to investigate the interaction of light and matter at the nanometer scale. He is the founder of the Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin, a joint research center that addresses questions in fundamental medical research with physical and mathematical methods.

Dr. Sandoghdar graciously gave us an informational talk about Graduate Programs at the Max-Plank Institute of Light in Germany, covering a broad spectrum of topics ranging from laser spectroscopy, quantum optics, nano-optics, fiber optics, nonlinear optics, and biophotonics. This was an amazing reminder that optics is being conducted worldwide and we have great opportunities to continue our education and research all over the world!