
Two-dimensional motion of cold atoms in a near-resonant annular laser beam: artificial two-dimensional molecules


E. M. Wright, P. S. Jessen, G. J. Lapeyere

Optical Science Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 8572


We develop the theory of the two-dimensional motion of cold atoms in a near-resonant annular laser beam. For a red-detuned field the laser beam provides an annular light shift potential and the atomic motion divides into vibrational and rotational normal motions analogous to a two-dimensional molecule. In the ground vibrational state we obtain an atom optics realization of a two-dimensional rotator. We illustrate the novel physics which may be explored with this system by showing that gravity acts analogously to a static electric field applied to a charged rotator.

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