ICP-RIE DSE (Bosch etch)
- Manufacturer: Plasmatherm
- Model: Versaline DSE III
- Gasses: CF4, Ar, C4F8, HCF3, SF6, O2, N2, H2
- Interferometric and Spectroscopic end point detection
- Helium back side cooling
- Electrode temperature -20°C – +60°C
- 150 mm wafers only – Si, SiO2 and Al2O3 carriers available
Chlorine etch with cryo/High Temp electrode
- Manufacturer: Plasmatherm
- Model: Takachi ICP LN
- Gasses: CF4, Ar, HCF3, SF6, O2, N2, H2, CH4, BCl3, Cl2, HBr, He
- Spectroscopic end point detection
- Helium back side cooling
- Electrode temperature -150°C – +350°C
- 100 mm wafers only – Si, SiO2 and Al2O3 carriers available
E-beam Evaporator
- Manufacturer: Denton
- Model: Mini Gun II
- Materials: Indium
E-beam Evaporator
- Manufacturer: Edwards
- Model: Auto 306
- Materials: No restrictions, typically user provided
E-beam Evaporator
- Manufacturer: Temescal
- Model: FC 2500 – up to 25 4″ wafer capacity with lift off dome
- Materials: Au, Ti, Al, SiO2 , Pt, Ag, Cr, Ni provided
- Manufacturer: Applied Materials
- Model: P 5000 Mark II, 2 chambers, 6″ wafers
- Materials: Silane based SiO2, silicon nitride and oxynitride
Sputter Coater
- Manufacturer: Lesker
- Materials: Au
Sputter Coater
- Manufacturer: MTI
- Model: Dual Head Magnetron
- Materials: Au, Ti, Al, SiO2, Cr, Cu, Ag, ITO and more
Electron Beam Lithography
- Manufacturer: Elionix
- Model: ELS-7000
- Features: 6 nm Linewidth, Overlay accuracy <= 30nm, small pieces and up to 6 inch wafers and masks
Mask Aligner
- Manufacturer: Karl Süss
- Model: MA-6
- Features: I-line, 500 nm resolution, contact and proximity mode
Mask Aligner
- Manufacturer: Karl Süss
- Model: MJB3
- Features: UV-400, 1µm resolution
Mask Less Aligner
- Manufacturer: Heidelberg Instruments
- Model: MLA150
- Features: 375 nm wavelength, 1µm linewidth, Overlay accuracy <=100nm
- Multiple optical microscopes up to 500X
- Filmetrics Profilm3D – optical profiler/white light interferometer
- Filmetrics F40 film thickness measurement tool
- Hitachi S-3400 N SEM
- Veeco Innova AFM
- Veeco Dektak 150 profilometer
- K&S Ball bonder (gold wire)
- Hybond Wedge/ball bonder, bumper (gold ribbon/wire)
- Disco DAD 320 dicing saw
- KrellTec FleX waveguide polisher
- Accu-Seal clean room vacuum sealer
- LatticeAx 225 indent and cleaving tool
- Tousimis Autosamdri – 815 super critical dryer
- Four spin coaters
- Two flood exposure systems, one with inert gas chamber
- Four ovens, multiple hotplates and ultra sonic baths
- Two scales with 0.1 mg resolution
- One scale with 0.01 g resolution
- Newport waveguide characterization setup with pigtailing capability