
  • Updated 07/21/2002

This listing shows the publications of Dr. Jim over the last 35 or so years. View James’ online publications here.

  1. J.M. Palmer, “Solar Cell Space Manual”, Centralab Semiconductor, El Monte, CA (1969).
  2. P.A. Iles and J.M. Palmer, “Optimized silicon solar cells for space exploration power systems”, NASA CR-113878, Centralab Semiconductor, El Monte, CA (1970).
  3. J.M. Palmer, “Photocell inputs — watts or foot-candles”, EDN 15.35. (Feb. 15, 1970).
  4. J.M. Palmer, “Solar cell standardization — a practical approach to secondary standard generation”, p. 589 in Solar Cells — Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Toulouse, France, July 1970, Gordon and Breach, NY (1971).
  5. J.M. Palmer, “A radiometer for remote measurement of earth surface temperatures”, M.S. Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1973).
  6. J.M. Palmer and W.L. Wolfe, “The optics and calibration of the Venus solar flux radiometer”, p. 97 in Proc. Electro-Optics Systems Design Conference, ’74 West, San Francisco, CA (November 1974).
  7. J.M. Palmer, “A solar flux radiometer for the 1978 Pioneer-Venus mission”, PhD. Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1975).
  8. J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of a solar radiometer for the Pioneer-Venus mission”, Electro-Optical Systems Design Conference, Anaheim, CA (October 1977), p. 452.
  9. A.G. DeBell, E.L. Dereniak, J. Harvey, J. Nissley, J.M. Palmer, A. Selvarajan and W.L. Wolfe, “Cryogenic refractive indices and temperature coefficients of cadmium telluride from 20 to 300K”, Appl. Opt. 18, 3114 (1979).
  10. J.M. Palmer, “8-channel scanner multiplexes data for strip-chart recorder”, Electronics, (April 12, 1979), p. 149.
  11. J.M. Palmer, “Attaining optimum bias of a Hg(1-x)CdxTe photoconductive infrared detector”, Infrared Physics, 19, 243 (1979).
  12. J.M. Palmer, “Spectral radiant exitance of a non-isothermal cavity radiator”, Appl. Opt. 18, 758 (1979).
  13. J.M. Palmer, “The Pioneer-Venus solar flux radiometer”, Proc. SPIE 183, 305 (1979).
  14. M.G. Tomasko, L.R. Doose, J.M. Palmer, A. Holmes, W. Wolfe, N.D. Castillo and P.H. Smith, “Preliminary results of the solar flux radiometer experiment aboard the Pioneer-Venus Multiprobe mission”, Science 203, 795 (1979).
  15. A. Holmes, J.M. Palmer and M.G. Tomasko, “Narrow-field radiometry in a quasi-isotropic atmosphere:, Proc. SPIE 196, 27 (1979).
  16. J.M. Palmer, “A compact solar radiation simulator for the 400-1800 nm spectral region”, Proc. E-O/Laser ’79 Conference, Anaheim, CA (October 1979), p. 205.
  17. M.G. Tomasko, L.R. Doose, J.M. Palmer, A. Holmes, W. Wolfe, A.G. DeBell, L.G. Brod and R.R. Sholes, “Sounder probe solar flux radiometer”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience Electronics GE-18, 93 (1980).
  18. J.M. Palmer, “The Pioneer-Venus solar flux radiometer”, Opt. Eng. 19, 224 (1980).
  19. E.L. Dereniak, J.M. Palmer and H. Roehrig, “Optical radiation detector laboratory”, IEEE Trans. Education E-23, 66 (1980).
    J.M. Palmer, “Terminology of p-n junction photodiodes”, Appl. Opt. 19, 1015 (1980).
  20. J.M. Palmer and M.G. Tomasko, “Broadband radiometry with spectrally selective detectors”, Opt. Lett. 5, 208 (1980).
  21. W.L. Wolfe, A.G. DeBell and J.M. Palmer, “Status of cryogenic refractive index measurements”, Proc. SPIE 245, 164 (1980).
  22. J.M. Palmer, “Radiometric bandwidth normalization using r.m.s. methods”, Proc. SPIE 256, 99 (1980).
  23. J.M. Palmer, “Field standards of reflectance”, Photogrammetric Eng. & Remote Sensing 48, 1623 (1982).
  24. K.R. Castle, R.G. Holm, C.J. Kastner, J.M. Palmer, P.N. Slater, M. Dinguirard, C.E. Ezra, R.D. Jackson and R.K. Savage, “In-flight absolute radiometric calibration of the Thematic Mapper”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-22, 251 (1984).
  25. J.M. Palmer, “Near-infrared limitations to silicon photodiode self-calibration”, Proc. SPIE 499, 7 (1984).
  26. J.M. Palmer, “Effective bandwidths for LANDSAT-4 and LANDSAT-D’ Multispectral Scanner and Thematic Mapper subsystems”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-22, 336 (1984).
  27. J.M. Palmer, “Status report — Arizona solar variability program”, p.305 in Solar Irradiance Variations on Active Region Time Scales, NASA Conf. Publ. 2310, (1984).
  28. S.F. Biggar, C.J. Bruegge, B.S. Capron, K.R. Castle, M.C. Dinguirard, R.G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, L.J. Lingg, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer, A.L. Phillips, R.K. Savage, P.N. Slater, S.L. Wittman and B. Yuan, “Absolute calibration of remote sensing instruments”, 3rd International Colloquium on Spectral Signatures of Objects in Remote Sensing, Les Arcs, France, December 1985.
  29. J.A. Reagan, L.W. Thomasson, B.M. Herman and J.M. Palmer, “Assessment of atmospheric limitations on the determination of the solar spectral constant from ground-based spectroradiometer measurements”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-24, 258 (1986).
  30. P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, R.G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer and B. Yuan, “Absolute radiometric calibration of the Thematic Mapper”, Proc. SPIE 660, 2 (1986).
  31. P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, R.G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer and B. Yuan, “Reflectance- and radiance-based methods for the in-flight absolute Calibration of multispectral sensors”, Remote Sensing of Environment 22, 11 (1987).
  32. J.M. Palmer, “Use of self-calibrated detectors in radiometric instruments,” Proc. SPIE 924, 224 (1988).
  33. J.M. Palmer, Editor, “Optical Radiation Measurements II”, Proc. SPIE 1109 (1989).
  34. B.L. Markham, J.R. Irons, D.W. Deering, R.N. Halthore, R.R. Irish, R.D. Jackson, M.S. Moran, S.F. Biggar, D.I. Gellman, B.G. Grant, J.M. Palmer and P.N. Slater, “Radiometric calibration of aircraft and satellite sensors at White Sands, NM,” Proc. IGARSS’90, 515, Washington DC, (May 1990).
  35. P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar and J.M. Palmer, “Ground-reference site and on-board methods for sensor absolute calibration in the 0.4 to 2.5 mm range”, Proc. IGARSS’91, Helsinki (June 1991).
  36. P.N. Slater and J.M. Palmer, “Solar diffuser and ratioing radiometer approach to satellite sensor onboard calibration”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 100 (1991).
  37. J.M. Palmer, “Stray light effects on calibrations using a solar diffuser”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 143 (1991).
  38. C.T. Guzman, J.M. Palmer, P.N. Slater, C.J. Bruegge and E.A. Miller, “Requirements of a solar diffuser and measurements of some candidate materials”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 120 (1991).
  39. J.M. Palmer and P.N. Slater, “A ratioing radiometer for use with a solar diffuser”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 106 (1991).
  40. C.J. Bruegge, E. Miller, R. Martin, H.H. Keiffer and J.M. Palmer, “Definitions in use by the Visible and Near-Infrared, and Thermal Working Groups”, Calibration Advisory Panel, Earth Observing System, November 13, 1991. available from
  41. J.M. Palmer, “Contemplations on calibration”, Optics & Photonics News, Optical Society of America, (November 1991).
  42. P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar and J.M. Palmer, “Ground-reference site and on-board methods for sensor absolute calibration in the 0.4-2.5 um range,” Proc. IGARSS’91, 1349, Helsinki, (June, 1991).
  43. J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of satellite sensors in the thermal infrared,” Proc. SPIE 1762, 108 (1993).
  44. J.M. Palmer and M.J. Nofziger, “Will self-calibration work in the infrared?” Proc.SPIE 1762, 82 (1993).
  45. J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of satellite sensors in the thermal infrared,” Proc. Third Annual SDL/USU Symp. Infrared Radiometric Sensor Calibration, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Utah State University (1992).
  46. J.M. Palmer, “Overview on spectral response,” Proc. Third Annual SDL/USU Symp. Infrared Radiometric Sensor Calibration, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Utah State University (1992).
  47. J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of Thematic Mapper band 6 in the thermal infrared,”, Proc. SPIE 1938, 109 (1993).
  48. K.J. Thome, M.W. Smith, J.M. Palmer and J.A. Reagan, “Method and instrument for retrieving total columnar water vapor from solar transmittance,” Proc. SPIE 1968, 526 (1993).
  49. J.M. Palmer, “Alternative configurations for trap detectors,” Metrologia 30, 327 (1993).
  50. J.M. Palmer, “Getting INTENSE on intensity,” Metrologia 30, 371 (1993).
  51. J.M. Palmer, “The limits of radiometry,” Proc. SPIE 2269, 592 (1994).
  52. K.J. Thome, M.W. Smith, J.M. Palmer and J.A. Reagan, “Three-channel solar radiometer for the determination of atmospheric columnar water vapor,” Appl. Opt. 33, 5811, (1994).
  53. J.M. Palmer, “The Measurement of Transmission, Absorption, Emission and Reflection,” in Handbook of Optics, second ed., Part II, M. Bass, editor, McGraw-Hill, NY (1994).
  54. J.M. Palmer, “Intensity,” Optics & Photonics News, February 1995.
  55. J.M. Palmer, “Take-home Laboratory for a Course in Radiometry,” Proc. SPIE 2525, 278 (1995).
  56. J.D. Gaskill, J.M. Palmer & M.J. Nofziger, “Undergraduate Program in Optical Engineering,” Proc. SPIE 2525, 123 (1995).
  57. P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, J.M. Palmer, and K.J. Thome, “Unified pre- and in-flight radiometric calibration of satellite sensors,” Proc. SPIE 2583, 130 (1995).
  58. J.M. Palmer, Editor, “Optical Radiation Measurements III”, Proc. SPIE 2815 (1996).
  59. J.M. Palmer, “Radiometry and Photometry: Units and Conversions” in Handbook of Optics, second ed., Part III, M. Bass, editor, McGraw-Hill, NY (2001).
  60. P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, J.M. Palmer and K.J. Thome, “Unified approach to absolute radiometric calibration in the solar-reflective range,” Rem. Sens. Envir.77, 293 (2001).
  61. J.M. Palmer, “An undergraduate optics program for the 21st century,” Proc. SPIE 4588, 548 (2002).