- Updated 07/21/2002
This listing shows the publications of Dr. Jim over the last 35 or so years. View James’ online publications here.
- J.M. Palmer, “Solar Cell Space Manual”, Centralab Semiconductor, El Monte, CA (1969).
- P.A. Iles and J.M. Palmer, “Optimized silicon solar cells for space exploration power systems”, NASA CR-113878, Centralab Semiconductor, El Monte, CA (1970).
- J.M. Palmer, “Photocell inputs — watts or foot-candles”, EDN 15.35. (Feb. 15, 1970).
- J.M. Palmer, “Solar cell standardization — a practical approach to secondary standard generation”, p. 589 in Solar Cells — Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Toulouse, France, July 1970, Gordon and Breach, NY (1971).
- J.M. Palmer, “A radiometer for remote measurement of earth surface temperatures”, M.S. Thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1973).
- J.M. Palmer and W.L. Wolfe, “The optics and calibration of the Venus solar flux radiometer”, p. 97 in Proc. Electro-Optics Systems Design Conference, ’74 West, San Francisco, CA (November 1974).
- J.M. Palmer, “A solar flux radiometer for the 1978 Pioneer-Venus mission”, PhD. Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1975).
- J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of a solar radiometer for the Pioneer-Venus mission”, Electro-Optical Systems Design Conference, Anaheim, CA (October 1977), p. 452.
- A.G. DeBell, E.L. Dereniak, J. Harvey, J. Nissley, J.M. Palmer, A. Selvarajan and W.L. Wolfe, “Cryogenic refractive indices and temperature coefficients of cadmium telluride from 20 to 300K”, Appl. Opt. 18, 3114 (1979).
- J.M. Palmer, “8-channel scanner multiplexes data for strip-chart recorder”, Electronics, (April 12, 1979), p. 149.
- J.M. Palmer, “Attaining optimum bias of a Hg(1-x)CdxTe photoconductive infrared detector”, Infrared Physics, 19, 243 (1979).
- J.M. Palmer, “Spectral radiant exitance of a non-isothermal cavity radiator”, Appl. Opt. 18, 758 (1979).
- J.M. Palmer, “The Pioneer-Venus solar flux radiometer”, Proc. SPIE 183, 305 (1979).
- M.G. Tomasko, L.R. Doose, J.M. Palmer, A. Holmes, W. Wolfe, N.D. Castillo and P.H. Smith, “Preliminary results of the solar flux radiometer experiment aboard the Pioneer-Venus Multiprobe mission”, Science 203, 795 (1979).
- A. Holmes, J.M. Palmer and M.G. Tomasko, “Narrow-field radiometry in a quasi-isotropic atmosphere:, Proc. SPIE 196, 27 (1979).
- J.M. Palmer, “A compact solar radiation simulator for the 400-1800 nm spectral region”, Proc. E-O/Laser ’79 Conference, Anaheim, CA (October 1979), p. 205.
- M.G. Tomasko, L.R. Doose, J.M. Palmer, A. Holmes, W. Wolfe, A.G. DeBell, L.G. Brod and R.R. Sholes, “Sounder probe solar flux radiometer”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience Electronics GE-18, 93 (1980).
- J.M. Palmer, “The Pioneer-Venus solar flux radiometer”, Opt. Eng. 19, 224 (1980).
- E.L. Dereniak, J.M. Palmer and H. Roehrig, “Optical radiation detector laboratory”, IEEE Trans. Education E-23, 66 (1980).
J.M. Palmer, “Terminology of p-n junction photodiodes”, Appl. Opt. 19, 1015 (1980). - J.M. Palmer and M.G. Tomasko, “Broadband radiometry with spectrally selective detectors”, Opt. Lett. 5, 208 (1980).
- W.L. Wolfe, A.G. DeBell and J.M. Palmer, “Status of cryogenic refractive index measurements”, Proc. SPIE 245, 164 (1980).
- J.M. Palmer, “Radiometric bandwidth normalization using r.m.s. methods”, Proc. SPIE 256, 99 (1980).
- J.M. Palmer, “Field standards of reflectance”, Photogrammetric Eng. & Remote Sensing 48, 1623 (1982).
- K.R. Castle, R.G. Holm, C.J. Kastner, J.M. Palmer, P.N. Slater, M. Dinguirard, C.E. Ezra, R.D. Jackson and R.K. Savage, “In-flight absolute radiometric calibration of the Thematic Mapper”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-22, 251 (1984).
- J.M. Palmer, “Near-infrared limitations to silicon photodiode self-calibration”, Proc. SPIE 499, 7 (1984).
- J.M. Palmer, “Effective bandwidths for LANDSAT-4 and LANDSAT-D’ Multispectral Scanner and Thematic Mapper subsystems”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-22, 336 (1984).
- J.M. Palmer, “Status report — Arizona solar variability program”, p.305 in Solar Irradiance Variations on Active Region Time Scales, NASA Conf. Publ. 2310, (1984).
- S.F. Biggar, C.J. Bruegge, B.S. Capron, K.R. Castle, M.C. Dinguirard, R.G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, L.J. Lingg, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer, A.L. Phillips, R.K. Savage, P.N. Slater, S.L. Wittman and B. Yuan, “Absolute calibration of remote sensing instruments”, 3rd International Colloquium on Spectral Signatures of Objects in Remote Sensing, Les Arcs, France, December 1985.
- J.A. Reagan, L.W. Thomasson, B.M. Herman and J.M. Palmer, “Assessment of atmospheric limitations on the determination of the solar spectral constant from ground-based spectroradiometer measurements”, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE-24, 258 (1986).
- P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, R.G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer and B. Yuan, “Absolute radiometric calibration of the Thematic Mapper”, Proc. SPIE 660, 2 (1986).
- P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, R.G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer and B. Yuan, “Reflectance- and radiance-based methods for the in-flight absolute Calibration of multispectral sensors”, Remote Sensing of Environment 22, 11 (1987).
- J.M. Palmer, “Use of self-calibrated detectors in radiometric instruments,” Proc. SPIE 924, 224 (1988).
- J.M. Palmer, Editor, “Optical Radiation Measurements II”, Proc. SPIE 1109 (1989).
- B.L. Markham, J.R. Irons, D.W. Deering, R.N. Halthore, R.R. Irish, R.D. Jackson, M.S. Moran, S.F. Biggar, D.I. Gellman, B.G. Grant, J.M. Palmer and P.N. Slater, “Radiometric calibration of aircraft and satellite sensors at White Sands, NM,” Proc. IGARSS’90, 515, Washington DC, (May 1990).
- P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar and J.M. Palmer, “Ground-reference site and on-board methods for sensor absolute calibration in the 0.4 to 2.5 mm range”, Proc. IGARSS’91, Helsinki (June 1991).
- P.N. Slater and J.M. Palmer, “Solar diffuser and ratioing radiometer approach to satellite sensor onboard calibration”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 100 (1991).
- J.M. Palmer, “Stray light effects on calibrations using a solar diffuser”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 143 (1991).
- C.T. Guzman, J.M. Palmer, P.N. Slater, C.J. Bruegge and E.A. Miller, “Requirements of a solar diffuser and measurements of some candidate materials”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 120 (1991).
- J.M. Palmer and P.N. Slater, “A ratioing radiometer for use with a solar diffuser”, Proc. SPIE 1493, 106 (1991).
- C.J. Bruegge, E. Miller, R. Martin, H.H. Keiffer and J.M. Palmer, “Definitions in use by the Visible and Near-Infrared, and Thermal Working Groups”, Calibration Advisory Panel, Earth Observing System, November 13, 1991. available from
- J.M. Palmer, “Contemplations on calibration”, Optics & Photonics News, Optical Society of America, (November 1991).
- P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar and J.M. Palmer, “Ground-reference site and on-board methods for sensor absolute calibration in the 0.4-2.5 um range,” Proc. IGARSS’91, 1349, Helsinki, (June, 1991).
- J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of satellite sensors in the thermal infrared,” Proc. SPIE 1762, 108 (1993).
- J.M. Palmer and M.J. Nofziger, “Will self-calibration work in the infrared?” Proc.SPIE 1762, 82 (1993).
- J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of satellite sensors in the thermal infrared,” Proc. Third Annual SDL/USU Symp. Infrared Radiometric Sensor Calibration, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Utah State University (1992).
- J.M. Palmer, “Overview on spectral response,” Proc. Third Annual SDL/USU Symp. Infrared Radiometric Sensor Calibration, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Utah State University (1992).
- J.M. Palmer, “Calibration of Thematic Mapper band 6 in the thermal infrared,”, Proc. SPIE 1938, 109 (1993).
- K.J. Thome, M.W. Smith, J.M. Palmer and J.A. Reagan, “Method and instrument for retrieving total columnar water vapor from solar transmittance,” Proc. SPIE 1968, 526 (1993).
- J.M. Palmer, “Alternative configurations for trap detectors,” Metrologia 30, 327 (1993).
- J.M. Palmer, “Getting INTENSE on intensity,” Metrologia 30, 371 (1993).
- J.M. Palmer, “The limits of radiometry,” Proc. SPIE 2269, 592 (1994).
- K.J. Thome, M.W. Smith, J.M. Palmer and J.A. Reagan, “Three-channel solar radiometer for the determination of atmospheric columnar water vapor,” Appl. Opt. 33, 5811, (1994).
- J.M. Palmer, “The Measurement of Transmission, Absorption, Emission and Reflection,” in Handbook of Optics, second ed., Part II, M. Bass, editor, McGraw-Hill, NY (1994).
- J.M. Palmer, “Intensity,” Optics & Photonics News, February 1995.
- J.M. Palmer, “Take-home Laboratory for a Course in Radiometry,” Proc. SPIE 2525, 278 (1995).
- J.D. Gaskill, J.M. Palmer & M.J. Nofziger, “Undergraduate Program in Optical Engineering,” Proc. SPIE 2525, 123 (1995).
- P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, J.M. Palmer, and K.J. Thome, “Unified pre- and in-flight radiometric calibration of satellite sensors,” Proc. SPIE 2583, 130 (1995).
- J.M. Palmer, Editor, “Optical Radiation Measurements III”, Proc. SPIE 2815 (1996).
- J.M. Palmer, “Radiometry and Photometry: Units and Conversions” in Handbook of Optics, second ed., Part III, M. Bass, editor, McGraw-Hill, NY (2001).
- P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, J.M. Palmer and K.J. Thome, “Unified approach to absolute radiometric calibration in the solar-reflective range,” Rem. Sens. Envir.77, 293 (2001).
- J.M. Palmer, “An undergraduate optics program for the 21st century,” Proc. SPIE 4588, 548 (2002).