Masud Mansuripur, Professor
Conference Papers
- Mansuripur, G.A.N. Connell, and J.W. Goodman, “Signal to noise in magneto-optic storage” (contributed), presented at the meeting of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), January 1982, Los Angeles, California. Published in Proc. SPIE 329, 215 (1982).
- Mansuripur, G.A.N. Connell, and D. Treves, “Optimum disk structures and energetics of domain formation in magneto-optical recording” (contributed), presented at the 3rd joint Intermag-Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, July 1982, Montreal, Canada. Published in IEEE Trans. Mag. 18, 1241 (1982).
- A.N. Connell, R. Allen and M. Mansuripur, “Magneto-optical properties of amorphous terbium-iron alloys” (contributed), presented at the 3rd joint Intermag-Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, July 1982, Montreal, Canada. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 53, 7759 (1982).
- Mansuripur and G.A.N. Connell, “Magneto-optical recording” (contributed), presented at the meeting of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Arlington, Virginia, June 1983. Published in Proc. SPIE 420, 222 (1983).
- Mansuripur, “Erasable gigabyte magneto-optic data storage disks,” invited talk at the Engineering Colloquium Series, Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA), Greenbelt, Maryland, October 1983.
- Mansuripur, “Thermomagnetic recording and magneto-optic readout in high density erasable optical disk storage systems” (invited), presented at the meeting of the American Physical Society, November 1983, San Francisco, California. Abstract published in Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 1315 (1983).
- Mansuripur, “Erasable Magneto-Optic Data Storage,” invited talk at the MIT Lecture Series, High-Density Magnetic Recording Materials and Technology, January 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Mansuripur, “Erasable optical data storage,” invited talk at the Materials Research Society Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 1984.
- Mansuripur, “Erasable optical data storage,” invited talk at the technical seminar series, Digital Equipment Corporation, Hudson, Massachusetts, April 1984.
- A.N. Connell, R. Allen, and M. Mansuripur, “Interference-enhanced Kerr spectroscopy for very thin absorbing films: Application to amorphous terbium-iron” (contributed), Published in J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 35, 337 (1983).
- Chen, M. Mansuripur, and R. Malmhall, “Thickness dependence of magneto-optic effects in terbium-iron alloys” (contributed), published in Proc. SPIE 382, 260 (1983).
- Mansuripur, M. Ruane, M. Horenstein, “Magnetic properties of amorphous rare earth-transition metal alloys for erasable optical storage” (contributed), January 1985, SPIE Conference, Los Angeles, California. Published in Proc. SPIE. 529, 25 (1985).
- Mansuripur, “Materials for magneto-optical data storage” (invited), presented at the 190th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, Illinois, September 1985.
- Mansuripur, M. Ruane, P. Wolniansky, S. Chase and R. Rosenvold, “Magneto-optical properties of amorphous TbFe alloys” (contributed), presented at the meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts, Dec. 1985. Published in the proceedings of MRS 58, 181 (1986).
- Mansuripur, “Erasable optical disk storage,” (invited), weekly seminar series at the Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, June 1986.
- Mansuripur and M. F. Ruane, “Optics of pregrooved magneto-optical disk systems” (contributed), presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), June 1986, San Francisco, California.
- Mansuripur, “Coercivity and its role in thermomagnetic recording” (invited), First Workshop on Magneto-Optic Recording, Saratoga Springs, New York, June 23-25, 1986.
- Mansuripur, “Coercivity and its Role in Thermomagnetic Recording,” (contributed paper), presented at the 31st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Baltimore, Maryland, Nov. 1986. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 61, 3334 (1987).
- Ruane, A. Jain, R. Rosenvold and M. Mansuripur, “Dielectric Tensor Characterization for Overcoated Amorphous TbFe Alloys” (contributed), Published in the proceedings of MRS 80 (1987).
- Calkins, M. Mansuripur and M. Ruane, “Magnetization reversal in amorphous TbFe films” (contributed). Published in the proceedings of MRS 80 (1987).
- Chakravartty, M. Mansuripur and M. Ruane, “Deposition, characterization, and magneto-optical properties of amorphous TbFe alloys” (contributed). published in the proceedings of MRS 80 (1987).
- W. McDaniel and M. Mansuripur, “Numerical simulation of thermomagnetic writing in RE-TM films” (contributed), presented at the Intermag Conference, Japan. Published in IEEE Trans. Mag. 23, 2943 (1987).
- Mansuripur, “Special problems in magneto-optics research,” (invited), weekly seminar series of Magnetics Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University, February 1987.
- Mansuripur, “Magneto-optical recording in thin amorphous films of rare earth-transition metal alloys” (invited), presented at the 34th National Vacuum Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Anaheim, California, November 1987. Summary abstract published in J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 1864 (1988).
- Mansuripur, “Optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the monthly meeting of the New England Section of the Optical Society of America, Lexington, Massachusetts, September 1987.
- Mansuripur and C. Pons, “Diffraction modeling of optical path for magneto-optical disk systems” (invited), presented at the meeting of the Society of Photo Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Los Angeles, California, January 1988. Published in Proc. SPIE 899, 56 (1988).
- Mansuripur and T.W. McDaniel, “Magnetization reversal dynamics in magneto-optic media” (invited), presented at the conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Chicago, Illinois, November 1987. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3831 (1988).
- Mansuripur, “New developments in magneto-optics research,” invited talk at the Research Laboratories, Eastman Kodak Company, October 1987.
- Mansuripur, “Optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the New England Section of the IEEE Magnetics Society, Lexington, Massachusetts, December 1987.
- Mansuripur, “Erasable optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the Research Division, Raytheon Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, February 1988.
- Mansuripur, “Optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, November 1987.
- Mansuripur and R. Giles, “Magnetization reversal dynamics in RE-TM alloys,” (invited), IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, January 1988.
- Mansuripur, “Magnetization reversal dynamics in the media of optical recording,” invited talk at Komag Corp., Milpitas, California, January 1988.
- Mansuripur, “Magnetization reversal dynamics in magneto-optic media,” (invited) presented at the meeting of the American Physical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 1988.
- Mansuripur and R. Giles, “Demagnetizing field computation for dynamic simulation of the magnetization reversal process” (contributed), presented at the 4th joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 1988.
- Calkins, M.F. Ruane, and M. Mansuripur, “A system for measurement of domain wall motion in amorphous rare earth-transition metal alloys” (contributed), presented at the 4th joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 1988. Published in IEEE Trans. Mag. 24, 2314 (1988).
- E. Uber and M. Mansuripur, “Magneto-optical measurement of anisotropy energy constant(s) for amorphous RE-TM alloys” (contributed), presented at the 4th joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 1988. Published in IEEE Trans. Mag. 24, 2461 (1988).
- Mansuripur, “Erasable magneto-optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the symposium on Space Flight Data Storage Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, July 1988.
- Mansuripur, “Analysis of demagnetizing field, domain wall structure and zigzag boundaries by the Fourier transform technique” (invited), presented at the 2nd Topical Workshop on Magneto-Optical Recording Technology, Hidden Valley resort, Somerset, PA, October 10-12, 1988.
- Mansuripur, “Modeling media and systems of optical data storage,” invited talk at the storage research centers faculty meeting at IBM’s General Products Division, San Jose, California, December 7-9, 1988.
- Mansuripur, “Analysis of demagnetizing field by the Fourier transform technique,” invited talk at the IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights, NY, December 1988.
- Hartman, M. Lind and M. Mansuripur, “Read channel optical modeling for a bump forming dye-polymer optical data storage medium” (contributed), presented at the OSA/SPIE meeting on Optical Data Storage, Los Angeles, CA, January 1989. Published in Proc. SPIE 1078, 308-323 (1989).
- Mansuripur, “Overview of magneto-optical data storage” (invited) workshop on micromagnetics for magnetic recording, Center for Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR), University of California at San Diego, Feb. 8-10, 1989.
- Mansuripur, “Computation of fields and forces in magnetic force microscopy” (contributed paper), presented at the Intermag ’89 Conference, Washington, D.C., March 1989.
- Hajjar and M. Mansuripur, “Mean-field analysis of ternary and quaternary rare earth-transition metal alloys for thermomagnetic recording” (contributed), presented at the Intermag ’89 Conference, Washington, D.C., March 1989. Published in IEEE Trans. Magnet. 25, 4021 (1989).
- Mansuripur, “Amorphous rare earth-transition metal alloys for erasable optical data storage,” invited talk at the 8th Annual Symposium of the Arizona Chapter of American Vacuum Society, Tucson, Arizona, April 6-7, 1989.
- Mansuripur and R. Giles, “Magnetization reversal dynamics and the mechanism of coercivity in amorphous RE-TM alloys” (contributed), presented at the International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM), Kobe, Japan, September 1989. Extended abstract published in the Proceedings.
- Mansuripur, “Erasable Optical Data Storage: Challenges and Opportunities,” invited talk at the magnetic recording seminar series, IBM General Products Division, San Jose, California, November 1989.
- Mansuripur, “Erasable optical data storage,” presented at the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, November 1989.
- Mansuripur and R. Giles, “Simulation of magnetization reversal dynamics on the Connection Machine” (invited), 34th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Boston, Massachusetts, November 1989.
- Hajjar, F. Zhou, and M. Mansuripur, “Magneto-optical measurement of anisotropy energy constants on amorphous RE-TM alloys,” (contributed), presented at the 34th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Boston, Massachusetts, November 1989.
- Giles, G. Patterson, A. Bagneres, R. Kotiuga, F. Humphrey and M. Mansuripur, “Micromagnetic simulations on the Connection Machine” (contributed paper), presented at the 4th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Chicago, Illinois, December 1989. Published in Very Large Scale Computation in the 21st Century, Ed. J.P. Mesirov, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1991.
- Mansuripur, “Computer modeling of magnetization reversal dynamics in magnetic and magneto-optical media”, presented at Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, January 1990.
- Mansuripur, “Progress in modeling of optical data storage media and systems,” invited talk at the storage research centers faculty meeting at IBM Laboratories, San Jose, California, January 11-12, 1990.
- Mansuripur, “Computer modeling of optical storage media and systems” invited presentation at the OSA/SPIE/LEOS topical meeting on Optical Data Storage, Vancouver, March 1990.
- Keys, D. Miller, J. W. Goodman, J. Malinson and M. Mansuripur (panelists), “Issues in Optical Technologies: Switching, Logic, and Storage”; evening panel discussion held at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Anaheim, California, May 1990.
- Bernacki and M. Mansuripur, “Observation of domain wall behavior in the presence of submicrometer defects and substrate structures in the media of magneto-optical recording”, (contributed), presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Anaheim, California, May 1990.
- Mansuripur, “Critical issues in optical recording”, (invited), Sixth Interdisciplinary Laser Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 16-19, 1990.
- Mansuripur, “Physics of magneto-optical recording and readout processes,” (invited), presented at the Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Joint OSA/LEOS Session on Optical Storage, Boston, Massachusetts, November 1990.
- Mansuripur and R. Giles, “Dynamics of magnetization reversal in amorphous films of RE-TM alloys,” (invited), Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium, Japan (1991).
- Mansuripur, R. Giles and G. Patterson, “Coercivity of domain-wall motion in thin films of amorphous rare earth-transition metal alloys,” (contributed), presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), San Diego, California, Oct.29-Nov.1, 1990. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 69, 4844-4846 (1991).
- Mansuripur, “Computation of electron diffraction patterns in Lorentz electron microscopy of thin magnetic films,” (contributed), presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), San Diego, California, Oct.29-Nov.1, 1990.
- Giles and M. Mansuripur, “Micromagnetics of thin film CoX media for longitudinal magnetic recording,” (contributed), presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), San Diego, California, Oct.29-Nov.1, 1990. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 69, 4712-4714 (1991).
- Hajjar, M. Mansuripur, and H.-P. D. Shieh, “Measurements of the anomalous magnetoresistance effect in Co/Pt and Co/Pd multilayer films for magneto-optical data storage applications,” (contributed), presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), San Diego, California, Oct.29-Nov.1, 1990. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 69, 4686-4688 (1991).
- E. Bernacki and M. Mansuripur, “Characterization of magneto-optical recording media in terms of domain boundary jaggedness,” (contributed), presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), San Diego, California, Oct.29-Nov.1, 1990.
- L. Zhou, J.K. Erwin, and M. Mansuripur, “Spectral measurements of the magneto-optical Kerr rotation and ellipticity in the media of optical recording,” (contributed), presented at the 35th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), San Diego, California, Oct.29-Nov.1, 1990. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 69, 5091-5093 (1991).
- Mansuripur and R. Giles, “Characterization, modeling and dynamic simulation of the micromagnetic behavior in the media of erasable optical data storage”, invited talk at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, November 1990.
- Giles, P.R. Kotiuga, M. Mansuripur, “Parallel micromagnetic simulations using Fourier methods on a regular hexagonal lattice”, (contributed paper), 4th Biannual IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Toronto, Canada, October 1990. Published in IEEE Trans. Magnet. 27, 3815-3817 (1991).
- A. Hajjar, T. Wu and M. Mansuripur, “Magnetoresistance of Co/Pd and Co/Pt multilayer films for magneto-optical data storage applications,” (contributed), presented at the 5th joint MMM-Intermag Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1991. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 70, 6041-6043 (1991).
- Giles and M. Mansuripur, “Simulation of the magnetization reversal dynamics in the process of thermomagnetic recording,” (contributed), presented at the 5th joint MMM-Intermag Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1991.
- L. Zhou, J.K. Erwin, C.F. Brucker and M. Mansuripur, “Wavelength dependencies of the Kerr rotation angle and ellipticity for the magneto optical recording media,” (contributed), presented at the 5th joint MMM Intermag Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1991. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 70, 6286-6288 (1991).
- Hong Fu, M. Mansuripur and P. Meystre, “Generic source of perpendicular anisotropy in amorphous rare earth-transition metal films: Analytical results,” (contributed), presented at the 5th joint MMM-Intermag Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1991. Published in J. Appl. Phys. 70, 6314-6316 (1991).
- Mansuripur, “Characteristics of magneto-optical recording media”, (invited), Optical Recording Department, 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 1991.
- Mansuripur, “Characteristics of magneto-optical recording media”, invited talk at the Arizona State University Winter Workshop on Microstructure of Magnetic Materials, Wickenburg, Arizona, January 1992.
- Mansuripur, “Characteristics of magneto-optical recording media”, invited talk at Center for Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR), University of California, San Diego, January 1992.
- Mansuripur, “Physics of magneto-optical recording: material issues”, (invited), Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Reversible Optical Recording Media, Optical Data Storage Meeting, San Jose, California, February 1992.
- E. Bernacki and M. Mansuripur, “Diffraction analysis and evaluation of several focus- and track-error detection schemes for magneto-optical disk systems,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, February 1992, San Jose, California. Published in SPIE proceedings 1663, 150-156 (1992).
- Sukeda, R.A. Hajjar and M. Mansuripur, “Investigation of magneto optical recording media using magnetic force microscopy,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, February 1992, San Jose, California. Published in SPIE proceedings 1663, 190-195 (1992).
- Hong Fu, M. Mansuripur, G. Patterson and R. Giles, “Investigations of effects of nanostructures on the observable behaviors of thin film magnetic media using large-scale computer simulations,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, February 1992, San Jose, California.
- A. Hajjar, T. Wu, Hong Fu and M. Mansuripur, “Measurement of the anisotropy energy constants in magneto-optical recording media,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, February 1992, San Jose, California. Published in SPIE proceedings 1663, 225-231 (1992).
- F. Zhou, J.K. Erwin and M. Mansuripur, “Instrumentation of the variable-angle magneto-optic ellipsometer and its application to MO and other non-magnetic films,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, February 1992, San Jose, California. Published in SPIE proceedings 1663, 264-286 (1992).
- Mansuripur, “Focusing of polarized light at high NA”, (invited), presented at the Symposium on the Interaction of Focused Electromagnetic Fields with Optical Disk Structures, Rochester, New York, October 1-2, 1992.
- Mansuripur, “Interaction of focused polarized light with grooved media in magneto-optical disk data storage systems”, (contributed), presented at the Symposium on the Interaction of Focused Electromagnetic Fields with Optical Disk Structures, Rochester, New York, October 1-2, 1992.
- Mansuripur, “Effects of substrate birefringence in magneto-optical disk data storage systems”, (contributed), presented at the Symposium on the interaction of Focused Electromagnetic Fields with Optical Disk Structures, Rochester, New York, October 1-2, 1992.
- Hong Fu and M. Mansuripur, “Coercivity mechanisms in magneto-optical recording media,” (contributed), presented at the 37th annual conference on magnetism and magnetic materials (MMM), Houston, Texas, December 1-4, 1992.
- E. Bernacki, T.H. Wu and M. Mansuripur, “Assessment of the local variations in coercivity of magneto-optical recording media using a static tester,” (contributed paper), 37th annual conference on magnetism and magnetic materials (MMM), Houston, Texas, December 1-4, 1992, published in J. Appl. Phys. x, yy-zz (1993).
- H. Wu, Hong Fu, T. Suzuki, R.A. Hajjar and M. Mansuripur, “Effect of canting on the measured magnetic anisotropy constant for magneto-optical recording media,” (contributed), presented at the 37th annual conference on magnetism and magnetic materials,” Houston, Texas, December 1-4, 1992.
- Giles and M. Mansuripur, “Computer simulations of magnetization reversal dynamics,” (invited), presented at the Second Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS’92), Tucson, Arizona, December 1992. Published in Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 17, Vol. S1, pp.255-257 (1993).
- Hong Fu, R. Giles and M. Mansuripur, “Coercivity mechanisms in magneto-optical recording media,” (invited), presented at the Second MagnetoÂOptical Recording International Symposium (MORIS’92), Tucson, Arizona, December 1992. Published in Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 17, Vol. S1, pp.274-275 (1993).
- H. Wu, B. Bernacki and M. Mansuripur, “Observation of micromagnetic dynamics in magneto-optical recording media,” (contributed), presented at the Second Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS’92), Tucson, Arizona, December 1992. Published in Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan 17, Vol. S1, pp.131-135 (1993).
- E. Bernacki and M. Mansuripur, “The use of Fourier methods to analyze the effects of birefringence in optical disk substrates,” (contributed), presented at the meeting of the Optical Society of America, Palm Springs, California, March 1993. Published in Optical Design for Photonics Technical Digest, Vol. 9, 116-119 (1993).
- Hong Fu, R. Giles and M. Mansuripur, “Micromagnetism in magneto optical recording media using Connection Machine simulations,” (invited), International Magnetics Conference (Intermag), Stockholm, Sweden, April 1993.
- Mansuripur, “Magneto-Optical Recording Technology: Present and Future,” keynote address at the symposium on Optical Data Storage Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, May 1993.
- Mansuripur, “Polarization issues in magneto-optic media and head,” (invited), Joint International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Maui, Hawaii, July 1993.
- Mansuripur, “Magneto-optical disk data storage,” (invited) colloquium at the Center for Solid State Science, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, September 1993.
- Mansuripur, “Substrate birefringence and its consequences for magneto-optical recording”, invited talk at the Optical Recording Department, 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, November 1993.
- Mansuripur, “Recent progress in optical data storage research,” (invited), Research Laboratories, Eastman Kodak company, Rochester, New York, March 1994.
- Mansuripur and Y-C Hsieh, “A novel method for measuring the vertical birefringence of optical disk substrates,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, May 1994, San Diego, California.
- Hong Fu, S. Sugaya, J.K. Erwin, M. Mansuripur, “Characterization of birefringence of optical disk substrates using a novel ellipsometric approach,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, May 1994, San Diego, California.
- E. Gerber, J.J. Zambuto, J.K. Erwin and M. Mansuripur, “Ring lens focusing and push-pull tracking scheme for optical disk systems,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, May 1994, San Diego, California.
- Ruane, S. Gadetsky and M. Mansuripur, “Observation of domains and grooves on MO disks with optical microscopy and image processing,” (contributed), presented at the ODS topical meeting, May 1994, San Diego, California. Also published in the conference proceedings, SPIE Vol.2338.
- Mansuripur, “Advances in Magneto-Optical Recording,” keynote address at the symposium on Optical Data Storage Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, May 1994.
- Mansuripur, “Magneto-optical disk data storage,” invited tutorial at the third Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS), September 1994, Tokyo, Japan.
- Takahashi, S. Gadetsky and M. Mansuripur, “Study of domain formation mechanism in magneto-optical materials using micro Hall effect measurements,” (contributed), presented at the third Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS), September 1994, Tokyo, Japan.
- Gadetsky, T. Suzuki, J.K. Erwin and M. Mansuripur, “Domain wall pinning in amorphous TbFeCo films on patterned substrates,” (invited), third Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS), September 1994, Tokyo, Japan.
- Mansuripur, “Advances in erasable optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, September 1994.
- Mansuripur, “Advances in erasable optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the NEC Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan, September 1994.
- Mansuripur, “Advances in erasable optical disk data storage,” invited talk at the Matsushita Electric Company’s Research Laboratory, Osaka, Japan, October 1994.
- Mansuripur, “Progress of research in magneto-optical recording,” invited talk at the IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, March 1995.
- Gadetsky, T. Suzuki, J.K. Erwin and M. Mansuripur, “Thermomagnetic recording in amorphous TbFeCo films on patterned substrates,” (contributed paper), presented at the Intermag’95 Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 1995.
- Hong Fu, Z. Yan and M. Mansuripur, “Dielectric tensor characterization and evaluation of several magneto-optical recording media,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- Gerber and M. Mansuripur, “Dependence of optical disk tracking performance on incident polarization orientation,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- Lu Cheng, M. Mansuripur and D.G. Howe, “Theoretical investigation of partial response equalization in magneto-optical disk readout,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- Goodman and M. Mansuripur, “Optimization of groove depth for cross-talk cancellation in the scheme of land/groove recording in magnetoÂoptical disk systems,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- Gadetsky, T. Suzuki, J.K. Erwin and M. Mansuripur, “Amorphous TbFeCo films on patterned substrates for high-density thermomagnetic recording,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- C. Hsieh, M. Takahashi, S. Gadetsky and M. Mansuripur, “Investigation of domain formation mechanism during thermomagnetic recording by micro Hall effect measurements,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- Simpson, G. Teowee and M. Mansuripur, “Optical and magneto-optical characteristics of sol-gel derived bismuth doped iron garnets,” (contributed paper), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
- Suzuki, B. Uryson, J. Hurst, M. Mansuripur, J. Shen and J. Xu, “Blue recording in (BiDy)3(FeGa)5O12 garnet multilayer disk,” (contributed paper), presented at the Intermag’95 Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 1995.
- Levenson, M. Mansuripur, M. Tuell and E. Walker, “Birefringence servo for land/groove magneto-optic data storage,” presented at the 1995 meeting of the Optical Society of America.
- Mansuripur, “Some of the basic issues in optical disk data storage,” keynote address at the Symposium on Optical Storage Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, July 1995.
- Mansuripur, “Some of the basic issues in optical disk data storage,” (invited), RÂ &Â D division, Gold Star Corporation, Seoul, Korea, July 1995.
- Mansuripur, “Some of the basic issues in optical disk data storage,” (invited), Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Suwon City, Korea, July 1995.
- Mansuripur, “Magneto-optic storage technology,” (invited), Strategic Planning Workshop on Optical Data Storage, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, July 25, 1995.
- Gadetsky, W.L. Bletscher, and M. Mansuripur, âBarkhausen jumps during domain wall motion in thin magneto-optical films,â (contributed paper), 40th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1995.
- Gadetsky, T. Suzuki, J.K. Erwin, and M. Mansuripur, âMagneto-optical recording on patterned substrates,â (invited), 40th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1995.
- Y-C. Hsieh, M. Takahashi, S.N. Gadetsky, and M. Mansuripur, âDynamic study of domain formation mechanism during thermomagnetic recording by micro Hall effect measurements,â (contributed paper), 40th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1995.
- Mansuripur, “Materials for optical storage,” (invited), Research and Education in Optics, A workshop held by the National Research Councilâs Committee on Science and Engineering, Beckman Center, Irvine, California, January 4-5, 1996.
- Mansuripur, âPatterned substrates for magneto-optical disk data storage,â (invited), weekly colloquium series, department of Physics, Gerhard-Mercator University, Duisburg, Germany, May 1996.
- Mansuripur, “Propagation of the laser beam in optical disk data storage systems,” (invited), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEOâ96), Anaheim, California, June 1996.
- Mansuripur, “High density MO recording principles,” (invited tutorial), fourth Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORIS), April 1996, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.
- Mansuripur, “Overview of high density MO techniques,” (invited), Workshop on High Density Magneto-optical Techniques, Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, May 1996.
- Mansuripur, “Comparison of the ability of phase-change media versus MO media to support high-density blue laser recording,” (invited), International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Maui, Hawaii, July 8-12, 1996.
- Y-C. Hsieh, M. Mansuripur, and J. Volkmer, âMeasurement of the thermal coefficients of phase-change optical recording films,â (contributed), International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Maui, Hawaii, July 8-12, 1996.
- Mansuripur, âProgress in optical data storage research,â (invited), Eastman Kodak Company, Research Laboratories, January 1997.
- Y-C. Hsieh and M. Mansuripur, âImage contrast in polarization microscopy of magneto-optical media through plastic substrates,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- Lu Cheng and M. Mansuripur, âMeasurement of the thermal coefficients of erasable phase-change media,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- Mansuripur, J.K. Erwin, W. Bletscher, S.G. Kim, S.K. Lee, Chubing Peng, R.E. Gerber, K. Bates, C. Bartlett, T.D. Goodman, L. Cheng, Chong sam Chung, and Taekyung Kim, âA versatile polychromatic dynamic testbed for testing of optical disks,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- Chubing Peng and M. Mansuripur, âEdge detection in phase-change optical data storage,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- Chubing Peng and M. Mansuripur, âSources of noise in optical disk data storage,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- Bartlett, D. Kay, and M. Mansuripur, âComputer simulations of the effects of disk tilt and lens tilt on the push-pull tracking error signal in an optical disk drive,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- H. Yoo, C.W. Lee, D.H. Shin, C. Bartlett, K.I. Cheong, J.K. Erwin, and M. Mansuripur, âInvestigation of certain diffraction effects in a double-layer optical disk,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Recent research on optical data storage technology,” (invited) keynote address at the 5th Symposium on Optical Data Storage Technology, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, July 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Progress in optical disk data storage research,” (invited), Samsung Electronics, Suwon City, Korea, July 1997.
- Mansuripur, “A comparison of noise in magneto-optical and phase-change recording,” (invited), Asia-Pacific Data Storage Conference â97, Ta-shee resort, Taiwan, July 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Status and prospects of optical disk technology,” (invited), Denso Corporation, Nagoya, Japan, July 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Measurement and simulations of the recording process in phase-change optical recording media,” (invited), Toyota Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, July 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Signal and noise in optical disk data storage,” (invited) Quinta Corporation, San Jose, California, August 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Current status and prospects of optical disk technology,” (invited), Komag Corporation, San Jose, California, August 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Progress in optical disk data storage research,” (invited) TeraStor Corporation, San Jose, California, August 1997.
- Mansuripur, “Measurements and simulations of the recording process in phase-change optical recording media,” (invited), Energy Conversion Devices Co., Troy, Michigan, September 1997.
- Mansuripur, âOverview of optical disk data storage,â (invited) Data Storage Institute, University of Singapore, November 1997.
- Wei-Hung Yeh, Lifeng Li and M. Mansuripur, âVector diffraction and surface-wave excitation in an optical disk system,â (contributed), presented at the 1998 Optical Data Storage Conference, Aspen, Colorado, May 1998.
- Narayan M. Mansuripur, âMeasurement of crystallization speed in phase-change media,â (contributed), presented at the 1998 Optical Data Storage Conference, Aspen, Colorado, May 1998.
- Chubing Peng and M. Mansuripur, âExchange coupling in magneto-optical CAD-MSR disks,â (contributed), presented at the 1998 Optical Data Storage Conference, Aspen, Colorado, May 1998.
- Chubing Peng and M. Mansuripur, âEdge detection readout signal and cross-talk in phase-change optical data storage,â (contributed), presented at the 1998 Optical Data Storage Conference, Aspen, Colorado, May 1998.
- Mansuripur, “Micromagnetics of CAD-MSR media for erasable optical data storage,” (invited) Quinta Corporation, San Jose, California, January 1998.
- Mansuripur, âPrinciples of optical disk data storage,â (invited) General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center, Schenectady, New York, March 1998.
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in optical disk data storage,â (invited), Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, April 1998.
- Mansuripur, âProgress in Optical Data Storage Research,â (invited), Read-Rite Corporation, San Jose, California, May 1998.
- Mansuripur, âCurrent issues in rewritable optical disk data storage,â (invited), seventh biennial IEEE international nonvolatile memory technology conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1998.
- Mansuripur, âStatus and prospects of optical data storage,â (invited), Rohm & Haas Chemical Co., Philadelphia, PA, September 1998.
- Mansuripur, âEvanescent coupling in SIL-based optical data storage systems,â (contributed), Second Arizona Workshop on Near Field Recording, Tucson, Arizona, October 1998.
- Mansuripur, âMagneto-optics: Science and Technology,â (invited), 45th International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Baltimore, Maryland, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âProgress in Optical Data Storage Research,â (invited), Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âProgress in Optical Data Storage Research,â (invited), Quinta Corporation, San Jose, California, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âEvanescent coupling in SIL-based optical disk systems,â (invited), Sony Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âRole of substrate in optical disk data storage,â (invited), Hoya Glass Company, Tokyo, Japan, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âExperimental and theoretical investigations of amorphization and crystallization in phase-change media,â (keynote address), 10th annual symposium on phase-change optical recording, Mishima City, Japan, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in phase-change optical disk data storage,â (invited), Matsushita Electric Companyâs Research Laboratories, Osaka, Japan, November 1998.
- Mansuripur, âProgress in phase-change optical disk data storage,â (invited), Calimetrics Corporation, Oakland, California, December 1998.
- Mansuripur, âPhysical background for near-field recording,â (invited), Tutorial Session at the Magneto-Optical Recording International Symposium (MORISâ99), Monterey, California, January 1999.
- Mansuripur, âRecent advances in optical data storage,â (plenary presentation), SPIEâs Photonics West Conference, San Jose, California, January 1999.
- Mansuripur, âThermal aspects of hybrid magneto-optical recording,â (invited), Quinta Corporation, San Jose, California (June 1999).
- Khulbe, X. Xun, and M. Mansuripur, âCrystallization and amorphization studies on a Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film sample using a two-laser static tester,â (contributed), presented at the International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Kauai, Hawaii (July 1999).
- Peng and M. Mansuripur, âStudies of the crystallization process in thin films of GeSbTe,â (contributed), presented at the International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Kauai, Hawaii (July 1999).
- H. Yeh, Lifeng Li, and M. Mansuripur, âComputation of the effective depth of grooves in an optical disk using vector diffraction theory,â (contributed), presented at the International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Kauai, Hawaii (July 1999).
- H. Yeh and M. Mansuripur, âEvanescent coupling in magneto-optical and phase-change disk systems based on the solid immersion lens,â (contributed), presented at the International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Kauai, Hawaii (July 1999).
- Wolfring, T. Weber, T. Mueller-Wirts, and M. Mansuripur, âVERSATEST-I, a versatile polychromatic dynamic testbed for optical disks,â (contributed), presented at the SPIEâs 44th annual meeting, The International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation,â Denver, Colorado, July 1999.
- Mansuripur, C. Peng, and P. Khulbe, âCharacterization of the recording process on phase-change and magneto-optical media,â (invited), presented at the SPIEâs 44th annual meeting, The International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation,â Denver, Colorado, July 1999.
- Mansuripur, âProgress in optical data storage research,â (invited) SIROS Technologies, Inc., San Jose, California, August 1999.
- Mansuripur, âTools and instruments in optical data storage research,â (invited) TuiOptics, Inc., Munich, Germany, December 1999.
- Xun, C. Peng and M. Mansuripur, âEstimation of thermal conductivity of magneto-optical media,â (contributed) presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000.
- Peng and M. Mansuripur, âTheoretical investigation of thermal cross-track cross-talk in high density DVD-RAM system,â (contributed) presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000.
- Peng and M. Mansuripur, âVarious sources of noise in optical data storage systems,â (contributed) presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000.
- Saito, N. Miyagawa, and M. Mansuripur, âOptical disk noise analysis using rigorous vector diffraction calculations,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000. Also published in SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 4090, 74-81 (2000).
- Liang, Lifeng Li and M. Mansuripur, âPolarization dependence of the Kerr magneto-optical signal from periodic one-dimensional arrays of magnetic domains,â (contributed) presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000.
- M. Wright, P. K. Khulbe, T. Hurst and M. Mansuripur, âSimulation of phase transformations in phase-change media,â (contributed) presented at the Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2000.
- Mansuripur, âStudies of phase-change media for rewritable optical data storage,â (invited), Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, June 2000.
- Mansuripur, âSignal and noise in magneto-optical disk readoutâ (invited) presented at the IEEE Communications Societyâs Data Storage Signal Processing Workshop, New Orleans, June 2000.
- Mansuripur, âPhase-change Media of Optical Data Storage,â (invited), Naval Research Laboratories, Washington, DC, July 2000.
- Mansuripur, âRewritable Optical Disk Technologies,â (invited) presented at the Future of Computing Symposium, SPIE, August 2000.
- Mansuripur, âUnderstanding Classical Optics through Computer Simulations,â (invited) Canon Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, October 2000.
- Mansuripur, âRewritable Optical Disk Technologies,â (invited), Toyota Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, October 2000.
- Mansuripur, âNoise and its consequences in optical data storage,â (invited tutorial), Joint MORIS/APDSC conference, Nagoya, Japan, October 2000.
- Mansuripur, âReal-time studies of mark formation processes in phase-change and magneto-optical media using a two-laser static tester,â (invited) presented at the Joint MORIS/APDSC conference, Nagoya, Japan, October 2000.
- Miyagawa and M. Mansuripur, âSegmented analog recording on phase-change disk,â (contributed), presented at the Joint MORIS/APDSC conference, Nagoya, Japan, October 2000. Published in the Technical Digest of the conference, pp174-175.
- Mansuripur, âFuture of Optical Disk Data Storage,â (keynote address), Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, November 2000.
- Mansuripur, âUnderstanding Classical Optics using Computer Simulations,â (invited), Apollo Photonics, Inc., Toronto, Canada, December 2000.
- Mansuripur, âDNA, Human Memory, and the Storage Technology of the 21st Century,â (keynote address), Optical Data Storage Conference, Santa Fe, April 2001.
- K. Khulbe, T. Hurst, and M. Mansuripur, âTemperature-dependence of optical constants in phase-change media,â (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Santa Fe, April 2001, also published in the Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4342, pp 103-107 (2001).
- M. Fischer, B. Medower, R. Revay and M. Mansuripur, âThermal Properties and Crystallization Dynamics of a Phase-change Alloy for Write-Once Optical Storage,â (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Santa Fe, April 2001.
- Xun, C. Peng, and M. Mansuripur, âScattering Measurements on Optical Disksâ, (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Santa Fe, April 2001.
- Peng and M. Mansuripur, âMeasurement of the thermal coefficients of erasable phase-change optical recording mediaâ, (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Santa Fe, April 2001.
- Liang, C. Peng, K. Nagata, K. Daly-Flynn, and M. Mansuripur, âOptical characterization of multilayer stacks for phase-change mediaâ, (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Santa Fe, April 2001, also published in the Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4342, pp 134-145 (2001).
- Mansuripur, âCharacterization of phase-change media of optical recording,â (invited), weekly seminar series of the Data Storage Systems Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, February 2001.
- Mansuripur, âOptical System Simulations with DIFFRACT,â (invited), SPIE Symposium on Wave-optical Systems Engineering, San Diego, California, July 2001.
- Miyagawa and M. Mansuripur, âAdvanced grey scale recording on phase-change optical disks,â (invited), International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2001. Published in the Technical Digest of the conference, pp 240-241.
- Mansuripur, âDependence of capacity on media noise in data storage systems,â (invited), International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2001.
- Mansuripur, âDNA, Human Memory, and the Storage Technology of the 21st Century,â Weekly Colloquium Series, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, February 2002.
- Mansuripur, âOptical, thermal, and materials aspects of short laser pulses for optical data storage,â (invited), presented at the Joint ISOM/ODS conference in Hawaii, July 2002.
- Mansuripur, âOptical, thermal, and materials aspects of short laser pulses for optical data storage,â (invited), Advisory Board Meeting, Toptica Corporation, Munich, Germany, August 2002.
- Mansuripur, âDNA, Human Memory, and the Storage Technology of the 21st Century,â (invited), Future Information Strategy Meeting of the Academic Frontier Center, Nagoya, Japan, October 2002.
- Mansuripur, âOptical, thermal, and materials aspects of short laser pulses for optical data storage,â (invited), Toyota Institute of Technology, October 2002.
- Mansuripur, âDNA, Human Memory, and the Storage Technology of the 21st Century,â (invited), Hitachi-Maxell Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2002.
- Mansuripur, âPrinciples of Optical Disk,â (invited) Sixth International Workshop on Laser Physics and Applications, Tunis, Tunisia, December 2002.
- Mansuripur, âBiological Data Storage,â (invited) Sixth International Workshop on Laser Physics and Applications, Tunis, Tunisia, December 2002.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD- and DVD-players work,â (invited) Photonics Initiative Workshop, Tucson, Arizona, January 2003.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD- and DVD-players work,â Graduate Colloquium, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson (February 2003).
- Mansuripur, “Information storage and retrieval using macromolecules as storage media,” (invited) Teleseminar at the NSF/SRC Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing, University of Arizona, Tucson (March 2003).
- Mansuripur, âHow CD- and DVD-players work,â Freshman Colloquium Series, College of Engineering and Mines, University of Arizona, Tucson, (April 2003).
- Mansuripur, P. K. Khulbe, S. M. Kuebler, J. W. Perry, M. S. Giridhar, and N. Peyghambarian,â âInformation Storage and Retrieval using Macromolecules as Storage Media,â (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2003.
- R. Zakharian, J. V. Moloney, and M. Mansuripur, âInteraction of Light with Sub-wavelength Structures in Optical Storage Media,â (contributed), Optical Data Storage Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2003.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD- and DVD-players work,â (invited) Science and Technology Center, University of Washington, Seattle (June 2003).
- Mansuripur, A. Euteneuer, D. Fernandez, and B. Medower, âMedia Characterization Methods for Optical Data Storage,â (invited), presented at the CLEO_Europe, Munich, Germany (June 2003).
- Mansuripur, P. K. Khulbe, C. Peng, and A. Euteneuer, âCharacterization of phase-change and magneto-optical media of optical recording,â (invited), Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Corvallis, Oregon (September 2003).
- Mansuripur, P. K. Khulbe, S. M. Kuebler, J. W. Perry, M. S. Giridhar, and N. Peyghambarian, âInformation storage and retrieval using macromolecules as storage media,â (invited) Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Netherlands (Sept. 2003).
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âInteraction of light with subwavelength structures in optical storage media,â (invited), 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near Field Optics (AP-NFO4), Taipei, Taiwan (October 2003).
- Mansuripur, âMacromolecular Data Storage,â Chemical and Biochemical Sensors Workshop, Tucson, Arizona (November 2003).
- V. Moloney, D. Kouznetsov, A. Mafi, A. SchĂźlzgen, M. Mansuripur, M. Fallahi, and N. Peyghambarian, “Novel Designs for Double-Clad and Photonic Crystal Highly-Doped Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers,â SSDLTR 2003 Technical Digest, Fiber-4 (2003).
- Mansuripur, K. Watabe, P. Polynkin, C. Peng, J. K. Erwin, and W. Bletscher, âOptical and thermal aspects of phase-change media of optical data storage,â (invited) annual meeting of Materials Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts (December 2003).
- Mansuripur, P. Khulbe,C. Peng, and A. Euteneuer âOptical and thermal aspects of phase-change media of optical data storage,â (invited tutorial) annual meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts (December 2003).
- Mansuripur and P. Khulbe, âMacromolecular data storage,â (invited), DIMACS Workshop on Theoretical Advances in Information Recording, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey (March 2004).
- Mansuripur and P. Khulbe, âMacromolecular data storage with petabyte/cm3 density, highly parallel read/write operations, and genuine 3D storage capability,â (invited), Optical Data Storage Conference, Monterey, California (April 2004).
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, and J. Moloney, âTransmission of light through small elliptical apertures,â (contributed) Optical Data Storage Conference, Monterey, California (April 2004).
- Liu, A. Zakharian, R. Rathnakumar, M. Fallahi, J. V. Moloney, and M. Mansuripur, âApplications of photonic crystals in optical data storage,â (contributed) Optical Data Storage Conference, Monterey, California (April 2004).
- Watabe, P. Polynkin, and M. Mansuripur, âBehavior of GeSbTeBi phase-change optical recording media under sub-nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation,â (contributed) Optical Data Storage Conference, Monterey, California (April 2004).
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, Y. Xie, and J. V. Moloney, âTransmission of light through subwavelength apertures,â (Invited) ETOS Workshop, Cork, Ireland, July 2004.
- Mansuripur, âRelevant Technologies for Future Generations of Optical Data Storage,â (Invited) MediaTech Conference, Hollywood, California, August 2004.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, Y. Xie, and J. V. Moloney, âLight transmission through subwavelength slits and apertures,â (Invited) 4th Asia Pacific Data Storage Conference, Taiwan, September 2004.
- Peyghambarian, A. Schulzgen, T. Qiu, L. Li, V. Temyanko, P. Polynkin, M. Mansuripur, A. Mafi, and J. V. Moloney, âRecent advances towards 1W/cm single-mode fiber lasers,â (Invited) LEOS 2004, Puerto Rico, November 2004.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, J. V. Moloney, âRadiation pressure and the linear momentum of the electromagnetic field,â Weekly Colloquium Series, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, October 2004.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âRadiation pressure and the linear momentum of the electromagnetic field,â (Invited), Spring School: Nonlinear and Multiscale Photonics, Tucson, Arizona, April 2005.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the linear momentum of the electromagnetic field,â (Invited), European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Advanced Optical Imaging, Imperial College, London, UK, July 2005.
- Mansuripur, Y. Xie, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âTransmission of light through slit apertures in metallic films,â (contributed) Optical Data Storage Conference, Hawaii, July 2005.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âRadiation pressure and the distribution of electromagnetic force in dielectric media,â (Invited), SPIE Conference on Optical Trapping & Micro-manipulation, San Diego, California, August 2005.
- Kosterin, V. Temyanko, M. Fallahi, and M. Mansuripur, âTapered fiber bundles for high power applications,â Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2005.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD and DVD Players Work,â (Invited) Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Student Chapter), Tucson, Arizona, August 2005.
- Mansuripur and P. K. Khulbe, “DNA, human memory, and the storage technology of the 21st century,” (Keynote address) ASME-Integrated Nanosystem Conference, Berkeley, California, September 2005.
- Mansuripur, âPhase-change technology for advanced optical data storage,â (Keynote address), 4th European Symposium on Phase Change and Ovonic Science (E*PCOS 05), King’s College, Cambridge University, UK, September 2005.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the linear momentum of the electromagnetic field,â (Invited) Department of Physics, University of Glasgow, UK, September 2005.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the linear momentum of light,â (contributed) Annual meeting of the Optical Society of America, Tucson, Arizona, October 2005.
- Mansuripur, âInvestigations of lightâs momentum and radiation pressure with application to near-field and far field optical trapping and optical binding,â (Invited) Asia Pacific Near Field Optics (APNFO-05), Niigata, Japan, November 2005.
- Mansuripur, âPrinciples and Techniques of Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited), Toyota Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, November 2005.
- Mansuripur, K. Kieu, and K. Narumi, âSub-nanosecond pulsed laser studies of phase-change recording media,â (Invited) Optical Data Storage Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 2006. Manuscript published in SPIE Proceedings 6282, âInvestigation of crystallization and amorphization dynamics of phase-change thin films using sub-nano-second laser pulses.â
- Xie, A. R. Zakharian, J.V. Moloney, M. Mansuripur, âBloch mode coupling to analyze periodic slits in metallic films,â (contributed) OSA Topical Meeting âIntegrated Photonics Research and Applications: Nanophotonics,â Uncasville, Connecticut, April 2006.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âSingle-beam trapping of micro-beads in polarized light,â (contributed), SPIE Symposium on Optical Trapping and Optical Micro-manipulation, August 2006. Manuscript published in SPIE Proceedings 6326, âEquivalence of total force (and torque) for two formulations of the Lorentz law.â
- Polynkin, A. Polynkin, D. Panasenko, M. Mansuripur, J. Moloney, N. Peyghambarian, âPicosecond fiber laser oscillator at 1.5mm with 2.3W average power and 160 MHz repetition rate,â (contributed) Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January 2006).
- Panasenko, P. Polynkin, A. Polynkin, J. Moloney, M. Mansuripur, N. Peyghambarian, âHigh average power harmonically mode-locked femtosecond ring laser based on phosphate glass fiber,â (contributed) OFC, Anaheim, CA (March 2006).
- Polynkin, A. Polynkin, D. Panasenko, N. Peyghambarian, M. Mansuripur, J. Moloney, âWatts-level, all-fiber laser at 1.5mm mode-locked with a saturable semiconductor absorber,â (contributed), Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXI, OSA annual meeting, Tucson (October 2005).
- Polynkin, A. Polynkin, M. Mansuripur, N. Peyghambarian, âSingle-Frequency, Linearly Polarized Fiber Laser with 1.9W Output Power at 1.5mm Using Twisted-Mode Technique,â (contributed post deadline paper CPDB11) CLEO, Baltimore (May 2005).
- Mansuripur, Y. Xie, A. R. Zakharian, J. V. Moloney, âTransmission of light through subwavelength slits and apertures with application to near-field optical recording,â (Invited), Asia Pacific Data Storage Conference (APDSCâ06), Taiwan, August 2006. Manuscript entitled âSurface plasmon polaritons on metallic surfacesâ published in IEEE Trans. Magnet. 43, 845-850 (February 2007).
- Mansuripur, âFuture Optical Disk Technologies,â (Keynote address), MediaTech Conference and Showcase, Long Beach, California, October 2006.
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Optical Data Storage,â (Invited) MediaTech Conference and Showcase, Barcelona, Spain, March 2007.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âRadiation pressure and the linear and angular momenta of light in dielectric media,â (Invited), Progress in Electro-magnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2007, Beijing, China, March 2007.
- Mansuripur, âDiffraction modeling of optical pickup and media,â (contributed), OSA Topical Meeting on Optical Data Storage, Portland, Oregon, May 2007.
- Mansuripur, âMacromolecular data storage,â (Invited) Innovative Mass Storage Technologies (IMST), Twente University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2007.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the light’s linear and angular momenta,â (Invited), LATSIS Conference, Ecole Polytechnique Federal Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, June 2007.
- Kieu and M. Mansuripur, âMicro-sphere resonator reflector for fiber laser,â (contributed), SPIE Conference on Laser Resonators and Beam Control IX, published in SPIE Proc. 6452, 645211 (2007).
- Xie, A. R. Zakharian, J. V. Moloney, and M. Mansuripur, âBloch mode analysis of transmission through periodic slit arrays in finite-thickness metallic slabs,â (contributed), SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2007.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure on submerged mirrors: implications for the momentum of light in dielectric media,â (contributed), SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2007.
- Mansuripur, âThe concept of coherence in classical optics,â (contributed), Symposium Honoring Professor Joseph W. Goodman, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2007.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the momentum of light in dielectric media,â (Invited), Colloquium Series, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, September 2007.
- Mansuripur, Y. Xie, A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, âTransmission of light through subwavelength slits and apertures,â (Invited), Frontiers in Optics Workshop, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 2007. (Supported by OSAâs traveling Fellow grant.)
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the momentum of light in dielectric media,â (Invited), College of Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, November 2007.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the momentum of light in dielectric media,â (Invited), International Workshop on Applied Optics & Nanophotonics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, November 2007.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the linear and angular momenta of the electromagnetic field,â (Invited), Western Pennsylvania OSA Local Section, April 10, 2008. (Supported by OSAâs traveling Fellow grant.)
- Mansuripur, âThe AbrahamâMinkowski Controversy,â (Invited), Rank Prize Minisymposium: The push or pull of optical momentum?, London, UK, July 2008.
- Mansuripur, âCan future storage technologies benefit from existing or emerging nano-tools and techniques?â (Keynote address), Joint meeting of the International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM) and Optical Data Storage Conference (ODS), Hawaii, July 2008.
- Mansuripur, A.R. Zakharian, A. Kobyakov, J.V. Moloney, âPlasmonic nano-structures for optical data storage,â (contributed) Joint ISOM/ODS meeting, Hawaii, July 2008.
- Mansuripur, âElectromagnetic stress tensor in ponderable media,â(contributed) SPIE Symp. NanoScience & Engineering, San Diego, California, August 2008. Published in SPIE Proceedings as âGeneralized Lorentz law and the force of radiation on magnetic dielectrics,â September 2008.
- Mansuripur, âCan future storage technologies benefit from existing or emerging nano-tools and techniques?â (Invited), Instrument Technology Research Center, Taipei, Taiwan, November 21, 2008.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation pressure and the momentum of light inside dielectrics: The Abraham-Minkowski controversy,â (Invited), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, November 2008.
- Mansuripur, âCan future storage technologies benefit from existing or emerging nano-tools and techniques?â (Invited) 8th International Symposium on Optical Storage/Â 2008 International Workshop on Information Data Storage (ISOS/IWIDS 2008), Wuhan, China, November 2008.
- Mansuripur and A. R. Zakharian, âMaxwell’s macroscopic equations, the Lorentz law of force, and the nature of electromagnetic momentum,â weekly seminar series at the University of Arizonaâs Mathematics Department, December 2008.
- Mansuripur, âCan future storage technologies benefit from existing or emerging nano-tools and techniques?â (Plenary Speaker), Asia Pacific Data Storage Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, December 17, 2008.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian, A. Kobyakov, and J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic nano-structures for optical data storage,â (Invited) CISD  Conference (Yonsei University), Jeju Island, Korea, December 19, 2008.
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, Sang-Hyun Oh, R. J. Jones, A. Lesuffleur, N. C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, A. Kobyakov, and J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic optical data storage,â (contributed) Optical Data Storage Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, May 2009. Published as âPlasmonic nano-structures for optical data storage,â in SPIE proceedings, Fall 2009.
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, Sang-Hyun Oh, R. J. Jones, A. Lesuffleur, N. C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, A. Kobyakov, J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (Invited), Sir Mark Oliphant Conferences: Nano-photonics Down Under 2009 – Devices and Applications (SMO-NP 2009), Melbourne, Australia, June 2009.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD and DVD Players Work,â (Invited), Nanophotonics Down Under 2009, High School Teachersâ Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, June 2009.
- Mansuripur, âMacromolecular data storage: What we can learn from Natureâs method of information storage in DNA and RNAâ (Invited) Data Storage Institute, Singapore, June 2009.
- Mansuripur and A. R. Zakharian, âWhence the Minkowski momentum?â (contributed) SPIE Symp. Nano-Science & Engineering, San Diego, California, August 2009.
- Mansuripur and A. R. Zakharian, âRadiation pressure and photon momentum in negative-index media,â (contributed) SPIE Symp. Nano-Science & Engineering, San Diego, California, August 2009.
- Mansuripur and A. R. Zakharian, âWhat is wrong with the interpretation of recent nano-filament experiments?â (contributed) SPIE Symp. Nano-Science & Engineering, San Diego, California, August 2009.
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, Sang-Hyun Oh, R. J. Jones, A. Lesuffleur, N. C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, A. Kobyakov and J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (Invited), Optical Storage and New Storage Technology (OSNS), held in conjunction with Photonics and Opto-Electronics Meetings (POEM), Wuhan, China, August 2009.
- Mansuripur, âMaxwellâs macroscopic equations, the energy-momentum postulates, and the Lorentz law of force,â (Invited), Winter School on Plasmonics and Metamaterials, Sao Carlos University, Brazil, August 10-13, 2009.
- Mansuripur, âFoundations of the classical Maxwell-Lorentz theory of electrodynamics,â (Invited), Campinas University, Brazil, August 14, 2009.
- Mansuripur, âCan future data storage technologies benefit from the emerging nano-tools and techniques?â Weekly Colloquium Series, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, October 2009.
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, Sang-Hyun Oh, R. J. Jones, A. Lesuffleur, N. C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, A. Kobyakov, J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (Invited), International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM), Nagasaki, Japan, October 2009.
- Mansuripur, âRadiation Pressure, Linear and Angular Momenta of the Electromagnetic Field, and their Applications,â (Invited), Hitachi-Maxell Co., Tokyo, Japan, October 2009.
- Mansuripur, âElectronic/magnetic/optical/molecular information storage, plasmonics, nano-photonics, optical micro-manipulation, and photon momentum,â Editorial Board Meeting, Reports on Progress in Physics, London, United Kingdom, October 2009.
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, Sang-Hyun Oh, R. J. Jones, A. Lesuffleur, N. C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, A. Kobyakov and J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (Invited), 7th International Workshop on Nano-Photonics (NTU_KeioU Nano-Photonics Workshop), National Taiwan University, Taipei, March 2010.
- Mansuripur and A. R. Zakharian, âEnergy, momentum, and force in classical electrodynamics: application to negative-index media,â (Invited), Nano-optics, Plasmonics, and Advanced Materials Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 2010.
- Mansuripur, âMacromolecular data storage: What can we learn from Nature’s methods of information storage in DNA and RNA molecules?â (Invited), Yonsei International Symposium: Mechanical Engineering in NT, BT, ET & IT, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, May 2010.
- Mansuripur and A.R. Zakharian, âEnergy, Momentum, Force, and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics: Application to Negative-index Media,â (Invited), Weekly Colloquium Series, National Taiwan University, Physics Department, May 2010.
- Mansuripur, âCan future storage technologies benefit from existing or emerging nano-tools and techniques?â (Invited), National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, May, 2010.
- Mansuripur and A.R. Zakharian, âEnergy, Momentum, Force, and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics: Application to Negative-index Media,â (Invited), Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2010.
- Mansuripur and A.R. Zakharian, âEnergy, Momentum, Force, and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics: Application to Negative-index Media,â (Invited), Physics Department, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, June 2010.
- Mansuripur, A. Zakharian, Sang-Hyun Oh, R. J. Jones, A. Lesuffleur, N. C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, A. Kobyakov and J. V. Moloney, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (Invited), Department of Electronics Engineering, Huazhung University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, June 2010.
- Mansuripur and A.R. Zakharian, âEnergy, Momentum, Force, and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics: Application to Negative-index Media,â (Invited), Monthly meeting of the plasmonics group, Physics Dept., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2010.
- Mansuripur and A.R. Zakharian, âEnergy, Momentum, Force, and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics: Application to Negative-Index Media,â (Invited), weekly colloquium series, Physics department, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil, October 2010.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD and DVD players work,â (Invited), Workshop on Lasers and
Applications, OSA Student Chapter, Recife, Brazil, October 2010.
- Mansuripur, âPhoton momentum, optical micro-manipulation, nano-photonics, plasmonics, and electronic/magnetic/optical/molecular information storage,â Editorial Board Meeting, Reports on Progress in Physics, London, United Kingdom, October 2010.
- M. Chang, C. H. Chu, M. L. Tseng, H-P. Chiang, M. Mansuripur, and D. P. Tsai, âEnhanced electrical conductivity of laser-recorded phase-change marks on sputter-deposited thin films of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5,â (contributed), Asia-Pacific Data Storage Conference, Taiwan, November 2010.
- T. Chen, P. C. Wu, C. J. Chen, M. Mansuripur, and D. P. Tsai, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (contributed, winner of the Outstanding Poster Award), Asia-Pacific Data Storage Conference, Taiwan, November 2010.
- Mansuripur, âSolar Sails, Optical Tweezers, and Other Light-Driven Machines,â Weekly colloquium series, University of Arizonaâs Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department, February, 2011.
- Mansuripur, âPlasmonic Optical Data Storage,â (Invited), Joint special meeting of JSPS Photonic Information Systems and the Magnetics Society of Japanâs Opto-functional Magnetic Devices and Materials, Tokyo Garden Palace, Japan, March 2011.
- Mansuripur and A.R. Zakharian, âDiffraction modeling at high numerical aperture,â Industrial Affiliates Workshop, U.A. College of Optical Sciences, April 2011.
- Mansuripur, âSolar Sails, Optical Tweezers, and Other Light-Driven Machines,â (Invited), MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Boston, April 2011.
- Mansuripur, âHow CD and DVD Players Work,â (Invited), IEEE Photonics Societyâs Photonics Imaging Workshop, Boston, April 2011.
- Mansuripur, âThe role of nanotechnology in future data storage devices and systems,â (Keynote address), Joint ISOM/ODS conference, Hawaii, July 2011; published in the proceedings of the conference.
- T. Chen, P.C. Wu, C.J. Chen, C.J. Weng, H.C. Lee, T.J. Yen, C.H. Kuan, M. Mansuripur and D.P. Tsai, âManipulation of multi-dimensional plasmonic spectra for information storage,â (contributed), Joint ISOM/ODS conference, Hawaii, July 2011; published in the proceedings of the conference.
- L. Tseng, C.M. Chang, C.H. Chu, M. Mansuripur, and D.P. Tsai, âPhysical and chemical characterization of laser-recorded phase-change marks on amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films,â (contributed), Joint ISOM/ODS conference, Hawaii, July 2011.
- Mansuripur, A. R. Zakharian and E. M. Wright, âSpin and orbital angular momenta of light reflected from a cone,â (Invited), SPIE Symp. Nano-Science & Engineering, San Diego, California, August 2011.
- Mansuripur, âSolar Sails, Optical Tweezers, and Other Light-Driven Machines,â (Invited), SPIE symposium honoring Professor Joseph W. Goodmanâs 75th birthday, San Diego, California, August 2011; published in SPIE Proceedings 8122, Tribute to Joseph W. Goodman, edited by H. J. Caulfield and H. H. Arsenault, 81220D~1-13 (2011).
- Mansuripur, C.M. Chang, C.H. Chu, M.L. Tseng, H.P. Chiang, and D.P. Tsai, âLocal electrical characterization of laser-recorded marks in Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films using conductive-tip atomic force microscopy,â (Invited), European Symposium on Phase-Change and Ovonic Science (E\PCOS 2011), Zurich, Switzerland, September 2011; published in the conference proceedings.
- Mansuripur, âThe Science and Technology of Nano Materials and Devices,â Editorial Board Meeting, Reports on Progress in Physics, London, United Kingdom, October 2011.
- Mansuripur, âResolution of the Abraham-Minkowski Controversy,â (Invited), Boulder Research Seminar on Optical, Electronic and Quantum Systems; joint JILA, Physics, and Electrical Engineering seminar series, University of Colorado at Boulder, November 2011.
- Mansuripur, W.T. Chen and D.P. Tsai, âHigh-resolution Readout Schemes in Optical Disk Data Storage,â (Invited), International Symposium on Super-Resolution Imaging, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, December 2011.
- Mansuripur, âSolar Sails, Optical Tweezers, and Other Light-Driven Machines,â (Invited), colloquium at the department of electrical engineering, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana, January 2012.
- Mansuripur, âMaxwell’s macroscopic equations, energy-momentum postulates, the Lorentz law of force, and interesting connections to Doppler shift,” (Invited), International Photonics Workshop, University of Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, February 2012.
- Mansuripur, A.R. Zakharian, âRadiation pressure and photon momentum in negative-index mediaâ (contributed poster), NanoLight Workshop, Benasque, Spain, March 2012.
- Mansuripur, âEnergy, Momentum, Force and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics,â (Invited), OSA Incubator Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2-4, 2012.
- Tada, G.A. Cohoon, K. Kieu, M. Mansuripur, and R.A. Norwood, âFabrication of High-Q Microresonators Using Femtosecond Laser Micromachining,â (contributed) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Technical Digest, 2012.
- Mansuripur, âEnergy, Momentum, Force and Torque in Classical Electrodynamics,â (Invited), International Spring School of the Microseres, Miraflores, Spain, May 2012.
- Mansuripur, âSolar sails, optical tweezers, and other light-driven machinesâ (Invited), seminar for summer undergraduate students visiting the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, July 2012.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz Law of Force: Response to Critics,â (contributed) SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2012.
- Mansuripur, A.R. Zakharian, âRadiation pressure and photon momentum in negative-index media,â (contributed) SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2012.
- Mansuripur, âAngular momentum exchange between light and material media deduced from the Doppler shift,â (contributed) SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2012.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz law of force: Incompatibility with special relativity and momentum conservation,â (Invited) weekly colloquium series, University of Arizona, Physics Department, August 2012.
- Mansuripur, âSingle-photon spectroscopy of single molecules, cavity opto-mechanics, the physics of cancer, optical scissors and tweezers, opto-fluidics, and aerosol studies in an optical trap,â editorial board meeting of Reports on Progress in Physics, London, United Kingdom, October 2012.
- Mansuripur, A.R. Zakharian and E.M. Wright, âSpin and orbital angular momenta of light reflected from a cone,â (Invited) Industrial Affiliates Meeting, University of Arizonaâs College of Optical Sciences, Tucson, October 2012.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz law of force: Incompatibility with special relativity and momentum conservation,â (Invited) Physics colloquium, Kingâs College, London, October 2012.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz law of force: Incompatibility with special relativity and momentum conservation,â (Invited) OSA Student Chapter, University of Sao Paulo, Campinas, Brazil, November 2012.
- Mansuripur, âOn the foundational equations of the classical theory of electrodynamics,â (Invited) Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference (LAOP), Sao Sebastiao, Brazil, November 2012.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz law of force: Incompatibility with special relativity and momentum conservation,â (Invited) OSA Student Chapter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 2012.
- Mansuripur, âOn the foundational equations of the classical theory of electrodynamics: Applications to optomechanical sensors and actuators,â (Keynote) Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2013.
- T. Mansuripur and M. Mansuripur, âSimulations of light beam incident on a gainy slab elicit mechanism of amplified TIR,â (contributed) Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2013.
- Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Lorentz force law,â (Invited) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2013.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz law of force: Incompatibility with special relativity and momentum conservation,â (Invited) weekly colloquium series, department of Physics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 2013.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz force law: hidden momentum, Einstein-Laub formula, and the Abraham-Minkowski controversy,â (Invited) Symposium Honoring Prof. Daniel Kleppner, Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, Sao Carlos, Brazil, February 2013.
- Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Lorentz force law,â (Invited) Department of optics and fine mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, June 2013.
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited) International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging (ISPDI), Beijing, China, June 2013.
- Mansuripur, âTrouble with the Lorentz force law: hidden momentum, Einstein-Laub formula, and the Abraham-Minkowski controversy,â (Invited) International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA), Taichung, Taiwan, July 2013.
- Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Lorentz force law,â (Invited) Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (July 2013).
- Mansuripur, A.R. Zakharian, and E.M. Wright, âElectromagnetic field and force distribution inside matter,â (contributed) SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2013.
- Mansuripur, âThe Lorentz force law and its connections to hidden momentum, the Einstein-Laub force, and the Aharonov-Casher effect,â (Invited) SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 2013.
- Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Lorentz force law,â (Invited) Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, JiNan University, GuangZhou, China, November 2013.
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited) Asia-Pacific Data Storage Conference (APDSCâ13), Hualien, Taiwan, November 2013.
- Zhu, T. Mankowski, K. Balakrishinan, F. Touati, M. A. Benammar, M. Mansuripur, and C. M. Falco, âHybrid thin-films of Graphene materials and metallic nanowires for next generation transparent electrodes,â (contributed poster) Renewable Energy and the Environment Congress, Optical Society of America, Tucson, Arizona (November 2013).
- M. Falco, M. Mansuripur, Z. Zhu, K. Balakrishnan, and T. Mankowski, âHigh Performance Transparent Nanowire Electrodes for Solar Cells,â (Invited) IEEE-GCC Conference, Doha, Qatar (November 2013).
- Mansuripur, âOn the Electrodynamics of Moving Permanent Dipoles in External Electromagnetic Fields,â (contributed), Metamaterials Conference, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited), SPIE Symposium on Optical Data Storage, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light on Material Media: Radiation Pressure and the Linear and Angular Momenta of Photons,â (Invited), 50th Anniversary of the College of Optical Sciences, SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- Mansuripur, âElectromagnetic force and torque in Lorentz and Einstein-Laub formulations,â (contributed), Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- Mansuripur, âThe Charge-Magnet Paradoxes of Classical Electrodynamics,â (Invited) Spintronics VII, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- Zhu, T. Mankowski, K. Balakrishnan, F. Touati, M.A. Benammar, M. Mansuripur, and C.M. Falco, âTransparent conducting electrodes based on narrow, ultra-long copper nanowires and graphene nanocomposites,â (contributed), SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- T. Mankowski, Z. Zhu, K. Balakrishnan, F. Touati, M.A. Benammar, M. Mansuripur and C.M. Falco, âMetal nanowire-graphene composite transparent electrodes,â (contributed), SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2014).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light: Radiation Pressure, Photon Momentum, and the Lorentz Force Law,â (Invited), 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Lasers, Optics & Photonics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (September 2014).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light: Radiation Pressure, Photon Momentum, and the Lorentz Force Law,â (Invited), Seminar in the College of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (September 2014).
- Mansuripur, âThe Force Law of Classical Electrodynamics: Lorentz versus Einstein and Laub,â (Invited) Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the College of Optical Sciences, OSA Annual Meeting, Tucson (October 2014).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light: Radiation Pressure, Photon Momentum, and the Lorentz Force Law,â Weekly Colloquium Series, College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson (October 2014).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light: Radiation Pressure, Photon Momentum, and the Lorentz Force Law,â (Invited), Weekly Colloquium Series, Department of Physics, San Jose State University, San Jose, California (October 2014).
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited), Seminar in the College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (October 2014).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light on Material Media: Radiation Pressure and the Linear and Angular Momenta of Photons,â (Invited) Seminar in the School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe (November 2014).
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited) Seminar in the School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University (November 2014).
- Mansuripur, âElectric and magnetic dipoles in the Lorentz and Einstein-Laub formulations of classical electrodynamics,â (Invited), SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California (February 2015).
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited) Biophotonics Symposium, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2015).
- Mansuripur, âEnergy and Linear and Angular Momenta in Simple Electromagnetic Systems,â (contributed), Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XII, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2015).
- Mansuripur, âSimple explanation of opto-mechanical cooling by the back action of cavity photons,â (contributed), presented at the Optical Trapping and Optical Micro-manipulation XII, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2015).
- Spavieri and M. Mansuripur, âOrigin of the Spin-Orbit Interaction,â (Invited), presented at Spintronics VIII, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2015).
- Zhu, T. Mankowski, K. Balakrishnan, A.S. Shikoh, F. Touati, M.A. Benammar, M. Mansuripur and C.M. Falco, âFabrication of aluminum-doped zinc oxide transparent conductive electrodes using plasma treatment for solar cell applications,â (contributed), SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, California (August 2015).
- Mansuripur, âPrinciples of Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited) IBM Research & Development Group, Tucson, Arizona (September 2015).
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited), International Symposium on Optical Memory (ISOM), Toyama, Japan (October 2015).
- Mansuripur, âHow CD and DVD Players Work,â (Invited) Jinan University, Guangzhou, Peopleâs Republic of China (October 2015).
- Mansuripur, âAdvances in Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited), Jinan University, Guangzhou, Peopleâs Republic of China (October 2015).
- Mansuripur, âHow CD and DVD Players Work,â (Invited) Qatar University, Doha, Qatar (November 2015).
- Mansuripur, âPrinciples of Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited), Department of Management Information Systems, University of Arizona, Tucson (January 2016).
- Mansuripur, âLight-matter interaction: Conversion of optical energy and momentum to mechanical vibrations and phonons,â (Invited) SPIE Photonics West Symposium, San Francisco, California (February 2016).
- Mansuripur, M. Kolesik, and P. Jakobsen, âSpin and orbital angular momenta of trapped electromagnetic fields in leaky optical cavities,â (Invited), SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2016).
- Mansuripur, âElectromagnetic angular momentum in cylindrically-symmetric and spherically-symmetric systems,â (contributed), SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2016).
- Mansuripur, âMomentum exchange between photons and phonons in structured media,â (contributed), SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2016).
- Zhu, T. Mankowski, K. Balakrishnan, A.S. Shikoh, F. Touati, M.A. Benammar, M. Mansuripur and C.M. Falco, âA new hybrid transparent conductive electrode based on copper nanowires and its application in solar cells,â (contributed), Thin Films for Solar and Energy Technology VIII, SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2016).
- Mansuripur, âField Momentum and Structured Light,â (Invited) Workshop on Quantum Field Framework for Structured Light Interactions, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), April 2017.
- Mansuripur, âOptical Angular Momentum in Classical Electrodynamics,â (Invited) presented at the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO), Tainan, Taiwan (July 2017).
- Mansuripur, âThermodynamics of Radiation Pressure and Photon Momentum,â (Invited), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (July 2017).
- Mansuripur, âAngular Momentum Exchange Between Light and Small Particles,â (contributed) presented at SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2017).
- Mansuripur and Pin Han, âThermodynamics of Radiation Pressure and Photon Momentum,â (contributed) presented at SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2017).
- Mansuripur, âNature of the electromagnetic force between classical magnetic dipoles,â (Invited) presented at SPIE Optics & Photonics Symposium, San Diego, California (August 2017).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical Effects of Light: Radiation Pressure, Photon Momentum, and the Lorentz Force Law,â (Invited) University of Ottawaâs Weekly Colloquium Series, Ottawa, Canada (October 2017).
- Mansuripur, âThermodynamics of radiation pressure and photon momentum,â (Invited) University of Ottawa, Canada (October 2017).
- Mansuripur, âPrinciples of Macromolecular Data Storage,â (Invited) University of New Mexicoâs Weekly Colloquium Series, Albuquerque, New Mexico (November 2017).
- Mansuripur, âThermodynamics of radiation pressure and photon momentum,â (Invited) University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (November 2017).
- Mansuripur, âThermodynamics of Radiation Pressure and Photon Momentum (Part 2),â (Invited) SPIE Photonics West Symposium, San Francisco, California (January 2018).
- Mansuripur, âEnergy, linear momentum, and angular momentum exchange between an electromagnetic wave-packet and a small particle,â (contributed) SPIE Structured Light 2018 Conference, Yokohama, Japan. (Extended abstract published in SPIE Proceedings 10712, Optical Manipulation Conference, 107121E~1-3 (2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2317336.
- Mansuripur, âFourier Optics in the Classroom,â (Invited) Imaging & Applied Optics Congress, Optical Society of America, Orlando, Florida (June 2018).
- Mansuripur, âEnergy, linear momentum, and angular momentum exchange between an electromagnetic wave-packet and a small particle,â (contributed) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2018).
- Mansuripur, âSpin and orbital angular momenta of an electromagnetic wave-packet,â (Invited) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2018).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: Radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Lorentz force law,â (Invited) Xiâan Institute of Optics & Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (October 2018).
- Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: Radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Lorentz force law,â (Invited) Xiâan Jiao Tong University (October 2018).
- Mansuripur, âThermodynamics of radiation pressure and photon momentum,â (Invited) International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory (ISOM), Kitakyushu, Japan (October 2018).
- Mansuripur, âSelf-field and the radiated energy and linear momentum of an accelerated point charge,â (Invited) SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California (February 2019).
- Mansuripur, âSelf-field, radiated energy, and radiated linear momentum of an accelerated point charge,â (Invited) presented at the OSA Biophotonics Conference: Optics in the Life Sciences, Tucson, Arizona (April 2019).
- Mansuripur, âSelf-field, radiated energy, and radiated linear momentum of an accelerated point charge,â (Invited) presented at the Discussions on Nano & Mesoscopic Optics (DINAMO), Isla San Cristobal, GalĂĄpagos, Ecuador (April 2019).
- Mansuripur and P.K. Jakobsen, âAn approach to constructing super oscillatory functionsâ (Invited) Superoscillations: Theoretical Aspects and Applications, Cetraro, Italy (June 2019).
- Mansuripur, âOptical Angular Momentum,â presented at the 5th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum (ICOAM 19), Ottawa, Canada (June 2019).
- Mansuripur, âWhy isotropic transparent particles pick up linear momentum but not spin angular momentum from a light beam,â (contributed)Â presented at SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2019).
- Mansuripur, âSpin-orbit coupling in the hydrogen atom, the Thomas precession, and the exact solution of Dirac’s equation,â (Invited) presented at SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2019).
- M. Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: Radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Abraham-Minkowski controversy,â (Invited Colloquium) School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University (September 2019).
- M. Mansuripur, âDispersion of electromagnetic waves in linear, homogeneous, and isotropic media,â (contributed) SPIE Optics & Photonics (Memorial Symposium honoring Roland V. Shack), San Diego, California (August 2020).
- M. Mansuripur, âEnergy, linear momentum, and spin and orbital angular momenta of circularly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian wave-packets,â (contributed) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2020).
- M. Mansuripur and P.K. Jakobsen, âElectromagnetic radiation and the self field of a spherical dipole oscillator,â (Invited) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2020).
- M. Mansuripur, âAn exact derivation of the Thomas precession rate using the Lorentz transformation,â (Invited) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2020).
- M. Mansuripur and P.K. Jakobsen, âOn the problem of total internal reflection from finite and semi-infinite gain media,â (Invited) International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory, Takamatsu, Japan (December 2020).
- M. Mansuripur, âMechanical effects of light: Radiation pressure, photon momentum, and the Abraham-Minkowski controversy,â (Invited) Colloquiums on the Occasion of the International Day of Light, Optics & Photonics Society of Iran (May 2021).
- M. Mansuripur and P.K. Jakobsen, âFresnel reflection and transmission in the presence of gain media,â (Invited) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2021).
- M. Mansuripur, âElectromagnetic force and torque derived from a Lagrangian in conjunction with the Maxwell-Lorentz equations,â(Contributed) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2020).
- M. Mansuripur, âUbiquity of Fourier transformation in optical sciences,â (contributed) SPIE Symposium honoring Prof. James C. Wyant, San Diego, California (August 2021).
- M. Mansuripur, âSpin-1 photons, spin-1/2 electrons, Bellâs inequalities, and Feynmanâs special perspective on quantum mechanics,â (Invited) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2022).
- M. Mansuripur, âLinear and angular momenta of photons in the context of âwhich pathâ experiments of quantum mechanics,â (contributed) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2022).
- M. Mansuripur, âInsights into the behavior of certain optical systems gleaned from Feynmanâs approach to quantum electrodynamics,â (Invited) SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2022).
- M. Mansuripur, âElectromagnetic angular momentum of quantized wavepackets in free space,â (contributed), to be presented at the SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2023).
- M. Mansuripur, âSpin and orbital angular momenta of electromagnetic waves in classical and quantum electrodynamics,â (Invited), to be presented at the SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2023).
- M. Mansuripur, âA comparison of the classical and quantum theories of light interacting with nano-materials,â (Invited), to be presented at the SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, California (August 2023).