Congratulations to Bridget for a successful thesis defense
Congratulations Bridget! Her next steps involve joining the Harvard HealthTech Fellowship.
Congratulations Bridget! Her next steps involve joining the Harvard HealthTech Fellowship.
Justina was offered an internship at Airy Optics, and Kellys will be going to TGen this summer – congratulations!
See Natzem’s feature in the Cancer Center Newsletter here!
The lab recently received a grant from the Department of Defense (US Army) to develop advanced imaging techniques for esophageal cancer screening, specifically to reduce the disparities among outcomes for the Mexican-Hispanic population.
Excellent presentations by Kellys, Tom, and Julianne at the 10th annual BME Expo! Congratulations to Tom and Julianne for winning first place in the undergraduate and graduate categories! Check out the gallery for images of the event.
The laboratory and our recent grant to acquire a polarization-sensitive OCT system was featured in BIO5 news: