Photonics West Proceedings Available
The proceedings and presentations from our presentations at Photonics West are now available in the SPIE Digital Library. Check them out – links are available on the publications page.
The proceedings and presentations from our presentations at Photonics West are now available in the SPIE Digital Library. Check them out – links are available on the publications page.
Congratulations to Natzem Lima for being selected for the Cancer Engineering Fellowship supported by the UA Cancer Center! His project will focus on developing new tools for esophageal cancer screening.
Congratulations to Justina, Tom, Bridget and Natzem – all four were selected to receive travel awards from SPIE for presenting their work at Photonics West!
Tom, Bridget, Natzem and Justina were all selected to give oral presentation’s at this year’s Photonics West! Stay tuned for links to their presentations and proceedings.
Congratulations to Tom Knapp and Justina Bonaventura, who have successfully passed their qualifying exams!
Congratulations to Tom Knapp, who was selected for the Computational & Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems training grant!
Congratulations to Natzem Lima, who was selected to participate in National Photonics Initiative Capitol Hill Visit to promote R&D funding.