
ConsultingMajor Accomplishments | Professional Society Affiliations, ListingsAreas of Current ResearchCourses Developed and Formerly Taught at the Optical Sciences Center

Welcome to the faculty homepage for Dr. B. Roy Frieden. On this site you will find Professor Dr. Frieden’s College of Optical Sciences course information.


  • Moffitt Cancer Center: Mathematical Oncology Group, 2008-date
  • NASA Second-Generation Space Telescope, Product Integrity Team: 2001-2004
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, research on achieving sustainable technology: 2000-2010
  • Vaytec Corporation: 1993
  • Siemens Corporate Research: 1992
  • Martin-Marietta Corporation: 1991
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory: 1989
  • Analytics, Inc. (Pa.): 1988-1990
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory: 1987-1990
  • Sandia National Laboratories: 1987-1989
  • Mission Research Corporation: 1987
  • Dupont de Nemours, Inc.: 1986
  • Pacific-Sierra Corporation: 1986
  • Ball Aerospace: 1985
  • Grumman Aerospace Corporation: 1983
  • National Academy of Sciences: 1981
  • Aberdeen Proving Ground: 1980-1990
  • Aerospace Corporation: 1980-1990
  • Army Research Office, Workshop on Resolution: 1981
  • DFVLR, West Germany: 1980
  • Kitt Peak National Observatory: 1979-1981
  • Philco-Ford Corporation: 1973-1977

Major Accomplishments:

  • Initiated field of laser beam shaping (1965)
  • Invented concept of the three-dimensional optical transfer function (1967)
  • Invented an “extrapolating pupil”, a pupil coating function that acts in real-time to extrapolate its aperture size, in principle producing unlimited resolution (1969)
  • Invented maximum entropy (MaxEnt) image restoration (1972)
  • Developing EPI (Extreme Physical Information) principle for finding the probability laws governing unknown physical systems (1989-present)
  • Based upon use of EPI, showed that in situ breast cancer should grow with time t as simply tg, with g the Fibonacci golden mean 1.618… (2002)
  • Based upon use of EPI, predicted that Fisher information, like Boltzmann entropy, changes monotonically with the time, giving a Fisher-based expression of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (1990).
  • Derived analytical expressions for the Weinberg-Salam angle and Cabibbo angle of particle physics (2002)

Professional Society Affiliations, Listings:

  • Associate Editor, Journal of the Optical Society of America (1979-83)
  • American Physical Society
  • Optical Society of America, Fellow
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow
  • SPIE, Fellow
  • Pi Mu Epsilon
  • Sigma Xi
  • Listed in American Men of Science, Who’s Who in the West, Who’s Who in Engineering

Areas of Current Research:

  • Estimating the probability density functions, and physics, of unknown systems by the use of EPI (Extreme Physical Information)
  • Modeling in-situ human cancer growth by the use of EPI ; developing procedures for growth suppression
  • Modeling ecological systems by the use of Fisher information, for the purpose of achieving sustainable technology
  • Estimating the monetary valuation of financial securities by the use of EPI
  • Development of algorithms for restoring images – deconvolution and blind deconvolution

Courses Developed and Formerly Taught at the Optical Sciences Center

  • Information theory in optics
  • Methods of image restoration and enhancement
  • Probability and statistics in optics
  • Optical properties of the atmosphere and oceans
  • Estimation methods in optics
  • Statistical properties of light
  • Information and the foundations of physics (jointly in physics curriculum)