
Simulation of complex dynamics of mean-field p-spin models using measurement-based quantum feedback control


M. H. Muñoz-Arias1, I. H. Deutsch1, P. S. Jessen2, and P. M. Poggi1

1. Center for Quantum Information and Control, CQuIC, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA
2. Center for Quantum Information and Control, CQuIC, College of Optical Sciences and
Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA

We study the application of a new method for simulating nonlinear dynamics of many-body spin systems using quantum measurement and feedback [Munoz-Arias et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 110503 (2020)] to a broad class of many-body models known as p-spin Hamiltonians, which describe Ising-like models on a completely connected graph with p-body interactions. The method simulates the desired mean field dynamics in the thermodynamic limit by combining nonprojective measurements of a component of the collective spin with a global rotation conditioned on the measurement outcome. We apply this protocol to simulate the dynamics of the p-spin Hamiltonians and demonstrate how different aspects of criticality in the mean-field regime are readily accessible with our protocol. We study applications including properties of dynamical phase transitions and the emergence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the adiabatic dynamics of the collective spin for different values of the parameter p. We also demonstrate how this method can be employed to study the quantum-to-classical transition in the dynamics continuously as a function of system size.

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