All Demos

3D Anaglyphs 3D Television Anamorphic Art
Augmented Reality Sandbox Candy Lenses Color Mixing
Color Mixing /w Lasers Cow Eye Dissection Diffraction
Diffractive Chocolate Electric Pickle Electromagnetism
Fresnel Lens Hollow Face Illusion Infinity Mirrors
Jello Optics Kaleidoscope Laser Arcade
Laser Radio Laser Waterfall LCD Screen
Luminescence Making Telescope Mirrors Measure the Speed of Light with a Microwave
Microscopes Moire Patterns Near Infrared Camera
Newton Rings Penrose Room Pepper’s Ghost
Persistence of Vision Photovoltaic Mirrors Pinhole Camera
Pixel Viewers Polariscope Polarization – Barber Pole Effect
Rainbows Reflection Refraction
Ripple Tank Schlieren Imaging Skittles Game
Snell’s Window Soap Bubbles Solar Telescope
Thermal Infrared Camera Total Internal Reflection Virtual Reality Viewers