Selected Recent Publications

Cross-Section TEM Micrograph
of Multilayer Thin Film
The publications below provide an overview of the different categories of our research.
- General Review Papers
- Deposition and Characterization Techniques
- Nucleation and Epitaxy
- Superconductivity
- Magnetic Properties
- Magneto-Optical Properties
- X-Ray Optics
- Far-Infra-Red Properties
- Mechanical Properties
- Computerized Image Analysis
- Cross-Disciplinary Publications
- Funding Acknowledgements
All Recent Publications:
Here is a complete list of our group’s publications and preprints since 1990:
General Review Papers
Magnetic Properties of Metallic Multilayers and Superlattices. Charles M. Falco and Brad N. Engel, Physica B 169, 293 (1991).
Metallic Multilayers and Superlattices. Charles M. Falco, chapter in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, edited by George L. Trigg (VCH Publishers, New York, 1993).
Electron Beam Evaporator Based MBE. Erich Kasper and Charles M. Falco, chapter 3 in Advanced Silicon and Semiconducting Silicon-Alloy Based Materials & Devices, edited by J. F. A. Nijs (IOP, London, 1994).
Deposition Techniques for Magnetic Thin Films and Multilayers. David J. Keavney and Charles M. Falco, chapter in Spintronics—Spin Transport Electronics, edited by Yves Idzerda (Kluwer, New York, 2004).
Deposition and Characterization Techniques
Interfaces in Mo/Si Multilayers. J. M. Slaughter, Patrick A. Kearney, Dean W. Schulze and Charles M. Falco, Proc. of the SPIE 1343, 73 (1991).
Preparation and Structural Characterization of Epitaxial Co/Pd (111) Superlattices. Craig D. England, Brad N. Engel and Charles M. Falco, J. Appl. Phys. 69, 5310 (1991).
Quantitative Auger and XPS Analysis of Thin Films. J. M. Slaughter, W. Weber, G. Güntherodt and Charles M. Falco, Materials Research Society Bulletin 17, 39 (1992).
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Lattice Strain in Metallic Superlattice Films. N. Nakayama, L. Wu, H. Dohnomae, T. Shinjo, J. Kim and C. M. Falco, J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 126, 71 (1993).
Glancing-Incidence X-Ray Characterization of Nb/Pd Multilayers. M.A. Tagliente, A. Del Vecchio, L. Tapfer, C. Coccorese, L. Mercaldo, L. Maritato, J.M. Slaughter and C.M. Falco. Nuovo Cimento 19D, 473 (1997).
Nucleation and Epitaxy
Growth of Molybdenum on Silicon: Structure and Interface Formation. J. M. Slaughter, Arye Shapiro, Patrick A. Kearney and Charles M. Falco, Phys. Rev. 44, 3854 (1991).
Epitaxial Growth of Be on Al2O3. Judith A. Ruffner, J. M. Slaughter and Charles M. Falco, Appl. Phys. Letters 60, 2995 (1992).
Epitaxial Growth and Surface Structure of (0001) Be on (111) Si. Judith A. Ruffner, J.M. Slaughter, James Eickmann and Charles M. Falco, Appl. Phys. Letters 64, 31 (1994).
Growth and Surface Structure of Epitaxial Be Thin Films. Charles M. Falco, James Eickmann, Judith A. Ruffner and J. M. Slaughter, Proc. of the SPIE 2364, 338 (1994).
Growth Modes of Pd, Ag, and Si Thin Films on B. Patrick A. Kearney, J. M. Slaughter, Dian Hong Shen and Charles M. Falco, J. Vacuum Sci. and Technol. 13, 78 (1995).
Fabrication of 3D Proximity Coupled Josephson Junction Arrays. S. T. Herbert, L. B. Gomez, D. B. Mast, R. S. Newrock, C. Wilks and C. M. Falco, Superlattices and Microstructures 18, 53 (1995).
Quantum Votex Melting in Nb/CuMn Multilayers. C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S. L. Prischepa, M. Salvato, B. Engel, and C. M. Falco, Phys. Rev. B 53, 1087 (1996).
Vortex Properties in Superconducting Nb/Pd Multilayers. C. Coccorese, C. Attanasio, L.V. Mercalso, M. Salvato, L. Maritato, J.M. Slaughter, C.M. Falco, S.L. Prischepa, and B.I. Ivlev. Phys. Rev. B57, 7922 (1998).
Microwave Transmittance in a High-Tc Superonductor Film Under Magnetic Field Influence. V. Eremenko, C.M. Falco, V. Novosad, V. Pishko, and V. Rashkovan. Ukrainian Journal of Low Temperature Physics 25, 384 (1999).
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Analysis of Superconducting Nb/Pd Multilayers. C. Gerardi, M.A. Tagliente, A. Del Vecchio, L. Tapfer, C. Coccorese, C. Attanasio, L.V. Mercaldo, L. Maritato, J.M. Slaughter, C.M. Falco. J. Appl. Phys. 87, 717 (2000).
Magnetic Properties
Interface Magnetic Anisotropy in Epitaxial Superlattices. Brad N. Engel, Craig D. England, Robert A. Van Leeuwen, Michael H. Wiedmann and Charles M. Falco, Phys. Rev. Letters 67, 1910 (1991).
Anomalous Magnetic Anisotropy in Ultra-Thin Transition Metals. Brad N. Engel, Michael H. Wiedmann, Robert A. Van Leewen and Charles M. Falco, Phys. Rev. B-Rapid Communications B 48, 9894 (1993).
Spin-Wave Brillouin Scattering in Quasimonatomic Co Films. Akihiro Murayama, Kyoko Hyomi, James Eickmann, and Charles M. Falco. J. Appl. Phys. 85, 5051 (1999).
Magnetic Properties of Ultra-Thin MBE-Grown Multilayers. Sukmock Lee, Sungkyun Park and Charles M. Falco. J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 240, 457 (2002).
Interdiffusion and Thermal Stability in Magnetic Tunnel Junction Structures. Sungkyun Park, David J. Keavney, and Charles M. Falco. J. Appl. Phys. 95, 3037 (2004).
Structure, Spin-Dynamics, Magnetic and Chemical properties of Annealed Nanoscaled Fe Layers on GaAs. Justin M. Shaw and Charles M. Falco. J. Appl. Physics 101, 33905 (2007).
Magneto-Optical Properties
(Book) Materials for Magneto-Optic Data Storage. C. J. Robinson, T. Suzuki and C. M. Falco, editors. Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1989.
Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Interfaces and Superlattices. Brad N. Engel and Charles M. Falco, Materials Research Society Bulletin15, 34 (1990).
Metallic Superlattice Thin Films for Optical Storage. Brad N. Engel and Charles M. Falco, Japan. J. Appl. Phys. 6, 51 (1992).
MBE Growth and Magneto-Optic Properties of Magnetic Superlattices. Charles M. Falco and Brad N. Engel, Applied Surface Science 60/61, 790 (1992).
Anomalous Perpendicular Anisotropy in Ultra-Thin Co Films. Michael H. Wiedmann, Brad N. Engel, Robert A. Van Leeuwen, Ko Mibu and Charles M. Falco, Proc. of the Materials Research Society, 313, 531 (1993).
X-Ray Optics
Materials for Multilayer X-Ray Optics at Wavelengths Below 100 Å. Patrick A. Kearney, J. M. Slaughter and Charles M. Falco, Optical Engineering30, 1076 (1991).
Fabrication and Characterization of Beryllium-Based Multilayer Mirrors for Soft X-Rays. Judith A. Ruffner, J. M. Slaughter, Patrick A. Kearney and Charles M. Falco, Proc. of the SPIE 1547, 176 (1992).
Advances in Multilayer X-Ray Optics. Jon M. Slaughter and Charles M. Falco, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A319, 163 (1992).
Si/B4C Narrow-Bandpass Mirrors for the Extreme Ultraviolet. J.M. Slaughter, Brian S. Medower, R. N. Watts, C. Tarrio, T. B. Lucatorto and Charles M. Falco, Optics Lett. 19, 1786 (1994)
Survey of Ti-, B- and Y-Based Soft X-ray/Extreme Ultraviolet Multilayer Mirrors for the 2 to 12 nm Wavelength Range. Claude Montcalm, Patrick A. Kearney, J. M. Slaughter, Brian T. Sullivan, M. Chaker, Henri Pépin, and Charles M. Falco. Applied Optics 35, 5134 (1996)
Far-Infra-Red Properties
Growth of MBE-Codeposited IrSi3 on Si(111) and Si(100). Gary A. Gibson, Davis A. Lange and Charles M. Falco, Proc. of the Materials Research Society 299 (1993).
MBE-Codeposited Iridium Silicide Films on Si(100) and Si(111). Davis A. Lange, Gary A. Gibson and Charles M. Falco, Proc. of the SPIE. 2021, 67 (1993).
Growth and Structure of IrSi3 on Si(111). Davis A. Lange, Gary A. Gibson and Charles M. Falco, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 2917 (1994).
Mechanical Properties
Brillouin Scattering Studies of the Elastic Properties of Metallic Superlattices. John R. Dutcher, Sukmock Lee, Jeha Kim, John A. Bell, George I. Stegeman and Charles M. Falco, J. of Materials Sci. and Eng. B 6, 199 (1990).
Enhancement of the c11 Elastic Constant of Ag/Pd Superlattice Films as Determined from Longitudinal Guided Modes. John R. Dutcher, Sukmock Lee, Jeha Kim, George I. Stegeman and Charles M. Falco, Phys. Rev. Letters 65, 1231 (1990).
Experimental Evidence for the Existence of Exchange-Dominated Collective Spin-Wave Excitations in Multilayers. B. Hillebrands, J. V. Harzer, G. Güntherodt, C. D. England and Charles M. Falco, Phys. Rev. B-Rapid Communications B 42, 6839 (1990).
Elastic Properties of Cu-Co Multilayers. John R. Dutcher, Sukmock Lee, Craig D. England, George I. Stegeman and Charles M. Falco, J. of Materials Sci. and Eng. A 126, 13 (1990).
Rayleigh Acoustic Waves in fcc/fcc Metallic Superlattices. John R. Dutcher, Sukmock Lee, Jeha Kim, George I. Stegeman and Charles M. Falco, Proc. of the Materials Research Society 160, 179 (1990).
Computerized Image Analysis
Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Images. Charles M. Falco. Proc. Of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference. A. Amira, A. Bouridane, and F. Kurugollu, eds. (QUB, 2005). 11.
Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Images. Charles M. Falco. Proceedings of Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, ed. B.C. Lovell, A.J. Maeder, T. Caelli, and S. Ourselin. IEEE Computer Society (2006).
Novel Expert-Based Approach to Image Analysis. Charles M. Falco. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and its Applications. IEEE Press (2007).
Cross-Disciplinary Publications
Issues in the Evolution of the Motorcycle. Charles M. Falco, essay in The Art of the Motorcycle exhibition catalog, edited by Matthew Drutt (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1998). Translations of the catalog into Spanish (El Arte de la Motocicleta) and German (The Art of the Motorcycle: Über die Schönheit der Technik) were published in 1999.
Optical Insights into Renaissance Art. David Hockney and Charles M. Falco. Optics & Photonics News 11, 52 (2000).
Optics at the Dawn of the Renaissance. David Hockney and Charles M. Falco. Technical Digest of the Optical Society of America, 87th Annual Meeting (Optical Society of America, 2003).
The Art of the Science of Renaissance Painting. David Hockney and Charles M. Falco. Proceedings of the Symposium on ‘Effective Presentation and Interpretation in Museums’ (National Gallery of Ireland, 2004), p. 7–11.
Optical Instruments and Imaging: The Use of Optics by 15th Century Master Painters. David Hockney and Charles M. Falco. Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Asia 5638, 1 (2005).
Computer Vision and Art. Charles M. Falco. IEEE Multimedia 14, 8 (April–June 2007).
Funding Acknowledgements
We gratefully acknowledge the agencies that have sponsored various aspects of our research program in recent years, including the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Army Research Office (ARO), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR), as well as several industrial sponsors, including Asahi-Komag and Toshiba, and the grants programs of the Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).