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Refereed Journal Articles
- Natalie Shultz and Euan McLeod, “Building blocks for nanophotonic devices and metamaterials,” Chemical Communications, 61, 3301-3318 (2025).
- Colin J. Potter, Shriniketh Sreevatsan, and Euan McLeod, “Deep learning optimization for small object classification in lensfree holographic microscopy,” Optics Express, 32 (20), 35062-35081 (2024).
- Weilin Liu, and Euan McLeod, “Reply to Comment on ‘Fast and acccurate electromagnetic field calculation for substrate-supported metasurfaces using the discrete dipole approximation’,” Nanophotonics, 13 (15), 2861-2864 (2024).
- Colin J. Potter, Zhen Xiong, and Euan McLeod, “Clinical and Biomedical Applications of Lensless Holographic Microscopy,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2400197 (2024).
- Sartanee Suebka, Euan McLeod, and Judith Su, “Ultra-high-Q free space coupling to microtoroid resonators,” Light: Science & Applications, 13, 75 (2024).
- Yinchao Xu, Allison Stanko, Chloe Cerione, Trevor Lohrey, Euan McLeod, Brian Stoltz, and Judith Su, “Low Part-Per-Trillion, Humidity Resistant Detection of Nitric Oxide Using Microtoroid Optical Resonators,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (4), 5120-5128 (2024).
- Weilin Liu and Euan McLeod, “Fast and accurate electromagnetic field calculation for substrate-supported metasurfaces using the discrete dipole approximation,” Nanophotonics, 12 (22), 4157-4173 (2023).
- Maryam Baker and Euan McLeod, “Lensfree time-gated photoluminescent imaging,” APL Photonics, 8, 061301 (2023).
- Maryam Baker, Florian Gollier, Jeffrey E. Melzer, and Euan McLeod, “Lensfree Air-Quality Monitoring of Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matter Using Vapor-Condensed Nanolenses,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6, 13, 11166β11174 (2023).
- Colin J. Potter, Yanmei Hu, Zhen Xiong, Jun Wang, and Euan McLeod, “Point-of-care SARS-CoV-2 sensing using lens-free imaging and a deep learning-assisted quantitative agglutination assay,” Lab on a Chip, 22, 3744-3754 (2022).
- Cheng Li, Trevor Lohrey, Phuong-Diem Nguyen, Zhouyang Min, Yisha Tang, Chang Ge, Zachary Sercel, Euan McLeod, Brian Stoltz, and Judith Su, “Part-per-trillion trace selective gas detection using frequency locked whispering gallery mode microtoroids,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (37), 42430-42440 (2022).
- Maryam Baker, Weilin Liu, and Euan McLeod, “Accurate and fast modeling of scattering from random arrays of nanoparticles using the discrete dipole approximation and angular spectrum method,” Optics Express, 29 (14), 22761-22777 (2021).
- Jeffrey E. Melzer and Euan McLeod, “Assembly of multicomponent structures from hundreds of micron-scale building blocks using optical tweezers,” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 7, 45 (2021).
- Zhen Xiong, Colin J. Potter, and Euan McLeod, “High-speed lens-free holographic sensing of protein molecules using quantitative agglutination assays,” ACS Sensors, 6 (3), 1208 (2021).
- Lei Chen, Cheng Li, Yu-min Liu, Judith Su, and Euan McLeod, “Three-Dimensional Simulation of Particle-Induced Mode Splitting in Large Toroidal Microresonators,” Sensors, 20 (18), 5420 (2020). Part of the special issue on Optical Micro-Resonators for Sensing.
- Jeffrey E. Melzer and Euan McLeod, “3D Nanophotonic Device Fabrication Using Discrete Components,” Nanophotonics, 9 (6), 1373-1390 (2020).
- Hui Zhang, Zhiyong Jiao, and Euan McLeod, “Tunable Terahertz Hyperbolic Metamaterial Slabs and Super-resolving Hyperlenses,” Applied Optics, 59 (22), G64-G70 (2020).
- Lei Chen, Cheng Li, Yu-min Liu, Judith Su, and Euan McLeod, “Simulating robust far-field coupling to travelling waves in large three-dimensional nanostructured high-Q microresonators,” Photonics Research, 7 (9), 967-976 (2019).
- Cheng Li, Lei Chen, Euan McLeod, and Judith Su, “Dark mode plasmonic optical microcavity biochemical sensor,” Photonics Research, 7 (8), 939-947 (2019).
- Weilin Liu and Euan McLeod, “Accuracy of the skin depth correction for metallic nanoparticle polarizability,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (20), 13009-13014 (2019).
- Kevin R. Fiedler, Euan McLeod, and Sandra M. Troian, “Differential colorimetry measurements of fluctuation growth in nanofilms exposed to large surface thermal gradients,” Journal of Applied Physics, 125 (6), 065303 (2019).
- Zhen Xiong, Jeffrey E. Melzer, Jacob Garan, and Euan McLeod, “Optimized sensing of sparse and small targets using lens-free holographic microscopy,” Optics Express, 26 (20), 25676-25692 (2018).
- Jeffrey E. Melzer and Euan McLeod, “Fundamental limits of optical tweezer nanoparticle manipulation speeds,” ACS Nano, 12, 2440 (2018).
- Euan McLeod and Aydogan Ozcan, “Microscopy without lenses,” Physics Today, 70 (9), 50 (2017).
- Aniruddha Ray, Mustafa Ugur Daloglu, Joslynn Ho, Avee Torres, Euan McLeod, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Computational sensing of herpes simplex virus using a cost-effective on-chip microscope,” Scientific Reports, 7, 4856 (2017).
- Mustafa Daloglu, Aniruddha Ray, Zoltan Gorocs, Matthew Xiong, Ravinder Malik, Gal Bitan, Euan McLeod, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Computational on-chip imaging of nanoparticles and biomolecules using ultraviolet light,” Scientific Reports, 7, 44157 (2017).
- Euan McLeod and Aydogan Ozcan, “Unconventional methods of imaging: computational microscopy and compact implementations,” Reports on Progress in Physics, 79, 076001 (2016).
- Aydogan Ozcan and Euan McLeod, “Lensless imaging and sensing,” Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 18, 77-102 (2016).
- Zoltan Gorocs*, Euan McLeod*, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Enhanced light collection in fluorescence microscopy using self-assembled micro-reflectors,” Scientific Reports, 5, 10999 (2015).
- Euan McLeod*, Qingshan Wei*, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Democratization of nanoscale imaging and sensing tools using photonics,” Analytical Chemistry, 87 (13), 6434-6445 (2015).
- Euan McLeod, T. Umut Dincer, Muhammed Veli, Yavuz N. Ertas, Chau Nguyen, Wei Luo, Alon Greenbaum, Alborz Feizi, and Aydogan Ozcan, “High-throughput and label-free single nanoparticle sizing based on time-resolved on-chip microscopy,” ACS Nano, 9 (3), 3265-3273 (2015).
- Hatice Ceylan Koydemir, Zoltan Gorocs, Derek Tseng, Bingen Cortazar, Steve Feng, Raymond Y. L. Chan, Jordi Burbano, Euan McLeod, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Rapid imaging, detection and quantification of Giardia lamblia cysts using mobile-phone based fluorescent microscopy and machine learning,β Lab on a Chip, 15, 1284-1293 (2015).
- Euan McLeod and Aydogan Ozcan, βNano-imaging enabled via self-assembly,β Nano Today, 9 (5), 560-573 (2014).
- Euan McLeod, Chau Nguyen, Patrick Huang, Wei Luo, Muhammed Veli, and Aydogan Ozcan, βTunable vapor-condensed nanolenses,β ACS Nano, 8 (7), 7340-7349 (2014).
- Yves Hennequin, CΓ©dric P. Allier, Euan McLeod, Onur Mudanyali, Daniel Migliozzi, Aydogan Ozcan, and Jean-Marc Dinten, “Optical detection and sizing of single nanoparticles using continuous wetting films,” ACS Nano, 7 (9), 7601-7609 (2013).
- Qingshan Wei, Euan McLeod, Hangfei Qi, Zhe Wan, Ren Sun, and Aydogan Ozcan, “On-chip cytometry using plasmonic nanoparticle enhanced lensfree holography,” Scientific Reports, 3, 1699 (2013).
- Ting-Wei Su, Inkyum Choi, Jiawen Feng, Kalvin Huang, Euan McLeod, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Sperm Trajectories Form Chiral Ribbons,” Scientific Reports, 3, 1664, (2013).
- Euan McLeod*, Wei Luo*, Onur Mudanyali*, Alon Greenbaum*, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Toward giga-pixel nanoscopy on a chip: A computational wide-field look at the nano-scale without the use of lenses,” Lab on a Chip, 13, 2028-2035 (2013). Featured on the back cover.
- Onur Mudanyali*, Euan McLeod*, Wei Luo, Alon Greenbaum, Ahmet F. Coskun, Yves Hennequin, CΓ©dric P. Allier, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Wide-field optical detection of nano-particles using on-chip microscopy and self-assembled nano-lenses,” Nature Photonics, 7, 247-254 (2013).
- Euan McLeod and Aydogan Ozcan, “Nanofabrication using near-field optical probes,” Journal of Laboratory Automation, 17 (4), 248-254 (2012).
- Euan McLeod, Yu Liu, and Sandra M. Troian, “Experimental verification of the formation mechanism for pillar arrays in nanofilms subject to large thermal gradients,” Physical Review Letters, 106, 175501 (2011). Featured on the cover.
- Romain Fardel, Euan McLeod, Yu-Cheng Tsai, and Craig B. Arnold, “Nanoscale ablation through optically trapped microspheres,” Applied Physics A, 101 (1), 41-46 (2010).
- Euan McLeod and Craig B. Arnold, βArray-based optical nanolithography using optically trapped microlenses,β Optics Express, 17 (5), 3640-3650 (2009). Featured in Nature Photonics, 3, 261 (2009).
- Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, Euan McLeod, and Craig B. Arnold, βDynamic pulsed-beam shaping using a TAG lens in the near UV,β Applied Physics A 93 (1), 231-234 (2008).
- Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, Euan McLeod, and Craig B. Arnold, βHigh-speed varifocal imaging with a tunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens,β Optics Letters, 33 (18) 2146-2148 (2008).
- Euan McLeod and Craig B. Arnold, βSubwavelength direct-write nanopatterning using optically trapped microspheres,β Nature Nanotechnology 3, 413-417 (2008).
- Euan McLeod and Craig B. Arnold, βOptical analysis of time-averaged multiscale Bessel beams generated by a tunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens,β Applied Optics 47 (20), 3609-3618 (2008).
- Euan McLeod and Craig B. Arnold, βMechanics and refractive power optimization of tunable acoustic gradient lenses,β Journal of Applied Physics 102, 033104 (2007).
- Euan McLeod, Adam B. Hopkins, and Craig B. Arnold, βMultiscale Bessel beams generated by a tunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens,β Optics Letters 31 (21), 3155-3157 (2006).
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
- Zhen Xiong and Euan McLeod, βQuantitative large area binding sensor for detecting biomarkers,β US Patent #11,879,830, awarded January 23, 2024.
- Euan McLeod and Natalie Shultz, βTrapped particle classification in additive manufacturing,β patent application filed and pending, application #63/626,360, filed February 17, 2024.
- Tsu-Te Judith Su and Euan McLeod, βPhotonic apparatus, methods, and applications,β US Patent #11,215,563, awarded January 4, 2022.
- Euan McLeod and Maryam Baker, βSuper-resolution lens-free microscopy,β patent application filed and pending, application #63/221,316, filed July 11, 2022.
- Euan McLeod, Weilin Liu, and Jeffrey E. Melzer, βMethods and systems for designing and producing nano-structured optical devices,β patent application filed and pending, application #16/966,841, filed February 1, 2019.
- Aydogan Ozcan and Euan McLeod, βDevice and method for tunable vapor condensed nanolenses,β US Patent #10,088,663, awarded October 2, 2018.
- Craig B. Arnold, Euan McLeod, and Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, βTunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system,β US Patent #9,594,288, awarded March 14, 2017.
- Craig B. Arnold, Euan McLeod, and Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, βTunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system,β US Patent #9,389,343, awarded July 12, 2016.
- Craig B. Arnold, Euan McLeod, and Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, βTunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system,β US Patent #8,576,478, awarded November 5, 2013.
- Craig B. Arnold, Euan McLeod, and Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, βTunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system,β US Patent #8,194,307, awarded June 5, 2012.
Book Chapters
- Euan McLeod and Aydogan Ozcan, “Wide-field nano-scale imaging on a chip,” in Applications of Nanoscience in Photomedicine, eds. Michael R. Hamblin, and Pinar Avci, Chandos Publishing (2015).
Non-Refereed Publications
- Daewook Kim, Brandon Chalifoux, Lars R. Furenlid, Poul Jessen, Jason Jones, John Koshel, Channel Lemon, Masud Mansuripur, and Euan McLeod, “Optical Sciences Winter School for enabling future students in optics society,” Proceedings of SPIE, 12723, 127231D (2023).
- Maryam Baker, Weilin Liu, and Euan McLeod, “Accurate and fast modeling of scattering from random arrays of nanoparticles using the discrete dipole approximation and angular spectrum method,” Proceedings of SPIE, 11658, 116580G (2021).
- Colin J. Potter and Euan McLeod, “How Covid-19 Diagnostic Tests Work,” NanoScientific, April 28 (2020).
- Jeffrey E. Melzer and Euan McLeod, “Optical tweezers for micro- and nano-assembly,” Proceedings of SPIE 11292, Eds. Georg von Freymann, Eva Blasco, and Debashis Chanda, 1129209 (2020).
- Cheng Li, Mohammad Teimourpour, Euan McLeod, and Judith Su, “Enhanced whispering gallery mode sensors,” Proceedings of SPIE 10629, Eds. Jason A. Guicheteau, Augustus Way Fountain, and Chris R. Howle, 106290Q (2018).
- Zhen Xiong, Isaiah Engle, Jacob Garan, Jeffrey E. Melzer, and Euan McLeod, “Optimized computational imaging methods for small-target sensing in lens-free holographic microscopy,” Proceedings of SPIE 10501, Ed. Gerard L. Cote, 105010E (2018).
- Mustafa Ugur Daloglu, Aniruddha Ray, ZoltΓ‘n Gorocs, Matthew Xiong, Ravinder Malik, Gal Bitan, Euan McLeod, and Aydogan Ozcan, “On-chip ultraviolet holography for high-throughput nanoparticle and biomolecule detection,” Proceedings of SPIE 10485, Eds. David Levitz, Aydogan Ozcan, and David Erickson, 1048510 (2018).
- Jacob Garan, Jeffrey E. Melzer, and Euan McLeod, βLiquid polymeric materials for optical nano-bio sensing,β Proceedings of SPIE 10100, Eds. Shibin Jiang and Michel J. F. Digonnet, 101000N (2017).
- Hatice Ceylan Koydemir, Zoltan Gorocs, Derek Tseng, Bingen Cortazar, Steve W. Feng, Raymond Yan Lok Chan, Jordi Burbano, Euan McLeod, and Aydogan Ozcan, “Rapid and sensitive detection of waterborne pathogens using machine learning on a smartphone based fluorescence microscope,” Proceedings of SPIE 9699, Eds. David Levitz, Aydogan Ozcan, and David Erickson (2016).
- Hatice Ceylan Koydemir, Zoltan Gorocs, Euan McLeod, Derek Tseng, and Aydogan Ozcan, βField portable mobile phone based fluorescence microscopy for detection of giardia lamblia cysts in water samples,β Proceedings of SPIE 9314, Eds. David Levitz, Aydogan Ozcan, and David Erickson (2015).
- James Joy, Euan McLeod, and Craig B. Arnold, βOptical trap assisted nanoscale laser direct write patterning,β 27th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics Proceedings, N101 (2008).
- Thomas Lipp, Alexandre Mermillod-Blondin, Euan McLeod, and Craig B. Arnold, “Rapid beam-shaping and focusing using tunable acoustic gradient index lenses,” 21st Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Review Proceedings 7-11 (2008).
- Craig B. Arnold and Euan McLeod, βA new approach to adaptive optics for materials processing,β Photonics Spectra 41 (11), 78-84 (2007).
- Euan McLeod and Craig B. Arnold, βComplex beam sculpting with tunable acoustic gradient index lenses,β Proceedings of SPIE 6483, Eds. David L. Andrews, Enrique J. Galvez, and Gerard Nienhuis (2007).
- Tracy Tsai, Euan McLeod, and Craig B. Arnold, βGenerating Bessel beams with a tunable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens,β Proceedings of SPIE 6326, 63261F, Eds. Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding (2006).
Further Information
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