Congratulations on Summer Defenses
Congratulations to Andy Xiong and Jeffrey Melzer, who both defended their PhDs in August 2020, as well as Florian Gollier who defended his Master’s!
Congratulations to Andy Xiong and Jeffrey Melzer, who both defended their PhDs in August 2020, as well as Florian Gollier who defended his Master’s!
Our lab has several presentations at the upcoming OSA Frontiers in Optics conference in September 2020:
Jeffrey Melzer: “Assembly of Nanophotonic Structures Using Optical Tweezers (FTu6B.5)”
Maryam Baker: “Accurate and fast modeling of scattering from random arrays of nanoparticles using the discrete dipole approximation and angular spectrum method (FW7A.7)”
Euan McLeod: “Quantitative Large Area Binding Sensor Using A High-speed Lens-free Holographic Microscope (FTh1A.4)”
Congratulations also to Jeffrey Melzer for winning a “Robert S. Hilbert Memorial Student Travel Grant” for this conference!