Teaching & Advising

Current Courses

  • OPTI 571L         Optical Physics Computational Lab (1 credit Lab, Fall)

Previous Courses

  • OPTI 310      Physical Optics I
  • OPTI 345      Quantum Mechanics and Optical Physics
  • OPTI 447      Optical Physics
  • OPTI X89      Optics Outreach
  • OPTI 492      Directed Research – Studies in Beam Propagation
  • OPTI 501      Electromagnetic Waves
  • OPTI 511R    Optical Physics and Lasers
  • OPTI 541      Introduction to Lasers
  • OPTI 542X    Optical Beams and Resonators
  • OPTI 544     Advanced Linear Optics
  • OPTI 545     Nonlinear Optics
  • OPTI 546     Physical Optics
  • OPTI 547X   Optical Physics
  • OPTI 549     Atom Optics
  • OPTI 550    Quantized Matter Waves
  • OPTI 553    Elements of Nonlinear Optics
  • OPTI 600G  Laser beams and resonators