With Thomas Koch, John Koshel, Brian Anderson, Justin Walker
March 24th 4:00 PM @ Meinel 821
This will be an opportunity to express concerns, get clarification on university policy, and make students aware of the responsibilities and limitations of OSC deans. Everyone is welcome to this brainstorming session on how to improve our college!
March 28th 11:00 or 11:30 AM Meet @Meinel 3rd floor
Have you ever wondered how giant telescope mirrors are made? Now’s your chance to see it up close! Join Optics for All for a FREE exclusive tour of the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab during Prism Week on Friday, March 28th at 4 pm! Witness firsthand the process of spinning, casting, and polishing massive honeycomb mirrors that power the world’s most advanced telescopes, including the Giant Magellan Telescope. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the cutting-edge optical technology that makes this lab one of the most important in the field. Whether you’re an optics enthusiast, an aspiring scientist, or just curious, this is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience world-class optical engineering right here at the University of Arizona! Spots are limited, so sign up now!