BEC Experiment 2
Laser Systems and MOT
- Jessica working on injection lock.
- 2×4 fiber splitter for 2D MOT
- Magnet coils for 3D MOT and transfer.
- Assembling lock electronics.
- MOT optics around vacuum chamber
- First image of a 2D MOT on axis.
- Diode laser.
- Diode laser.
Vacuum System Construction and Bakeout
- Installing glass cells.
- Installing glass cells.
- Installing glass cells.
- Chamber breakout.
- Chamber breakout.
- Chamber breakout.
- Chamber breakout.
- Chamber breakout.
- Chamber breakout.
- Main chamber.
- Kali working on 6-way cross.
- 2D MOT cell (thanks to Ron and Jay at Precision Glassblowing).
- Jessica cleaning a Conflat blank.
- Inside of main chamber.
- Joe, Kali and Jessica.
- 6-way cross.
- Brian unpacking glass cell.
- 2D MOT cell with blank.
- Stainless steel components have been assembled and mounted to table.
- 3D MOT cell/BEC cel.
- Another view of the BEC cell.
- Empty Lab
- Table Delivery
- Table Delivery
- Table Delivery
- Table Delivery
- New Table
- Kali, Joe and our friend Alex in the lab.