Peer-Reviewed Papers (1987β1999)
Dinguirard, M., P.N. Slater, βCalibration of Space-Multispectral Imaging Sensors: A Reviewβ, Remote Sensing of Environment, 68, pp 194-205, 1999.
Sicard, M., P.R. Spyak, G. Broginez, M. Legrand, N.K. Abuhassan, C. Pietras, J. P. Buis, βThermal-infrared field radiometer for vicarious cross-calibration: characterization and comparisons with other field instrumentsβ, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,38, pp. 345-356, 1999.
Barnes, R.A., R.E. Eplee, Jr., S.F. Biggar, K.J. Thome, E.F. Zalewski, P.N. Slater, A.W. Holmes, βVolume 5, The SeaWiFS Solar Radiation-Based Calibration and the Transfer-to-Orbit Experimentβ, Technical Report Series, 5, pp1-28, 1999.
Thome, K., S. Schiller, J. Conel, K. Arai, and S. Tsuchida, βResults of the 1996 Earth Observing System vicarious calibration campaign at Lunar Lake Playa, Nevada (USA)β, Metrologia, 35, pp. 631-638, 1998
Johnson, B. Carol, P.Y. Barnes, T. R. OβBrian, J.J. Butler, C.J. Bruegge, S. Biggar, P.R. Spyak, M. M. Pavlov, βInitial results of the bi-directional reflectance characterization round-robin in support of EOSβ, Metrologia, 35, pp 609-613, 1998.
Yoon, H.W., B. Carol Johnson, D. Kelch, S. Biggar, P.R. Spyak, βA 400 nm to 2500 nm absolute spectral radiance comparison using filter radiometersβ, Metrologia, 35, pp 563-568, 1998.
Biggar, S. F., βCalibration of a visible and near-infrared portable transfer radiometerβ, Metrologia, 35, pp 701-706, 1998.
Schmid, B., P.R. Spyak, S.F. Biggar, C. Wehrli, T. Ingold, C. Matzler, N. Kampfer, βEvaluation of the Applicability of solar and lamp radiometric calibrations of a precision Sun photometer operating between 300 and 1025 nmβ, Applied Optics, 37, pp 3923-3941, 1998.
Thome, K., K. Arai, S. Hook, H. Kieffer, H. Lang, T. Matsunaga, A. Ono, F. Palluconi, H. Sakuma, P. Slater, T. Takashima, H. Tonooka, S. Tsuchida, R. Welch, E. Zalewski, βASTER preflight and in-flight calibration and the validation of Level 2 productsβ, IEEE Trans. On Geos. and Rem. Sens.,36, pp. 1161-1172, 1998.
Thome, K. J.,Β F. P. Palluconi, T. Takashima, K. MasudaΒ βAtmospheric correction of ASTER,β IEEE Trans. On Geos. and Rem. Sens., 36, pp. 1199-1211, 1998.
Sicard, M. K. J. Thome, B. G. Crowther, M. W. Smith, βShortwave infrared spectroradiometer for atmospheric transmittance measurementsβ,J. of Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 15, pp. 174-183, 1998.
Spyak, P. R., J. H. LaMarr, K. J. Thome, βAtmospheric absorption in laboratory measurements: a comparison between MODTRAN3 and measurementβ, Appl. Optics, 37, pp. 5797-5805, 1998.
Thome, K. J., B. G. Crowther, S. F. Biggar, βReflectance- and irradiance-based calibration of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapperβ, Canadian J. of Rem. Sens., 23, pp. 309-317, 1997.
Thome, K. B. Markham, J. Barker, P. Slater, S. Biggar, βRadiometric calibration of Landsatβ, Photogramm. Eng. and Remote Sensing., 63, pp. 853-858, 1997.
Johnson, B.Carol, F. Sakuma, J.J. Butler, S.F. Biggar, J.W. Cooper, J. Ishida, K. Suzuki, βRadiometric measurement comparison using the ocean color temperature scanner (OCTS) visible and near infrared integrating sphereβ, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., 102:6:627-646, 1997.
Spyak, P.R., βBeam expander, pinhole, and crosshair alignment to laser beamsβ, Engineering & Laboratory Notes in Applied Optics, 36, 9111-9112, 1997.
Descour, M. R., C. E. Volin, E. L. Dereniak, K. J. Thome, A. B. Schumacher, D. W. Wilson, P. D. Maker, βDemonstration of a high-speed nonscanning imaging spectrometerβ, Optics Letters, 22, pp. 1271-1273, 1997.
Schmid, B., K. Thome, P. Demoulin, R. Peter, C. MΓ€tzler, J. Sekler, βComparison of modeled and empirical approaches for retrieving columnar water vapor from solar transmittance measurements in the 0.94-ΞΌm regionβ,Β J. of Geophys. Res., 101, pp. 9345-9358, 1996.
Ono, A., F. Sakuma, K. Arai, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Fujisada, P. N. Slater, K. J. Thome, F. Palluconi, H. Kieffer, βPreflight and in-flight calibration plan for ASTERβ, J. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 13, pp. 321-335, 1996.
Ono, A., F. Sakuma, K. Arai, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Fujisada, P. N. Slater, K. J. Thome, F. Palluconi, H. Kieffer, βPreflight and in-flight calibration plan for ASTERβ, Bulletin of NRLM, 45, pp. 376-386, 1996.
Slater, P. N., S. F. Biggar, K. J. Thome, D. I. Gellman, P. R. Spyak, βVicarious radiometric calibrations of EOS sensorsβ, J. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 13, pp. 349-359, 1996.
Slater, P.N., S.F. Biggar, βSuggestions for Radiometric Calibration Coefficient Generationβ, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Special issue on EOS calibration, Vol. 13 No.2, pages 349-359, April 1996.
Herman, B. M., T. R. Caudill, D. E. Flittner, K. J. Thome, A. Ben-David, βComparison of the Gauss-Seidel spherical polarized radiative transfer code with other radiative transfer codesβ, Appl. Optics, 34, pp. 4563-4572, 1995.
Moran, M. S., R. D. Jackson, T. R. Clarke, J. Qi, F. Cabot, K. J. Thome,Β B. L. Markham, βReflectance factor retrieval from Landsat TM and SPOT HRV data for bright and dark targetsβ, Rem. Sens. of Environment, 52, pp. 218-230, 1995.
Reagan, J., K. Thome, B. Herman, R. Stone, J. DeLuisi, J. Snider, βA comparison of columnar water vapor retrievals obtained with near-IR solar radiometer and microwave radiometer measurementsβ, J. Appl. Meteorology, 34, pp. 1384-1391, 1995.
Slater, P. N., K. J. Thome, K. Arai, H. Fujisada, H. H. Kieffer, A. Ono, F. Sakuma, F. D. Palluconi, Y. Yamaguchi, βRadiometric calibration of ASTER dataβ, Japanese Journal of Remote Sensing, 15, pp. 16-23, 1995.
Thome, K. J., M. W. Smith, J. M. Palmer, and J. A. Reagan, βThree-channel solar radiometer for determining atmospheric columnar water vaporβ, Appl. Optics, 33, pp. 5811-5819, 1994.
Biggar, S. F., P.N. Slater, and D.I. Gellman, βUncertainties in the in-flight calibration of sensors with reference to measured ground sites in the 0.4 to 1.1 um rangeβ, Remote Sensing of Environment, 48:245-252, 1994
Smith, M. W.,Β S. F. Biggar, βCalibration and performance evaluation of a portable shortwave infrared (1.05- to 2.45-um) spectrometerβ,Optical Engineering, Vol. 33:11:3781-3792, November 1994.
Herman, B. M., A. Ben-David, K. J. Thome, βNumerical technique for solving the radiative transfer equation for a spherical-shell atmosphereβ,Appl. Optics, 33, pp. 1760-1770, 1994.
Flittner, D. E., B. M. Herman, K. J. Thome, J. M. Simpson, J. A. Reagan, βTotal ozone and aerosol optical depths inferred from radiometric measurements in the Chappuis absorption bandβ, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 50, pp. 1113-1121, 1993.
Thome, K. J., B. M. Herman, J. A. Reagan, βDetermination of precipitable water from solar transmissionβ, J. of Appl. Meteorology, 31, pp. 157-165, 1992.
Reagan, J. A., K. J. Thome, B. M. Herman, βA simple instrument and technique for measuring columnar water vapor via near-IR differential solar transmission measurementsβ, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 30, pp. 825-832, 1992.
Santer, βObtaining surface reflectance factors from atmospheric and view angle corrected SPOT-1 HRV dataβ, Rem Sens. of Environ., 32:203-214, 1990.
Biggar, S.F., D.I. Gellman, P.N. Slater, “Improved evaluation of optical depth components from Langley plot dataβ, Rem. Sens. of Environ., 32:91-101, 1990.
M. S. Moran, R. D. Jackson, G. F. Hart, P. N. Slater, R. J. Bartell, S. F. Biggar, D. I.
Gellman and R. P.Β Santer, βObtaining surface reflectance factors from Β Β Β Β atmospheric and view angle corrected SPOT-1 HRV dataβ,Β Rem. Sens of Environ., 32:203-214, 1990
R.G. Holm, M.S. Moran, R.D. Jackson, P.N. Slater, B. Yuan, S.F. Biggar, “Surface reflectance factor retrieval from Thematic Mapper dataβ,Β Rem.Sens. of Environ. 27:47-57, 1989.
Slater, P.N., S.F. Biggar, R. G. Holm, R.D. Jackson, Y. Mao, M.S. Moran, J.M. Palmer, B. Yuan, βReflectance- and radiance-based methods for the in-flight absolute calibration of multispectral sensors“, Rem. Sens. Of Environ. 22:11-37, 1987.
Jackson, R. D., M.S. Moran, P.N. Slater, S.F. Biggar, βField calibration of reference reflectance panelsβ, Rem Sens of Environ. 22:145-158, 1987.