Robert A. Norwood, Professor

Robert A. Norwood, Professor

MA6 Mask Aligner

MA6 Procedures (Updated 5/17/11)

Turning on the MA6

  1. Vacuum pump – switch on (the pump is behind the MA6).
  2. Air and nitrogen – switch on (both are located behind the table next to the spinner).
  3. Lamp power supply – switch ‘on’ and press, “start” (below the MA6).
  4. MA6 – Switch “On” located on the right panel, upper left corner from the screen. It is green.

Loading Mask

  1. Once the screen is on, an option for “Load” will be suggested.
  2. Press, “load” on the table.
  3. Press, “Change Mask”.
  4. Place mask on the mask holder.
  5. Place mask on the correct size holder. Notice there are pins located on the topside of the mask holder.  Use this pins to hold the mask by pressing against them.
  6. Once you have the mask where you’d like it, turn on the vacuum on the mask.  This will hold the mask in place.
  7. On the bottom side of the mask holder there is a clip, which can be moved up onto the mask to further lock the mask in place.
  8. Slide the mask holder into the MA6.
  9. Press “Change Mask” once more to lock the mask holder.

Turn on Microscope TV by switching it ‘On’.

  • Moving the Microscope/stage
  • On the top of the right-side joystick there are three button options.
    • Left – move stage continuously.
    • Middle – move microscope continuously.
    • Right – moves microscope/stage by steps depending if the left or middle option is chosen.
  • The ‘fast’ button on the right side of the joystick allows for fast movements.

Microscope Focus

There are two microscopes on the MA6 (left and right).  You could use both or an individual one.

  • To select a microscope to view from, use the “splitfield” knob.
  • To separate the two microscopes with respect to each other you would need to use the knobs on the side of the particular microscope (the left microscope has the knob on the left side and vise-versa).
  • On the screen panel there are knobs marked “Top substrate”.  These knobs fine adjust the focus of the microscopes.
  • The left joystick (on the left side of the mask aligner) controls the rotation of the sample with respect to the mask.
    • Left/right – fast rotation.
    • Up/down – slow rotation.

Exposure parameter

  1. Press “Edit Parameters” to see the options (left and right).
  2. Read the manual to fully understand all the options available.  The manual is located in the drawer beneath the MA6.
  3. To check alignment just prior to exposure press, “Alignment Check”.
  4. This runs the vacuum and all the other part of the MA6 exposure except the lamp.  Instead the microscope is turn on and this allows you to double check your alignment right before the lamp.
  5. Only the microscope can move.
  6. Press “Exposure”
  7. IF you are unhappy with the alignment, press “Alignment Check” one more time and this will allow completely alignment and turns off the vacuum.

Turning Off MA6

  1. Lamp power “off”.
  2. Remove mask
  3. Press “mask change”
  4. Microscope is moved up. Place the mask holder on the left side of the MA6.
  5. Switch MA6 “off”  (upper left side of the screen).
  6. Vacuum “off” (behind the MA6).
  8. Turn off nitrogen and air (located behind the table next to the spinner).