Fundamental Laser Spectroscopy

Much of the work in our lab is characterizing the MBE grown III-V quantum well/dot samples before and after nano-cavities are fabricated. Once a sample is grown the photoluminescence (PL) is checked to ensure that the PL is in the desired wavelength range for the nano-cavity design. For quantum dot samples the ensemble PL is checked as well as the PL from a single quantum dot using a micro-PL setup. The surface roughness/quantum dot density, depending on the sample, is checked using atomic force microscopy. From there, the fabrication of the nano-cavities can take place either at one of our collaboratorā€™s facility or in the clean room at the College of Optical Sciences. With the completed structure, the cavity resonance must be checked, usually using a transmission or PL measurement. Other capabilities include time-resolved PL measurement, pump-probe spectroscopy, photon statistics, and more.


PL from a single quantum dot


g(2)(tau) statistics of a quantum dot coupled to a 2D photonics crystal cavity



A typical spectroscopTypicalSpectroscopySetupy lab setup.