Anamorphic Art

Overview: Anamorphosis is a distorted projection that requires the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point, use special devices, or both to view a recognizable image. It is used in painting, photography, sculpture, toys, and film special effects.

​​Supplies: Template sheets, crayons, mirrored pvc pipes, commercial drawings

Objectives: What happens when a flat image is viewed through a curved reflective surface?


  • Set out crayons
  • Set out diy sheets
  • Set out mirrored mylar pvc pipes
  • Set out examples that we have

How to run the demo:

Show kids how to use the anamorphic sheets!

Draw an image in the small square and then in the arc put the color that corresponds to the square on the arc. When they finish their drawing give them a mirror pvc pipe so they can see how the picture they created looks after being stretched and bent.

DIY template

Einstein face

What’s Happening?

Anamorphosis is a form of perspective. It obeys all the laws of perspective, usually more strictly than any other form. It is, however, an extreme form of perspective in that an anamorphic picture is usually distorted in some way. To remove the distortion and bring the image back to the way you normally expect to see it, you have to view it in a special way. This might be using a curved mirror or from a particular direction. Because you have to look in a particular way or from a special point, only one person can see it correctly at a time.

Learn more: (external links)

The Art of Anamorphosis

Anamorphic Art take home pamphlet