*Peer-reviewed journal publications:
- Xu, Y., Su, Judith, Frequency combs for biological and chemical sensing: challenges and future directions, submitted (2025)
- Mac, K.D.M, Su, Judith, Optical biosensors for diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases, submitted, (2025)
- Suebka, S., Gin, A., Su, Judith, Frequency Locked Whispering Evanescent Resonator (FLOWER) for biochemical sensing applications, Nature Protocols, (2025).
- Hao, S., Su, Judith, Whispering gallery mode optical resonators for biological and chemical detection: current practices, future perspectives, and challenges, Reports on Progress in Physics, 88 016402, (2025)
- Yang, M-Y^, Mac, Khuong D.M^, Strzelinski, Hannah R., Hoffman, S.A., Kim, D., Kim, S-K, Su, Judith,* Liggett, S.B.*, III Goddard, W.A,* Agonist activation opening the Ga subunit of the GPCR–GProtein precoupled complex defines functional agonist activation of TAS2R5 GPCR, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 121, e2409987121 (2024), ^co-first author, * co-corresponding author.
- Hao, S., Guthrie, B., Kim, S-K, Kubicek, J., Murtaza, B., Khan, N.A., Khakbaz, P. , Su, Judith*, III Goddard, WA*, Steviol rebaudiosides bind to four different sites of the human sweet taste receptor (T1R2/T1R3) complex explaining confusing experiments, Communications Chemistry, 7, 236 (2024), co-corresponding author
- Gin, A., Nguyen, P-D., Melzer, J., Li, C., Strzelinski, H., Liggett, S.B., Su, Judith, Label-free, real-time monitoring of membrane binding events at zeptomolar concentrations using frequency-locked optical microresonators, Nature Communications, 15, 7445 (2024).
- Hao, S, Suebka, S., Su, Judith, Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microtoroid optical resonator photothermal microscopy Light: Science & Applications, 13, 195 (2024).
- Gin, A., Nguyen, P-D., Serrano, G., Alexander, G, Su, Judith, Towards Early Diagnosis and Screening of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Frequency Locked Whispering Gallery Mode Microtoroid Biosensors, npj Biosensing, 1, 9 (2024).
- Suebka, S, McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Ultra-high-Q free space coupling to microtoroid resonators, Light: Science & Applications, 13, 75 (2024)
- Xu, Y^, Stanko, A^, Cerione, C, Lohrey, T, McLeod, E., Stoltz, B., Su, Judith, Low part-per-trillion, humidity resistant detection of nitric oxide using microtoroid optical resonators , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 4, 5120–5128 (2024), ^co-first author
- Kim, S-K^, Suebka S.^, Gin A., Nguyen, P-D., Tang Y., Su, Judith*, III Goddard, WA*, Methotrexate inhibits the binding of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) receptor binding domain to the host cell angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptor, ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, 7, 2, 348–362 (2024), ^co-first author, *co-corresponding author (supplementary cover)
- Luu, G., Ge., C., Tang, Y., Li, K., Cologna, S., Burdette, J., Su, Judith*, and Sanchez, L.*, An integrated approach to protein discovery and detection from complex biofluids, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 22, 7, 100590 (2023) *co-corresponding author.
- Choi, G. and Su, Judith, Impact of stimulated Raman scattering on dark soliton generation in a silica microresonator, J. Phys. Photonics, 5, 014001 (2023) (special issue on Emerging Leaders 2023).
- Li, C., Lohrey, T.D., Nguyen, P-D., Min, Z., Tang, Y., Ge, C., Sercel, Z.P., McLeod, E., Stoltz, B.M., Su, Judith, Part-per-trillion trace selective gas detection using frequency locked whispering gallery mode microtoroids, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 37, 42430–42440 (2022) (supplementary cover).
- Choi, G., Gin., A., and Su, Judith, Optical frequency combs in aqueous and air environments at visible to near-IR wavelengths, Optics Express, 30, 8690-8699 (2022)
- Suebka, S., Nguyen, P-D, Gin, A, and Su, Judith, How fast it can stick: visualizing flow delivery to microtoroid biosensors, ACS Sensors, 7, 2700–2708, (2021), (supplementary cover)
- Dell’Olio, F., Su, Judith, Huser, T., Sottile, V., Alix-Panabières, C. Photonic technologies for liquid biopsies: recent advances and open research challenges, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 15, 2170012 (2021) (back cover).
- Chen, L., Li., C., Liu, Y., Su, Judith, and McLeod, E., Three-dimensional simulation of particle-induced mode splitting in large toroidal microresonators, Sensors, 20(18), 5420, (2020), special issue on Optical Micro-Resonators for Sensing.
- Hao, S. and Su, Judith, Noise-induced limits of detection in frequency locked optical microcavities, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(22), 6393 – 6401 (2020).
- Nguyen, P-D., Zhang, X., Su, Judith, One-step controlled synthesis of size-tunable toroidal gold particles for biochemical sensing, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2(12), 7839-7847 (2019).
- Chen, L., Li, C., Liu, Y., Su, Judith*, McLeod, E.* Simulating robust far-field coupling to traveling waves in large three-dimensional nanostructured high-Q microresonators, Photonics Research, 7 (9), 967-976 (2019), *co-corresponding author
- Li, C., Chen, L., McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Dark mode plasmonic optical microcavity biochemical sensor, Photonics Research, 7(8), 939-947(2019).
- Ozgur, E., Roberts, K.E., Ozgur, E.O., Gin, A.N., Bankhead, J.R., Wang, Z., Su, Judith, Ultra-sensitive detection of human chorionic gonadotropin using frequency locked microtoroid optical resonators, Analytical Chemistry, 91(18), 11872-11878 (2019).
- Su, Judith, Portable and sensitive air pollution monitoring, Light: Science and Applications, 7, 3 (2018).
- Su, Judith, Label-free biological and chemical sensing using whispering gallery mode optical resonators: Past, present, and future, (invited) Sensors 17, 540 (2017).
- Su, Judith, Reply to Comment on ‘Label-Free Single Exosome Detection Using Frequency-Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators’, ACS Photonics 3, 718-718 (2016).
- Su, Judith, Goldberg. A.F, Stoltz, B.M. Label-free single detection of single nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators, Light: Science and Applications, 5, e16001 (2016).
*Light: Science & Applications Best Paper Award (2018), Light: Science & Applications Top Ten (January 2016), and selected as part of the 10th Anniversary of LSA: Collection on Biophotonics and Medical Optics - Su, Judith, Label-free single molecule detection using frequency locked microtoroid optical resonators, (invited), Journal of Visualized Experiments, Issue 106, (2015).
- Su, Judith, Label-free single exosome detection using frequency locked microtoroid optical resonators, ACS Photonics, 2, 1241–1245 (2015).
- Su, Judith, Brau, R.R, Jiang, X., Whitesides, G.M., Lang, M.J., and So, P.T.C. Geometric Confinement Influences Cellular Mechanical Properties II – Intracellular Variances in Polarized Cells,” Molecular Cellular Biomechanics 4(2), 105-118 (2007).
- Su, Judith, Jiang, X., Welsch, R., Whitesides, G.M., and So, P.T.C. Geometric Confinement Influences Cellular Mechanical Properties I – Adhesion Area Dependence, Molecular Cellular Biomechanics 4(2), 87-104 (2007).
- Pelet, Serge; Previte, M.J.R.P, Kim, D., Kim, K.H., Su, Tsu-Te J., So, P.T.C. Frequency Domain Lifetime and Spectral Imaging Microscopy, Microscopy Research Techniques. 69(11), 861-874 (2006).
Magazine articles:
- Su, Judith, A Tiny Circular Racetrack for Light Can Rapidly Detect Single Molecules, The Conversation, October 2020.
- Su, Judith, Single Molecule Detection with Microtoroid Optical Resonators, Optics & Photonics News, December 2016.
Special issue which “highlights the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months” - Su, Judith, Biomedical Engineering, Imagine Magazine (Johns Hopkins, Center for Talented Youth), 2004.
- United States Patent Number 11,698,494: Miniaturized integrated frequency locked optical whispering evanescent resonator devices, Issued: 7/11/2023.
- United States Patent Number 11,378,516: Label-free single molecule spectroscopy and detection, Issued: 7/5/2022. Assignee: University of Arizona.
- United States Patent Number 11,215,563: Photonic apparatus, methods, and applications, Issued: 1/04/2022. Assignee: University of Arizona.
- United States Patent Number 10,309,960: Label-free detection of nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators, Issued: 6/04/2019. Assignee: Caltech.
- United States Patent Number 9,739,770: Label-free detection of nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators, Issued: 8/22/2017. Assignee: Caltech.
- United States Patent Number 8,593,638: Split frequency sensing methods and systems, Issued 11/26/2013. Assignee: Caltech.
- United States Patent Number 8,310,677: Micro-cavity resonant gas sensor and detection methods, Issued 11/13/12. Assignee: Caltech.
- United States Patent Number 8,107,081: Micro-cavity resonant gas sensor and detection methods, Issued 1/31/2012. Assignee: Caltech.
Conference Proceedings:
- Hao, S., Su, Judith, Single 5-nm particle photothermal microscopy with microtoroid optical resonators, CLEO, May 2024
- Suebka, S., McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Ultra-high Q values for microtoroid resonators with free space coupling, CLEO, May 2024
- Li, C., Lohrey, T., Tang Y., Stoltz, B., McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Ultra-sensitive and selective gas sensing using polymer-coated microtoroid optical resonators, CLEO, May 2022
- Ge, C., Tang, Y., Luu, G., Sanchez, L., Su, Judith, Label-free detection of a novel ovarian cancer biomarker from complex biofluids using microtoroid resonators, CLEO, May 2022
- Suebka, S., Gin, A., Tang, Y., Kim, S-K, Goddard, W.A. Su, Judith, Screening for effective COVID-19 drugs using microtoroid optical resonators , CLEO, May 2022
- Su, Judith, Ultra-Sensitive and Selective Detection of DNA and Protein Biomarkers Using Frequency-Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators, CLEO, May 2021.
- Melzer, J.E., Nguyen, P., Su, Judith, and McLeod, E., Assembly of Nanophotonic Structures Using Optical Tweezers. Frontiers in Optics, September 2020.
- Su, Judith, Ultrasensitive and Selective Biomolecular Detection Using Frequency-Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators” OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Burlingame, CA, August 2019
- Adley Gin, Phuong Diem Nguyen, Erol Ozgur, Su, Judith, Label-free Ultrasensitive Detection of Amyloid-ß Using Lipid-Functionalized Microtoroid Optical Resonators for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
- Phuong Diem Nguyen, Adley Gin, Su, Judith, Detection of Membrane Binding Events Using Microtoroid Optical Resonators,” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
- Cheng Li, Lei Chen, Euan McLeod, Su, Judith, Plasmonic Dark Modes for Enhanced Microcavity Biosensing,” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
- Ozgur E., Roberts K., Ozgur E., Gin A., Bankhead J., Wang, Z., Su, Judith, Frequency locked Optical Whispering Evanescent Resonators for Ultra-Sensitive Doping Detection in Urine,” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
- Li, C., Teimourpour, M.H., McLeod, E., Su, Tsu-Te Judith, Enhanced whispering gallery mode sensors, “SPIE Proceedings Volume 10629, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIX; 106290Q (2018)
- Su, Tsu-Te Judith, “On the Fusion of a Line Plume into a Large Scale Vortex Cloud,” Proceedings of the 1997 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 22-26, 1997, FEDSM-97-170-3672.