
*Peer-reviewed journal publications:

Google scholar link

  1. Xu, Y., Su, Judith, Frequency combs for biological and chemical sensing: challenges and future directions, submitted (2025)
  2. Mac, K.D.M, Su, Judith, Optical biosensors for diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases, submitted, (2025)
  3. Suebka, S., Gin, A., Su, Judith, Frequency Locked Whispering Evanescent Resonator (FLOWER) for biochemical sensing applicationsNature Protocols,  (2025).
  4. Hao, S., Su, Judith, Whispering gallery mode optical resonators for biological and chemical detection: current practices, future perspectives, and challenges, Reports on Progress in Physics88 016402, (2025)
  5. Yang, M-Y^, Mac, Khuong D.M^,  Strzelinski, Hannah R., Hoffman, S.A., Kim, D., Kim, S-K, Su, Judith,* Liggett, S.B.*, III Goddard, W.A,* Agonist activation opening the Ga subunit of the GPCR–GProtein precoupled complex defines functional agonist activation of TAS2R5 GPCR, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 121, e2409987121 (2024), ^co-first author, * co-corresponding author.
  6. Hao, S., Guthrie, B., Kim, S-K, Kubicek, J., Murtaza, B., Khan, N.A., Khakbaz, P. , Su, Judith*, III Goddard, WA*, Steviol rebaudiosides bind to four different sites of the human sweet taste receptor (T1R2/T1R3) complex explaining confusing experimentsCommunications Chemistry, 7, 236 (2024), co-corresponding author
  7. Gin, A., Nguyen, P-D., Melzer, J., Li, C., Strzelinski, H., Liggett, S.B., Su, Judith, Label-free, real-time monitoring of membrane binding events at zeptomolar concentrations using frequency-locked optical microresonators, Nature Communications, 15, 7445 (2024).
  8. Hao, S, Suebka, S., Su, Judith, Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microtoroid optical resonator photothermal microscopy Light: Science & Applications, 13, 195 (2024).
  9. Gin, A., Nguyen, P-D., Serrano, G., Alexander, G, Su, Judith, Towards Early Diagnosis and Screening of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Frequency Locked Whispering Gallery Mode Microtoroid Biosensorsnpj Biosensing, 1, 9 (2024).
  10. Suebka, S, McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Ultra-high-Q free space coupling to microtoroid resonators, Light: Science & Applications, 13, 75 (2024)
  11. Xu, Y^, Stanko, A^, Cerione, C, Lohrey, T, McLeod, E., Stoltz, B., Su, Judith, Low part-per-trillion, humidity resistant detection of nitric oxide using microtoroid optical resonators , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 4, 51205128 (2024), ^co-first author
  12. Kim, S-K^, Suebka S.^, Gin A., Nguyen, P-D., Tang Y., Su, Judith*, III Goddard, WA*, Methotrexate inhibits the binding of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) receptor binding domain to the host cell angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptor, ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, 7, 2, 348–362 (2024), ^co-first author, *co-corresponding author (supplementary cover)
  13. Luu, G., Ge., C., Tang, Y., Li, K., Cologna, S., Burdette, J., Su, Judith*, and Sanchez, L.*, An integrated approach to protein discovery and detection from complex biofluids, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 22, 7, 100590 (2023) *co-corresponding author.
  14. Choi, G. and Su, Judith, Impact of stimulated Raman scattering on dark soliton generation in a silica microresonator, J. Phys. Photonics, 5, 014001 (2023) (special issue on Emerging Leaders 2023).
  15. Li, C., Lohrey, T.D., Nguyen, P-D., Min, Z., Tang, Y., Ge, C., Sercel, Z.P., McLeod, E., Stoltz, B.M., Su, Judith, Part-per-trillion trace selective gas detection using frequency locked whispering gallery mode microtoroids, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 37, 42430–42440 (2022) (supplementary cover).
  16. Choi, G., Gin., A., and Su, Judith, Optical frequency combs in aqueous and air environments at visible to near-IR wavelengths, Optics Express, 30, 8690-8699 (2022)
  17. Suebka, S., Nguyen, P-D, Gin, A, and Su, Judith, How fast it can stick: visualizing flow delivery to microtoroid biosensors, ACS Sensors, 7, 2700–2708, (2021), (supplementary cover)
  18. Dell’Olio, F., Su, Judith, Huser, T., Sottile, V.,  Alix-Panabières, C.  Photonic technologies for liquid biopsies: recent advances and open research challenges, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 15, 2170012 (2021) (back cover).
  19. Chen, L., Li., C., Liu, Y., Su, Judith, and McLeod, E., Three-dimensional simulation of particle-induced mode splitting in large toroidal microresonators, Sensors, 20(18), 5420, (2020), special issue on Optical Micro-Resonators for Sensing.
  20. Hao, S. and Su, Judith, Noise-induced limits of detection in frequency locked optical microcavities, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(22), 6393 – 6401 (2020).
  21. Nguyen, P-D., Zhang, X., Su, Judith, One-step controlled synthesis of size-tunable toroidal gold particles for biochemical sensing, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2(12), 7839-7847 (2019).
  22. Chen, L., Li, C., Liu, Y., Su, Judith*, McLeod, E.* Simulating robust far-field coupling to traveling waves in large three-dimensional nanostructured high-Q microresonators, Photonics Research7 (9), 967-976 (2019), *co-corresponding author
  23. Li, C., Chen, L., McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Dark mode plasmonic optical microcavity biochemical sensor, Photonics Research, 7(8), 939-947(2019).
  24. Ozgur, E.,  Roberts, K.E., Ozgur, E.O., Gin, A.N., Bankhead, J.R., Wang, Z., Su, Judith, Ultra-sensitive detection of human chorionic gonadotropin using frequency locked microtoroid optical resonators, Analytical Chemistry, 91(18), 11872-11878 (2019).
  25. Su, Judith, Portable and sensitive air pollution monitoring, Light: Science and Applications, 7, 3 (2018).
  26. Su, Judith, Label-free biological and chemical sensing using whispering gallery mode optical resonators: Past, present, and future, (invited) Sensors 17, 540 (2017).
  27. Su, Judith, Reply to Comment on ‘Label-Free Single Exosome Detection Using Frequency-Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators’, ACS Photonics 3, 718-718 (2016).
  28. Su, Judith, Goldberg. A.F, Stoltz, B.M. Label-free single detection of single nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators, Light: Science and Applications, 5, e16001 (2016).
    *Light: Science & Applications Best Paper Award (2018), Light: Science & Applications Top Ten (January 2016), and selected as part of the 10th Anniversary of LSA: Collection on Biophotonics and Medical Optics
  29. Su, Judith, Label-free single molecule detection using frequency locked microtoroid optical resonators, (invited), Journal of Visualized Experiments,  Issue 106, (2015).
  30. Su, Judith, Label-free single exosome detection using frequency locked microtoroid optical resonators, ACS Photonics, 2, 1241–1245 (2015).
  31. Su, Judith, Brau, R.R, Jiang, X., Whitesides, G.M., Lang, M.J., and So, P.T.C. Geometric Confinement Influences Cellular Mechanical Properties II – Intracellular Variances in Polarized Cells,” Molecular Cellular Biomechanics 4(2), 105-118 (2007).
  32. Su, Judith, Jiang, X., Welsch, R., Whitesides, G.M., and So, P.T.C. Geometric Confinement Influences Cellular Mechanical Properties I – Adhesion Area Dependence, Molecular Cellular Biomechanics 4(2), 87-104 (2007).
  33. Pelet, Serge; Previte, M.J.R.P, Kim, D., Kim, K.H., Su, Tsu-Te J., So, P.T.C.  Frequency Domain Lifetime and Spectral Imaging Microscopy, Microscopy Research Techniques. 69(11), 861-874 (2006).

Magazine articles:

  1. Su, Judith, A Tiny Circular Racetrack for Light Can Rapidly Detect Single MoleculesThe Conversation, October 2020.
  2. Su, Judith, Single Molecule Detection with Microtoroid Optical Resonators, Optics & Photonics News, December 2016.
    Special issue which “highlights the most exciting peer-reviewed optics research to have emerged over the past 12 months”
  3. Su, Judith, Biomedical Engineering, Imagine Magazine (Johns Hopkins, Center for Talented Youth), 2004.


  1. United States Patent Number 11,698,494: Miniaturized integrated frequency locked optical whispering evanescent resonator devices, Issued: 7/11/2023.
  2. United States Patent Number 11,378,516: Label-free single molecule spectroscopy and detection, Issued: 7/5/2022. Assignee: University of Arizona.
  3. United States Patent Number 11,215,563: Photonic apparatus, methods, and applications, Issued: 1/04/2022. Assignee: University of Arizona.
  4. United States Patent Number 10,309,960: Label-free detection of nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators, Issued: 6/04/2019. Assignee: Caltech.
  5. United States Patent Number 9,739,770: Label-free detection of nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators, Issued: 8/22/2017. Assignee: Caltech.
  6. United States Patent Number 8,593,638: Split frequency sensing methods and systems, Issued 11/26/2013. Assignee: Caltech.
  7. United States Patent Number 8,310,677: Micro-cavity resonant gas sensor and detection methods, Issued 11/13/12. Assignee: Caltech.
  8. United States Patent Number 8,107,081: Micro-cavity resonant gas sensor and detection methods, Issued 1/31/2012. Assignee: Caltech.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Hao, S., Su, Judith, Single 5-nm particle photothermal microscopy with microtoroid optical resonators, CLEO, May 2024
  2.  Suebka, S., McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Ultra-high Q values for microtoroid resonators with free space coupling, CLEO, May 2024
  3. Li, C., Lohrey, T., Tang Y., Stoltz, B., McLeod, E., Su, Judith, Ultra-sensitive and selective gas sensing using polymer-coated microtoroid optical resonators, CLEO, May 2022
  4. Ge, C., Tang, Y., Luu, G., Sanchez, L., Su, Judith, Label-free detection of a novel ovarian cancer biomarker from complex biofluids using microtoroid resonators, CLEO, May 2022
  5.  Suebka, S., Gin, A., Tang, Y., Kim, S-K, Goddard, W.A. Su, Judith, Screening for effective COVID-19 drugs using microtoroid optical resonators , CLEO, May 2022
  6. Su, Judith, Ultra-Sensitive and Selective Detection of DNA and Protein Biomarkers Using Frequency-Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators, CLEO, May 2021.
  7. Melzer, J.E., Nguyen, P., Su, Judith, and McLeod, E., Assembly of Nanophotonic Structures Using Optical Tweezers. Frontiers in Optics, September 2020.
  8. Su, JudithUltrasensitive and Selective Biomolecular Detection Using Frequency-Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators” OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Burlingame, CA, August 2019
  9. Adley Gin, Phuong Diem Nguyen, Erol Ozgur, Su, Judith, Label-free Ultrasensitive Detection of Amyloid-ß Using Lipid-Functionalized Microtoroid Optical Resonators for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
  10. Phuong Diem Nguyen, Adley Gin, Su, Judith, Detection of Membrane Binding Events Using Microtoroid Optical Resonators,” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
  11. Cheng Li, Lei Chen, Euan McLeod, Su, Judith, Plasmonic Dark Modes for Enhanced Microcavity Biosensing,” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
  12. Ozgur E., Roberts K., Ozgur E., Gin A., Bankhead J., Wang, Z., Su, Judith, Frequency locked Optical Whispering Evanescent Resonators for Ultra-Sensitive Doping Detection in Urine,” OSA Biophotonics Congress, Tucson, AZ April 2019.
  13. Li, C., Teimourpour, M.H., McLeod, E., Su, Tsu-Te Judith, Enhanced whispering gallery mode sensors, “SPIE Proceedings Volume 10629, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIX; 106290Q (2018)
  14. Su, Tsu-Te Judith, “On the Fusion of a Line Plume into a Large Scale Vortex Cloud,” Proceedings of the 1997 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 22-26, 1997, FEDSM-97-170-3672.