Industrial Affiliates Talk
Judith Su will be speakingĀ at the College of Optical Sciences’ 2016 Fall Industrial Affiliates Workshop on October 4th at 9:45 am.
Judith Su will be speakingĀ at the College of Optical Sciences’ 2016 Fall Industrial Affiliates Workshop on October 4th at 9:45 am.
Judith Su will be giving a talk at the University of Arizona’s Cancer Center’s Cancer Imaging Program meeting on Tuesday, September 20th, at noon in UACC 4978.
Judith Su has received an internal faculty seed grant for the development of a highly-specific small-molecule biosensor for screening drugs to regulate reward signals in the brain.
Our lab has received an NIH R21 award entitled “Label-free, highly-specific, small molecule detection using microtoroid optical resonators”
Judith Su received a Barrett Cancer Imaging Grant