
Biomedical associate professor earns international recognition | News | College of Engineering | The University of Arizona

$2.1M aids U of A researchers in building chemical sensors to safeguard troops | University of Arizona News

Optics & Photonics News – Ultra-Sensitive Label-Free Biosensing (

Researchers take power and efficiency of biological sensing to record level | University of Arizona News

Researchers take power and efficiency of biol | EurekAlert!

Single 5-nm quantum dot detection via microto | EurekAlert!

Honouring the women of photonics on International Women’s Day | Electro Optics

Excellence in teaching, service and mentorship recognized at the annual Outstanding Faculty Awards ceremony | UA@Work (

IOPscience – Emerging Leaders 2023

The Photonics100 (2024) | Electro Optics

Finding Ovarian Cancer Before It’s Too Late: Researchers Fight Deadly Disease with Early Detection (

FLOWER is After Ovarian Cancer Detection: A Five Minute Review with Prof. Judy Su | Wyant College of Optical Sciences (

WOI interview with Judith Su | UArizona Research, Innovation & Impact

Four Engineering Faculty Earn UA Awards of Distinction

Tricorder Tech: Developing A Bioinspired Optical Sniffer Sensor – Astrobiology

The Nose Knows: CAREER Awardee Developing Bioinspired Optical Sniffer Sensor

A Celebration of APIDA Heritage

OSA Senior Member Insight

SPIE Women in Optics Planner

University of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences Women in Research Feature

University of Arizona, Inaugural Women of Impact

National Academy of Inventors, Senior Member article

$1.8M to Advance Device for Detecting COVID-19, Cancer, Contaminants

A tiny circular racetrack for light can rapidly detect single molecules

UArizona scientists working to make coronavirus testing less invasive

UArizona researchers work on device to detect COVID-19, other illnesses

Researchers are working to advance device for detecting ultra-low levels of disease particles

UA Researcher Developing FLOWER Device to Detect Cancer, COVID-19

Coronavirus News: Researchers working on “the flower device” to detect COVID

Science Alert article: $1.8M to advance device for detecting COVID-19, cancer, contaminants article: A tiny circular racetrack for light can rapidly detect single molecules

FLOWER power optical sensor: another tool in Covid-19 battle

New lab working on 30-second tests for diseases like COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s

From food robots to an app for loneliness, COVID drives technological research