Research Positions in OpSci

The College does over $20M of research per year.  This funding is used to buy equipment, conduct travel, publish papers, and also pay the people who conduct this research.  All of this research is divided up into four research areas or groups: Optical Engineering, Imaging, Photonics, and Optical Physics, which spans from the most applied to the most fundamental.  Do your “research” on those groups who you potentially would like to work.  In the article are College-maintained profiles for a number of the researchers, which also have links to personal research webpages.  The article ends with some guidance on doing this research and how to get an interview.

CUWip 2022 at Uarizona

The University of Arizona’s Departments of Physics and Astronomy are hosting one of the APS’ simultaneous Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) at Biosphere 2, 21-23 January 2022.  Registration applications are open till 4 October 2021 for undergraduate students, and then it opens on 26 October to non-undergraduate students.  You can register at the Application tab at and browse around to find out more about this exciting event.