Stereo Photographs
I use a Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W3 camera to take stereo photos and movies. The photos are best viewed on a 3D TV, but I use a software program called Stereomerger to convert the 3D photos to left-right stereo pairs that can be viewed by either staring at the photos or using a 3D viewer. Some of the resulting photos can be see at the following link.
- Left-Right Stereo Pairs – Ramsey Canyon
- Left-Right Stereo Pairs – Huachuca Mountains
Two panorama programs I have been playing with on the iPhone are 360 Panorama and Photosynth. You can see some of my results at the following links. I especially like viewing the 360 Panorama results on an iPad.
Lytro Photos
The Lytro camera “captures the entire light field, which is all the light traveling in every direction in every point in space.” This makes it possible to refocus your pictures at anytime by clicking on the photo. Animated GIFs giving an impression of depth can be made from the photos.
Animated GIFs
- Click on the thumbnail to see the larger animated GIF.
- Palo Verde Tree
- Spring Day
- Sea of Rocks
- Through Office Blinds
- Front Yard Trees
- Porch Swing Through Gate
- Ramsey Canyon Lookout
- UA Coffee Cup
- Yarrow’s Spiny Lizard