Journal Articles
- P.J. Ehlers, H.I. Nurdin, D. Soh, “Stochastic reservoir computers,” arXiv:2405.12382 (2024), accepted for publication in Nature Communications (
- Ehlers, P. J., Nurdin, H. I., & Soh, D. (2025). Improving the performance of echo state networks through state feedback. Neural Networks, 184, 107101 (
- Pizzimenti, A. J., & Soh, D. (2024). Optical Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubit generation via approximate squeezed coherent state superposition breeding. Physical Review A, 110(6), 062619 (
- Young, S. M., & Soh, D. (2025). Fundamental limits to the generation of highly displaced bright squeezed light using linear optics and parametric amplifiers. Physical Review Research, 7(1), 013130 (
- Chuanzhou Zhu, Peter Ehlers, Hendra Nurdin, and Daniel Soh. “Practical and Scalable Quantum Reservoir Computing,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.04799 (2024) (
- Zhu, C., Ehlers, P. J., Nurdin, H. I., & Soh, D. (2024). Minimalistic and Scalable Quantum Reservoir Computing Enhanced with Feedback. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.17817 (
- P. Chrostoski, S. Bisson, D. Farley, F. Naducci, D. Soh, “Error analysis in large area multi-Raman pulse atom interferometry due to undesired spontaneous decay,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08913 (2024).
- Chatterjee, Eric, Alexander Wendt, Daniel Soh, and Matt Eichenfield. “Ab-Initio Calculations of Nonlinear Susceptibility and Multi-Phonon Mixing Processes in a 2DEG-Piezoelectric Heterostructure,” Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023288 (2024) (
- Cuozzo, J.J., Yu, W., Davids, P., Nenoff, T.M., Soh, D.B., Pan, W. and Rossi, E., “Leggett Modes in Dirac Semimetals,”, Nature Physics, pp.1-6 (2024) (
- D. Soh and E. Chatterjee, “Label-free quantum super-resolution imaging using entangled multi-mode squeezed light,” New Journal of Physics 25 (9), 093001 (2023) (
- Chatterjee, Eric, Wei Pan, and Daniel Soh. “Ultra-high-precision detection of single microwave photons based on a hybrid system between a Majorana zero mode and a quantum dot.” Physical Review Research 5.1 013034 (2023).
- J.C. Taylor, E. Chatterjee, W.F. Kindel, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Reconfigurable quantum phononic circuits via piezo-acoustomechanical interactions,” npj Quantum Information 8(1), pp.1-12 (2022).
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Optimal quantum transfer from input flying qubit to lossy quantum memory,” Jour. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (2022)
- D. Soh, E. Chatterjee, M. Eichenfield, “High-fidelity state transfer between leaky quantum memories,” Phys. Rev. Research 3(3), 033027 (2021).
- W. Pan, D. Soh, W. Yu, P. Davids, T.M. Nenoff, “Microwave response in a topological superconducting quantum interference device,” Scientific Reports 11(1), pp. 1-5 (2021).
- E. Chatterjee, W. Pan, D. Soh, “Microwave photon number resolving detector using the topological surface state of superconducting cadmium arsenide,” Phys. Rev. Research 3 (2), 023046 (2021).
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, C. Rogers, D. Gray, H. Mabuchi, “Low-temperature annihilation rate for quasilocalized excitons in monolayer MoS2,” Phys. Rev. B 100(15), 155405 (2019).
- D. Soh, C. Rogers, D.J. Gray, E. Chatterjee, H. Mabuchi, “Optical nonlinearities of excitons in monolayer MoS2,” Phys. Rev. B 97 (16), 165111 (2018).
- D. Soh, R. Hamerly, H. Mabuchi, “Comprehensive analysis of the optical Kerr coefficient of graphene,” Phys. Rev. A 94, 023845 (2016)
- M. Sarovar, D. Soh, J. Cox, C. Brif, C. T. DeRose, R. Camacho, P. Davids, “Silicon nanophotonics for scalable quantum coherent feedback networks,” EPJ quantum technology 3(1), 14 (2016)
- D. Soh, C. Brif, P. J. Coles, N. Lutkenhaus, R. M. Camacho, J. Urayama, M. Sarovar, “Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution,” Phys. Rev. X 5(4), 041010 (2015)
- O. Crisafulli, N. Tezak, D. Soh, M. A. Armen, H. Mabuchi, “Squeezed light in an optical parametric oscillator network with coherent feedback quantum control,” Optics Express 21(15), 18371-18386 (2013).
- S. W. Moore, D. Soh, S. E. Bisson, B. D. Patterson, “A 400 µJ 79 ns all-fiber Q-switched laser using an Yb3+-doped fiber saturable absorber,” Optics Express 20(21), 23778-23789 (2012)
- D. Soh, S. E. Bisson, B. D. Patterson, and S. W. Moore, “High-power all-fiber passively Q-switched laser using a doped fiber as a saturable absorber: numerical simulations,” Optics Letters 36(13), pp. 2536-2538 (2011).
- D. Soh and J. P. Kplow, “Analysis of spectral broadening of incoherent light in optical fibers with nonzero dispersion,” Optical Engineering 50(11), 111602 (2011).
- D. Soh, J. P. Koplow, S. W. Moore, K. L. Schroder, and W. L. Hsu, “The effect of dispersion on spectral broadening of incoherent continuous-wave light in optical fibers,” Optics Express 18(21), pp. 22393-22405 (2010).
- J. Kim, D. Soh, J. Nilsson, D. J. Richardson, and J. K. Sahu, “Fiber design for high-power low-cost Yb:Al-doped fiber laser operating at 980nm,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.13(3) pp.588-597 (2007).
- J. Kim, P. Dupriez, D. Soh, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, “Core area scaling of Nd:Al-doped silica depressed clad hollow optical fiber and Q-switched laser operation at 0.9 microns,” Optics Letters, vol.31(19) pp.2833-2835 (2006).
- D. Soh, J. Nilsson, and A. B. Grudinin, “Efficient femtosecond laser generation using parabolic amplification combined with a pulse compressor: I. Stimulated Raman scattering effect,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 23(1), pp. 1-9 (2006).
- D. Soh, J. Nilsson, and A. B. Grudinin, “Efficient femtosecond laser generation using parabolic amplification combined with a pulse compressor: II. Finite gain-bandwidth effect,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 23(1), pp. 10-19 (2006).
- Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, S. Baek, D. N. Payne, R. Horley, J. A. Alvarez-Chavez, and P. W. Turner, “Single-mode plane-polarized ytterbium-doped large-core fiber laser with 633 W continuous-wave output power,” Optics Letters, vol. 30(9) pp.955-957 (2005).
- Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C. Alegria, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, D. N. Payne, R. Horley, L. M. B. Hickey, L. Wanzcyk, J. Chryssou, J. A. Alvarez-Chavez, and P. W. Turner, “Single-frequency single-mode plane-polarized ytterbium-doped fiber master-oscillator power amplifier source with 264W output power,” Optics Letters, vol. 30(5) pp. 459-461 (2005).
- S. Yoo, D. Soh, J. Kim, Y. Jung, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, J. W. Lee, and K. Oh, “Analysis of W-type waveguide for Nd-doped fiber laser operating near 940nm,” Optics Communications, vol. 247(1-3), pp. 153-162 (2005).
- Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, and J. Nilsson, “High-power tunable single-frequency single-mode erbium:ytterbium co-doped large-core fiber master-oscillator power amplifier source,” Optics Letters, vol.30(22), pp.2997-2999 (2005).
- D. Soh, S. Yoo, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, K. Oh, S. Baek, Y. Jeong, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, J. Kim, and V. Philippov, “Neodymium-doped cladding pumped aluminosilicate fiber laser tunable in the 0.9 micron wavelength range,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 40(9), pp.1275-1282 (2004).
- D. Soh, J. Nilsson, S. Baek, C. Codemard, Y. Jeong, and V. Philippov, “Modal power decomposition of beam intensity profiles into LP modes of multimode optical fibers,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 21(7), pp.1241-1250 (2004).
- S. Baek, D. Soh, Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, B. Lee, “A cladding-pumped fiber laser with pump-reflecting inner-cladding Bragg grating,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16(2), pp.407-409 (2004).
- D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Wang, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, F. Laurell, V. Philippov, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, and S. Baek, “A 980 nm Yb-doped fiber MOPA source and its frequency doubling,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16(4), pp.1032-1034 (2004).
- Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, C. Alegria, D. Soh, C. Codemard, and J. Nilsson, “Cladding-pumped ytterbium-doped large-core fiber laser with 610 W of output power,” Optics Communications, vol. 234(01-Jun) pp.315-319 (2004).
- D. Soh, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, and L. J. Cooper, “Geometrical factor modification of helical-core fiber radiation loss formula,” Optics Communications, vol. 222, pp.235-242 (2003).
Conference Talks
- Soh, Daniel, Peter Ehlers, and Hendra Nurdin. “Reservoir Computing with Feedback for Quantum State Identification.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
- Chrostoski, Philip, Scott Bisson, and Daniel Soh. “Limitations of a large momentum atom interferometer acceleration sensor due to spontaneous emission.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
- Chatterjee, Eric, Daniel Soh, and Matt Eichenfield. “Ab-Initio Calculations of Nonlinear Susceptibility and Multi-Phonon Mixing Processes in a 2D Electron Gas Coupled to a Piezoelectric Material.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
- Soh, Daniel, and Steve Young. “Fundamental limits to the highly-displaced bright squeezed light generation based on linear optics and parametric processes.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Building a quantum repeater using optomechanical oscilaltors as on-demand entanglement sources,” APS March Meeting 2023.
- P. Chrostoski, S. Bisson, D. Soh, “Limitations of a multi-Raman-pulse atom interferometry acceleration sensor,” APS March Meeting 2023.
- D. Soh, “Super-resolution quantum imaging using massively entangled multimode squeezed light,” APS March Meeting 2022, Invited focus session talk.
- D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Bright squeezed light from dissipative optomechanical light squeezer,” APS March Meeting 2022.
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, R. Lewis, W. Kindel, L. Hackett, J. Taylor, M. Eichenfield, “Long-distance end-to-end quantujm state transfer in a transmon qubit network connected via optical photons,” APS March Meeting 2022.
- J. Cuozzo, W. Yu, P. Davids, T. Nenoff, D. Soh, E. Rossi, W. Pan, “Leggett modes in Dirac semimetals,” APS March Meeting 2022.
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Optimal quantum transfer from input flying qubit to lossy memory,” APS March Meeting 2022.
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Artificial atom on a chip based on coupling between 2DEG and piezo resonator,” APS March Meeting, Invited focus session talk.
- E. Chatterjee, W. Pan, D. Soh, “An RF photon-number-resolving detector using Majorana zero mode,” APS March Meeting 2022, Invited focus session talk.
- E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “High-fidelity qubit transfer between leaky memory blocks,” APS March Meeting.
- D. Soh, E. Chatterjee, C. Rogers, D. Gray, H. Mabuchi, “Optical selection rules and optical nonlinearities of excitonic states in monolayer MoS2,” APS 2019, C12. 003
- D. Soh, B. D. Patterson, S. E. Bisson, “An all-fiber high-energy cladding-pumped 93 nanosecond Q-switched fiber laser using a fiber saturable absorber,” Photonics West 2014 LASE.
- S. W. Moore, D. Soh, S. E. Bisson, B. D. Patterson, W. L. Hsu, “A high-energy cladding-pumped 80 nanosecond Q-switched fiber laser using a tapered fiber saturable absorber,” Photonics West 2013 LASE.
- J. P. Koplow and D. Soh, “The 4FAD: a high-extinction-ratio,achromatic, temperature-insensitive, high-damage-threshold, all-fiber, power-selective filter,” CLEO 2011, Baltimore, May 1-6, 2011, paper CMZ5.
- S. Moore, D. Soh, K. Schroder, and W. Hsu, “Spectral beam compression and combination using fiber laser sources,” Directed Energy Professional Society – 24th Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Review (SSDLTR), Santa Fe, June 6-9, 2011.
- J. Kim, P. Dupriez, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Yoo, Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, and J. K. Sahu, “Depressed clad hollow optical fiber with the fundamental LP01 mode cut-off,” Photonics West 2006 San Jose 21-26 Jan 2006 6102-16.
- Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C. Farrell, J. K.Sahu, J. Kim, S. Yoo, D. J. Richardson, and D. N. Payne, “High power single-frequency Yb-doped fiber amplifiers,” OFC 2006 Anaheim 5-10 Mar 2006 OThJ7 (Invited).
- J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C.Farell, J. K. Sahu, J. Kim, S. Yoo, and D. N. Payne, “High-power fiber lasers: progress and opportunities,” Proc. 14th International Laser Physics Workshop 2005 (LPHYS 2005) Kyoto 4-8 Jul 2005 PS5 (Plenary) .
- P. Dupriez, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, C.Codemard, D. Soh, C. Farrell, J. Kim, A.Piper, A. Malinowski, D. J. Richardson, “Current progress in high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers,” Optical Amplifiers and their Applications (OAA) Budapest 7-10 Aug 2005 (Invited).
- J. Kim, D. Soh, C.Codemard, S. Yoo, Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, “Yb:Al-doped depressed clad hollow optical fiber laser operating at 980nm,” CLEO/IQEC Pacific Rim Tokyo 11-15 Jul 2005 CTuI4-5.
- D. Soh, A.B.Grudinin, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, S. Yoo, J. Kim, C.Codemard, P. Dupriez, “Stimulated Raman scattering effect on femtosecond pulse generation using a parabolic amplification and a pulse compressor,” ONERA Scientific Day Paris 27-28 Jun 2005.
- Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, D. Soh, C. Farrell, J. Kim, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, “High power fiber lasers,” CLEO/IQEC-Pacific Rim Tokyo 11-15 Jul 2005 CWI4-1-INV (Invited).
- Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C.Codemard, J. Nilsson, “Tunable single-frequency ytterbium-sensitized erbium-doped fiber MOPA source with 150W (51.8 dBm) of output power at 1563 nm,” OFC 2005 Anaheim 6-11 Mar 2005 PDP1 (Postdeadline).
- Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, C. Farrell, J. Kim, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, “Beyond 1 kW, the rising power of fibre lasers,” OECC Seoul 4-8 Jul 2005 8D1-1 (Invited).
- Y. Jeong, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C. Farrell, V.Philippov, J. K. Sahu, D.J.Richardson, J. Nilsson, D. N. Payne, “State of the art of cw fibre lasers,” CLEO/Europe Munich 12-17 Jun 2005 TFII1-1-WED (Invited).
- J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, Y. Jeong, V. N. Philippov, D. Soh, C.Codemard, P. Dupriez, J. Kim, D. J. Richardson, A. Malinowski, A. N. Piper, J. H. V. Price, K. Furusawa, W. A. Clarkson, D. N. Payne, “High power fiber lasers,” OFC 2005 Anaheim 6-11 Mar 2005 OTuF1 (Invited).
- J. Kim, P. Dupriez, D. Soh, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, D. N. Payne, “Nd:Al-doped depressed clad hollow fiber laser at 930 nm,” ASSP 2005 Vienna 6-9 Feb 2005.
- D. Soh, J. Clowes, I. Godfrey, A. B. Grudinin, “Compact 85 fs frequency doubled 810 nm fiber system with 60 mW of average power,” Photonics West 2005 San Jose 22-27 Jan 2005.
- Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C.Alegria, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, D. N. Payne, R. Horley, L. M. B. Hickey, L. Wanzcyk, C. E. Chryssou, J. A. Alvarez-Chavez, P. W. Turner, “Single-frequency polarized ytterbium-doped fiber MOPA source with 264W output power,” CLEO/IQEC 2004 San Francisco 16-21 May 2004 CPDD1 (Postdeadline).
- C. Alegria, Y. Jeong, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, L. Fu, M. R. Mokhtar, M. Ibsen, S. Baek, D. Soh, V. Philippov, J. Nilsson, “Wideband tunable high power narrow linewidth erbium-ytterbium doped fiber laser using compression-tunable fiber Bragg grating,” Photonics West San Jose 24-29 Jan 2004 SPIE Proc. 5335-43 pp.229.
- C. A. Codemard, L. M. B. Hickey, K. Yelen, D. Soh, R. Wixey, M. Coker, M. N. Zervas, J. Nilsson, “400 mW 1060nm ytterbium doped fiber DFB laser,” Photonics West 2004 San Jose 24-29 Jan 2004 SPIE Proc. 5335-11 pp.224.
- J. K. Sahu, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, C. Codemard, D. Soh, S. Baek, V. Philippov, L. J. Cooper, J. Nilsson, R. B. Williams, M. Ibsen, W. A. Clarkson, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, “Recent advances in high power fiber lasers,” ASSP 2004 New Mexico 1-4 Feb 2004 (Invited).
- Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, C. Alegria, D. Soh, C. Codemard, V. Philippov, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, J. Nilsson, “Ytterbium-doped double-clad large-core fiber lasers with kW-level continuous-wave output power,” CLEO/IQEC 2004 San Francisco 16-21 May 2004 CMS.
- D. Soh, S. W. Yoo, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, Y. Jeong, L. J. Cooper, C. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C. Alegria, V. Philippov, K. Oh, “Cladding pumped Nd-doped fiber laser tunable from 908 to 938 nm,” CLEO/IQEC 2004 San Francisco 16-21 May 2004 CMK.
- D. Soh, S. W. Yoo, J. K. Sahu, L. J. Cooper, S. Baek, K. Oh,” A cladding pumped neodymium-doped fiber laser tunable from 932 nm to 953 nm,” ASSP 2004 New Mexico 1-4 Feb 2004 MD9.
- D. Soh, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, V. Philippov, C. Alegria, Y. Jeong, “A 4.3W 977 nm ytterbium-doped jacketed-air-clad fiber amplifier,” ASSP 2004 New Mexico 1-4 Feb 2004 MA3.
- D. Soh, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, S. Baek, S. Wang, F. Laurell, “An 18 mW 488.7 nm cw frequency doubled fibre MOPA source,” Photonics West 2004 San Jose 24-29 Jan 2004 SPIE Proc. 5335-10 pp.223.
- K. H. Yla-Jarkko, S. -U. Alam, P. W. Turner, J. Moore, J. Nilsson, R. Selvas, D. Soh, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, “Cladding pumping technology for next generation of fiber amplifiers and lasers,” OAA 2003 Otaru 6-9 Jul 2003 TuC1 (Invited).
- V. Philippov, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Baek, J. K. Sahu, W. A. Clarkson, D. N. Payne, “Versatile and functional high power fiber sources,” 2nd International Symposium on High-Power Fiber Lasers and Their Applications St Petersburg 1-3 Jul 2003 HPFL-2.4 (Invited).
- D. N. Payne, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, V. Philippov, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Baek, J. K. Sahu, D. J. Richardson, W. A. Clarkson, “The revolution in high-power fiber lasers,” 2nd International Symposium on High-Power Fiber Lasers and Their Applications St Petersburg 1-3 Jul 2003 HPFL-1.2 (Invited).
- Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, C.Alegria, C. A. Codemard, D. Soh, V. Philippov, R. B. Williams, K. Furusawa, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, J. Nilsson, “The rising power of fibre lasers,” IEEE/LEOS 2003 Arizona 26-30 Oct 2003 ThD1 (Invited).
- J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, V. Philippov, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Baek, J. K. Sahu, D. J. Richardson, W. A. Clarkson, D. N. Payne, “Fiber lasers: flexible and functional solutions for today and the future,” Third International Symposium on Laser and Nonlinear Optical Materials (ISLNOM) Colorado 20-24 Jul 2003 (Invited).
- K. H. Yla-Jarkko, R. Selvas, D. Soh, J. K. Sahu, C. A. Codemard, J. Nilsson, S. -U. Alam, A. B. Grudinin, “A 3.5 W 977 nm cladding-pumped jacketed air-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser,” OSA TOPS: Proc ASSP 2003 83 pp.103-7 John J Zayhowski, ed. (Postdeadline).
- C. Codemard, D. Soh, K. Yla-Jarkko, J. K. Sahu, M. Laroche, J. Nilsson, “Cladding-pumped L-band phosphosilicate erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber amplifier,” OAA 2003 Otaru Japan 6-9 Jul 2003 TuC2.
- US Patent 12038285, Hybrid inertial navigation system and method, J. Lee, D. Soh (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 12029141, Systems and methods for resolving a number of incident RF-range photons, D. Soh, W. Pan, E. Chatterjee (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 11343088, Systems and methods for quantum optical device authentication, D. Soh, S. E. Bisson (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 11226502, Photonic integrated circuits for generating high-brightness squeezed light, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, C. Long (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 11177890, Remote quantum state transfer for qubits with different frequencies, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 10341015, Secure fiber optic seals enabled by quantum optical communication concepts, M. Sarovar, D. Farley, D. Soh, R. Camacho, C. Brif (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 9964431, Narrow bandwidth detection of vibration signature using fiber lasers, S. Moore and D. Soh (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 9906311, Transceivers and receivers for quantum key distribution and methods pertaining thereto, C. DeRose, M. Sarovar, D. Soh, A. Lentine, P. Davids, R. Camacho (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 9553677, Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution, D. Soh, M. Sarovar, R. Camacho (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 9500930, On-chip entangled photon source, D. Soh and S. Bisson (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 9465274, High yield entangled photons, D. Soh and S. Bisson (Sandia National Labs)
- US Patent 9031098, All Fiber Passively Q-switched Laser, D. Soh and S. Bisson (Sandia National Labs).
- US Patent 8730568, Generating Laser Pulses Based on Chirped Pulse Amplification, S. Tong, J. Prawiharjo, H. Cong, D. Soh, L. West, and A. H. Lin (Calmar Laser Inc.)
- US Patent 7991022, Optical Pulse Amplification based on Stimulated Raman Scattering, D. Soh and T. H. Lin (Calmar Laser Inc.)
- US Patent 7573918, Dispersion Compensated Mode-Locked Pulsed Lasers and Optical Amplifiers, D. Soh and T. H. Lin (Calmar Laser Inc.)