
Journal Articles

  1. P.J. Ehlers, H.I. Nurdin, D. Soh, “Stochastic reservoir computers,” arXiv:2405.12382 (2024), accepted for publication in Nature Communications (
  2. Ehlers, P. J., Nurdin, H. I., & Soh, D. (2025). Improving the performance of echo state networks through state feedback. Neural Networks184, 107101 (
  3. Pizzimenti, A. J., & Soh, D. (2024). Optical Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubit generation via approximate squeezed coherent state superposition breeding. Physical Review A110(6), 062619 (
  4. Young, S. M., & Soh, D. (2025). Fundamental limits to the generation of highly displaced bright squeezed light using linear optics and parametric amplifiers. Physical Review Research7(1), 013130 (
  5. Chuanzhou Zhu, Peter Ehlers, Hendra Nurdin, and Daniel Soh. “Practical and Scalable Quantum Reservoir Computing,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.04799 (2024) (
  6. Zhu, C., Ehlers, P. J., Nurdin, H. I., & Soh, D. (2024). Minimalistic and Scalable Quantum Reservoir Computing Enhanced with Feedback. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.17817 (
  7. P. Chrostoski, S. Bisson, D. Farley, F. Naducci, D. Soh, “Error analysis in large area multi-Raman pulse atom interferometry due to undesired spontaneous decay,” arXiv preprint  arXiv:2403.08913 (2024).
  8. Chatterjee, Eric, Alexander Wendt, Daniel Soh, and Matt Eichenfield. “Ab-Initio Calculations of Nonlinear Susceptibility and Multi-Phonon Mixing Processes in a 2DEG-Piezoelectric Heterostructure,” Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023288 (2024) (
  9. Cuozzo, J.J., Yu, W., Davids, P., Nenoff, T.M., Soh, D.B., Pan, W. and Rossi, E., “Leggett Modes in Dirac Semimetals,”, Nature Physics, pp.1-6 (2024) (
  10. D. Soh and E. Chatterjee, “Label-free quantum super-resolution imaging using entangled multi-mode squeezed light,” New Journal of Physics 25 (9), 093001 (2023) (
  11. Chatterjee, Eric, Wei Pan, and Daniel Soh. “Ultra-high-precision detection of single microwave photons based on a hybrid system between a Majorana zero mode and a quantum dot.” Physical Review Research 5.1 013034 (2023).
  12. J.C. Taylor, E. Chatterjee, W.F. Kindel, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Reconfigurable quantum phononic circuits via piezo-acoustomechanical interactions,” npj Quantum Information 8(1), pp.1-12 (2022).
  13. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Optimal quantum transfer from input flying qubit to lossy quantum memory,” Jour. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (2022)
  14. D. Soh, E. Chatterjee, M. Eichenfield, “High-fidelity state transfer between leaky quantum memories,” Phys. Rev. Research 3(3), 033027 (2021).
  15. W. Pan, D. Soh, W. Yu, P. Davids, T.M. Nenoff, “Microwave response in a topological superconducting quantum interference device,” Scientific Reports 11(1), pp. 1-5 (2021).
  16. E. Chatterjee, W. Pan, D. Soh, “Microwave photon number resolving detector using the topological surface state of superconducting cadmium arsenide,” Phys. Rev. Research 3 (2), 023046 (2021).
  17. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, C. Rogers, D. Gray, H. Mabuchi, “Low-temperature annihilation rate for quasilocalized excitons in monolayer MoS2,” Phys. Rev. B 100(15), 155405 (2019).
  18. D. Soh, C. Rogers, D.J. Gray, E. Chatterjee, H. Mabuchi, “Optical nonlinearities of excitons in monolayer MoS2,” Phys. Rev. B 97 (16), 165111 (2018).
  19. D. Soh, R. Hamerly, H. Mabuchi, “Comprehensive analysis of the optical Kerr coefficient of graphene,” Phys. Rev. A 94, 023845 (2016)
  20. M. Sarovar, D. Soh, J. Cox, C. Brif, C. T. DeRose, R. Camacho, P. Davids, “Silicon nanophotonics for scalable quantum coherent feedback networks,” EPJ quantum technology 3(1), 14 (2016)
  21. D. Soh, C. Brif, P. J. Coles, N. Lutkenhaus, R. M. Camacho, J. Urayama, M. Sarovar, “Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution,” Phys. Rev. X 5(4), 041010 (2015)
  22. O. Crisafulli, N. Tezak, D. Soh, M. A. Armen, H. Mabuchi, “Squeezed light in an optical parametric oscillator network with coherent feedback quantum control,” Optics Express 21(15), 18371-18386 (2013).
  23. S. W. Moore, D. Soh, S. E. Bisson, B. D. Patterson, “A 400 µJ 79 ns all-fiber Q-switched laser using an Yb3+-doped fiber saturable absorber,” Optics Express 20(21), 23778-23789 (2012)
  24. D. Soh, S. E. Bisson, B. D. Patterson, and S. W. Moore, “High-power all-fiber passively Q-switched laser using a doped fiber as a saturable absorber: numerical simulations,” Optics Letters 36(13), pp. 2536-2538 (2011).
  25. D. Soh and J. P. Kplow, “Analysis of spectral broadening of incoherent light in optical fibers with nonzero dispersion,” Optical Engineering 50(11), 111602 (2011).
  26. D. Soh, J. P. Koplow, S. W. Moore, K. L. Schroder, and W. L. Hsu, “The effect of dispersion on spectral broadening of incoherent continuous-wave light in optical fibers,” Optics Express 18(21), pp. 22393-22405 (2010).
  27. J. Kim, D. Soh, J. Nilsson, D. J. Richardson, and J. K. Sahu, “Fiber design for high-power low-cost Yb:Al-doped fiber laser operating at 980nm,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.13(3) pp.588-597 (2007).
  28. J. Kim, P. Dupriez, D. Soh, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, “Core area scaling of Nd:Al-doped silica depressed clad hollow optical fiber and Q-switched laser operation at 0.9 microns,” Optics Letters, vol.31(19) pp.2833-2835 (2006).
  29. D. Soh, J. Nilsson, and A. B. Grudinin, “Efficient femtosecond laser generation using parabolic amplification combined with a pulse compressor: I. Stimulated Raman scattering effect,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 23(1), pp. 1-9 (2006).
  30. D. Soh, J. Nilsson, and A. B. Grudinin, “Efficient femtosecond laser generation using parabolic amplification combined with a pulse compressor: II. Finite gain-bandwidth effect,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 23(1), pp. 10-19 (2006).
  31. Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, S. Baek, D. N. Payne, R. Horley, J. A. Alvarez-Chavez, and P. W. Turner, “Single-mode plane-polarized ytterbium-doped large-core fiber laser with 633 W continuous-wave output power,” Optics Letters, vol. 30(9) pp.955-957 (2005).
  32. Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C. Alegria, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, D. N. Payne, R. Horley, L. M. B. Hickey, L. Wanzcyk, J. Chryssou, J. A. Alvarez-Chavez, and P. W. Turner, “Single-frequency single-mode plane-polarized ytterbium-doped fiber master-oscillator power amplifier source with 264W output power,” Optics Letters, vol. 30(5) pp. 459-461 (2005).
  33. S. Yoo, D. Soh, J. Kim, Y. Jung, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, J. W. Lee, and K. Oh, “Analysis of W-type waveguide for Nd-doped fiber laser operating near 940nm,” Optics Communications, vol. 247(1-3), pp. 153-162 (2005).
  34. Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, and J. Nilsson, “High-power tunable single-frequency single-mode erbium:ytterbium co-doped large-core fiber master-oscillator power amplifier source,” Optics Letters, vol.30(22), pp.2997-2999 (2005).
  35. D. Soh, S. Yoo, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, K. Oh, S. Baek, Y. Jeong, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, J. Kim, and V. Philippov, “Neodymium-doped cladding pumped aluminosilicate fiber laser tunable in the 0.9 micron wavelength range,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 40(9), pp.1275-1282 (2004).
  36. D. Soh, J. Nilsson, S. Baek, C. Codemard, Y. Jeong, and V. Philippov, “Modal power decomposition of beam intensity profiles into LP modes of multimode optical fibers,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 21(7), pp.1241-1250 (2004).
  37. S. Baek, D. Soh, Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, B. Lee, “A cladding-pumped fiber laser with pump-reflecting inner-cladding Bragg grating,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16(2), pp.407-409 (2004).
  38. D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Wang, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, F. Laurell, V. Philippov, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, and S. Baek, “A 980 nm Yb-doped fiber MOPA source and its frequency doubling,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16(4), pp.1032-1034 (2004).
  39. Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, C. Alegria, D. Soh, C. Codemard, and J. Nilsson, “Cladding-pumped ytterbium-doped large-core fiber laser with 610 W of output power,” Optics Communications, vol. 234(01-Jun) pp.315-319 (2004).
  40. D. Soh, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, and L. J. Cooper, “Geometrical factor modification of helical-core fiber radiation loss formula,” Optics Communications, vol. 222, pp.235-242 (2003).

Conference Talks

  1. Soh, Daniel, Peter Ehlers, and Hendra Nurdin. “Reservoir Computing with Feedback for Quantum State Identification.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
  2. Chrostoski, Philip, Scott Bisson, and Daniel Soh. “Limitations of a large momentum atom interferometer acceleration sensor due to spontaneous emission.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
  3. Chatterjee, Eric, Daniel Soh, and Matt Eichenfield. “Ab-Initio Calculations of Nonlinear Susceptibility and Multi-Phonon Mixing Processes in a 2D Electron Gas Coupled to a Piezoelectric Material.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
  4. Soh, Daniel, and Steve Young. “Fundamental limits to the highly-displaced bright squeezed light generation based on linear optics and parametric processes.” Bulletin of the American Physical Society (APS March Meeting) (2024).
  5. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Building a quantum repeater using optomechanical oscilaltors as on-demand entanglement sources,” APS March Meeting 2023.
  6. P. Chrostoski, S. Bisson, D. Soh, “Limitations of a multi-Raman-pulse atom interferometry acceleration sensor,” APS March Meeting 2023.
  7. D. Soh, “Super-resolution quantum imaging using massively entangled multimode squeezed light,” APS March Meeting 2022, Invited focus session talk.
  8. D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Bright squeezed light from dissipative optomechanical light squeezer,” APS March Meeting 2022.
  9. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, R. Lewis, W. Kindel, L. Hackett, J. Taylor, M. Eichenfield, “Long-distance end-to-end quantujm state transfer in a transmon qubit network connected via optical photons,” APS March Meeting 2022.
  10. J. Cuozzo, W. Yu, P. Davids, T. Nenoff, D. Soh, E. Rossi, W. Pan, “Leggett modes in Dirac semimetals,” APS March Meeting 2022.
  11. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Optimal quantum transfer from input flying qubit to lossy memory,” APS March Meeting 2022.
  12. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “Artificial atom on a chip based on coupling between 2DEG and piezo resonator,” APS March Meeting, Invited focus session talk.
  13. E. Chatterjee, W. Pan, D. Soh, “An RF photon-number-resolving detector using Majorana zero mode,” APS March Meeting 2022, Invited focus session talk.
  14. E. Chatterjee, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, “High-fidelity qubit transfer between leaky memory blocks,” APS March Meeting. 
  15. D. Soh, E. Chatterjee, C. Rogers, D. Gray, H. Mabuchi, “Optical selection rules and optical nonlinearities of excitonic states in monolayer MoS2,” APS 2019, C12. 003
  16. D. Soh, B. D. Patterson, S. E. Bisson, “An all-fiber high-energy cladding-pumped 93 nanosecond Q-switched fiber laser using a fiber saturable absorber,” Photonics West 2014 LASE.
  17. S. W. Moore, D. Soh, S. E. Bisson, B. D. Patterson, W. L. Hsu, “A high-energy cladding-pumped 80 nanosecond Q-switched fiber laser using a tapered fiber saturable absorber,” Photonics West 2013 LASE.
  18. J. P. Koplow and D. Soh, “The 4FAD: a high-extinction-ratio,achromatic, temperature-insensitive, high-damage-threshold, all-fiber, power-selective filter,” CLEO 2011, Baltimore, May 1-6, 2011, paper CMZ5.
  19. S. Moore, D. Soh, K. Schroder, and W. Hsu, “Spectral beam compression and combination using fiber laser sources,” Directed Energy Professional Society – 24th Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Review (SSDLTR), Santa Fe, June 6-9, 2011.
  20. J. Kim, P. Dupriez, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Yoo, Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, and J. K. Sahu, “Depressed clad hollow optical fiber with the fundamental LP01 mode cut-off,” Photonics West 2006 San Jose 21-26 Jan 2006 6102-16.
  21. Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C. Farrell, J. K.Sahu, J. Kim, S. Yoo, D. J. Richardson, and D. N. Payne, “High power single-frequency Yb-doped fiber amplifiers,” OFC 2006 Anaheim 5-10 Mar 2006 OThJ7 (Invited).
  22.  J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C.Farell, J. K. Sahu, J. Kim, S. Yoo, and D. N. Payne, “High-power fiber lasers: progress and opportunities,” Proc. 14th International Laser Physics Workshop 2005 (LPHYS 2005) Kyoto 4-8 Jul 2005 PS5 (Plenary) .
  23. P. Dupriez, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, C.Codemard, D. Soh, C. Farrell, J. Kim, A.Piper, A. Malinowski, D. J. Richardson, “Current progress in high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers,” Optical Amplifiers and their Applications (OAA) Budapest 7-10 Aug 2005 (Invited).
  24. J. Kim, D. Soh, C.Codemard, S. Yoo, Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, “Yb:Al-doped depressed clad hollow optical fiber laser operating at 980nm,” CLEO/IQEC Pacific Rim Tokyo 11-15 Jul 2005 CTuI4-5.
  25. D. Soh, A.B.Grudinin, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, S. Yoo, J. Kim, C.Codemard, P. Dupriez, “Stimulated Raman scattering effect on femtosecond pulse generation using a parabolic amplification and a pulse compressor,” ONERA Scientific Day Paris 27-28 Jun 2005.
  26. Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, D. Soh, C. Farrell, J. Kim, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, “High power fiber lasers,” CLEO/IQEC-Pacific Rim Tokyo 11-15 Jul 2005 CWI4-1-INV (Invited).
  27. Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C.Codemard, J. Nilsson, “Tunable single-frequency ytterbium-sensitized erbium-doped fiber MOPA source with 150W (51.8 dBm) of output power at 1563 nm,” OFC 2005 Anaheim 6-11 Mar 2005 PDP1 (Postdeadline).
  28. Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, C. Farrell, J. Kim, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, “Beyond 1 kW, the rising power of fibre lasers,” OECC Seoul 4-8 Jul 2005 8D1-1 (Invited).
  29. Y. Jeong, D. Soh, C. A. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C. Farrell, V.Philippov, J. K. Sahu, D.J.Richardson, J. Nilsson, D. N. Payne, “State of the art of cw fibre lasers,” CLEO/Europe Munich 12-17 Jun 2005 TFII1-1-WED (Invited).
  30. J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, Y. Jeong, V. N. Philippov, D. Soh, C.Codemard, P. Dupriez, J. Kim, D. J. Richardson, A. Malinowski, A. N. Piper, J. H. V. Price, K. Furusawa, W. A. Clarkson, D. N. Payne, “High power fiber lasers,” OFC 2005 Anaheim 6-11 Mar 2005 OTuF1 (Invited).
  31. J. Kim, P. Dupriez, D. Soh, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, D. N. Payne, “Nd:Al-doped depressed clad hollow fiber laser at 930 nm,” ASSP 2005 Vienna 6-9 Feb 2005.
  32. D. Soh, J. Clowes, I. Godfrey, A. B. Grudinin, “Compact 85 fs frequency doubled 810 nm fiber system with 60 mW of average power,” Photonics West 2005 San Jose 22-27 Jan 2005.
  33. Y. Jeong, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, D. Soh, C.Alegria, P. Dupriez, C. A. Codemard, D. N. Payne, R. Horley, L. M. B. Hickey, L. Wanzcyk, C. E. Chryssou, J. A. Alvarez-Chavez, P. W. Turner, “Single-frequency polarized ytterbium-doped fiber MOPA source with 264W output power,” CLEO/IQEC 2004 San Francisco 16-21 May 2004 CPDD1 (Postdeadline).
  34. C. Alegria, Y. Jeong, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, L. Fu, M. R. Mokhtar, M. Ibsen, S. Baek, D. Soh, V. Philippov, J. Nilsson, “Wideband tunable high power narrow linewidth erbium-ytterbium doped fiber laser using compression-tunable fiber Bragg grating,” Photonics West San Jose 24-29 Jan 2004 SPIE Proc. 5335-43 pp.229.
  35. C. A. Codemard, L. M. B. Hickey, K. Yelen, D. Soh, R. Wixey, M. Coker, M. N. Zervas, J. Nilsson, “400 mW 1060nm ytterbium doped fiber DFB laser,” Photonics West 2004 San Jose 24-29 Jan 2004 SPIE Proc. 5335-11 pp.224.
  36. J. K. Sahu, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, C. Codemard, D. Soh, S. Baek, V. Philippov, L. J. Cooper, J. Nilsson, R. B. Williams, M. Ibsen, W. A. Clarkson, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, “Recent advances in high power fiber lasers,” ASSP 2004 New Mexico 1-4 Feb 2004 (Invited).
  37. Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, C. Alegria, D. Soh, C. Codemard, V. Philippov, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, J. Nilsson, “Ytterbium-doped double-clad large-core fiber lasers with kW-level continuous-wave output power,” CLEO/IQEC 2004 San Francisco 16-21 May 2004 CMS.
  38. D. Soh, S. W. Yoo, J. Nilsson, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, Y. Jeong, L. J. Cooper, C. Codemard, P. Dupriez, C. Alegria, V. Philippov, K. Oh, “Cladding pumped Nd-doped fiber laser tunable from 908 to 938 nm,” CLEO/IQEC 2004 San Francisco 16-21 May 2004 CMK.
  39. D. Soh, S. W. Yoo, J. K. Sahu, L. J. Cooper, S. Baek, K. Oh,” A cladding pumped neodymium-doped fiber laser tunable from 932 nm to 953 nm,” ASSP 2004 New Mexico 1-4 Feb 2004 MD9.
  40. D. Soh, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, V. Philippov, C. Alegria, Y. Jeong, “A 4.3W 977 nm ytterbium-doped jacketed-air-clad fiber amplifier,” ASSP 2004 New Mexico 1-4 Feb 2004 MA3.
  41. D. Soh, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, J. Nilsson, S. Baek, S. Wang, F. Laurell, “An 18 mW 488.7 nm cw frequency doubled fibre MOPA source,” Photonics West 2004 San Jose 24-29 Jan 2004 SPIE Proc. 5335-10 pp.223.
  42. K. H. Yla-Jarkko, S. -U. Alam, P. W. Turner, J. Moore, J. Nilsson, R. Selvas, D. Soh, C. Codemard, J. K. Sahu, “Cladding pumping technology for next generation of fiber amplifiers and lasers,” OAA 2003 Otaru 6-9 Jul 2003 TuC1 (Invited).
  43. V. Philippov, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Baek, J. K. Sahu, W. A. Clarkson, D. N. Payne, “Versatile and functional high power fiber sources,” 2nd International Symposium on High-Power Fiber Lasers and Their Applications St Petersburg 1-3 Jul 2003 HPFL-2.4 (Invited).
  44. D. N. Payne, J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, V. Philippov, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Baek, J. K. Sahu, D. J. Richardson, W. A. Clarkson, “The revolution in high-power fiber lasers,” 2nd International Symposium on High-Power Fiber Lasers and Their Applications St Petersburg 1-3 Jul 2003 HPFL-1.2 (Invited).
  45. Y. Jeong, J. K. Sahu, S. Baek, C.Alegria, C. A. Codemard, D. Soh, V. Philippov, R. B. Williams, K. Furusawa, D. J. Richardson, D. N. Payne, J. Nilsson, “The rising power of fibre lasers,” IEEE/LEOS 2003 Arizona 26-30 Oct 2003 ThD1 (Invited).
  46. J. Nilsson, Y. Jeong, C. Alegria, V. Philippov, D. Soh, C. Codemard, S. Baek, J. K. Sahu, D. J. Richardson, W. A. Clarkson, D. N. Payne, “Fiber lasers: flexible and functional solutions for today and the future,” Third International Symposium on Laser and Nonlinear Optical Materials (ISLNOM) Colorado 20-24 Jul 2003 (Invited).
  47. K. H. Yla-Jarkko, R. Selvas, D. Soh, J. K. Sahu, C. A. Codemard, J. Nilsson, S. -U. Alam, A. B. Grudinin, “A 3.5 W 977 nm cladding-pumped jacketed air-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser,” OSA TOPS: Proc ASSP 2003 83 pp.103-7 John J Zayhowski, ed. (Postdeadline).
  48. C. Codemard, D. Soh, K. Yla-Jarkko, J. K. Sahu, M. Laroche, J. Nilsson, “Cladding-pumped L-band phosphosilicate erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber amplifier,” OAA 2003 Otaru Japan 6-9 Jul 2003 TuC2.


  1. US Patent 12038285, Hybrid inertial navigation system and method, J. Lee, D. Soh (Sandia National Labs)
  2. US Patent 12029141, Systems and methods for resolving a number of incident RF-range photons, D. Soh, W. Pan, E. Chatterjee (Sandia National Labs)
  3. US Patent 11343088, Systems and methods for quantum optical device authentication, D. Soh, S. E. Bisson (Sandia National Labs)
  4. US Patent 11226502, Photonic integrated circuits for generating high-brightness squeezed light, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield, C. Long (Sandia National Labs)
  5. US Patent 11177890, Remote quantum state transfer for qubits with different frequencies, D. Soh, M. Eichenfield (Sandia National Labs)
  6. US Patent 10341015, Secure fiber optic seals enabled by quantum optical communication concepts, M. Sarovar, D. Farley, D. Soh, R. Camacho, C. Brif (Sandia National Labs)
  7. US Patent 9964431, Narrow bandwidth detection of vibration signature using fiber lasers, S. Moore and D. Soh (Sandia National Labs)
  8. US Patent 9906311, Transceivers and receivers for quantum key distribution and methods pertaining thereto, C. DeRose, M. Sarovar, D. Soh, A. Lentine, P. Davids, R. Camacho (Sandia National Labs)
  9. US Patent 9553677, Self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution, D. Soh, M. Sarovar, R. Camacho (Sandia National Labs)
  10. US Patent 9500930, On-chip entangled photon source, D. Soh and S. Bisson (Sandia National Labs)
  11. US Patent 9465274, High yield entangled photons, D. Soh and S. Bisson (Sandia National Labs)
  12. US Patent 9031098, All Fiber Passively Q-switched Laser, D. Soh and S. Bisson (Sandia National Labs).
  13. US Patent 8730568, Generating Laser Pulses Based on Chirped Pulse Amplification, S. Tong, J. Prawiharjo, H. Cong, D. Soh, L. West, and A. H. Lin (Calmar Laser Inc.)
  14. US Patent 7991022, Optical Pulse Amplification based on Stimulated Raman Scattering, D. Soh and T. H. Lin (Calmar Laser Inc.)
  15. US Patent 7573918, Dispersion Compensated Mode-Locked Pulsed Lasers and Optical Amplifiers, D. Soh and T. H. Lin (Calmar Laser Inc.)