
Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 537:     Digital Communications Systems II – Studying how to translate information into a digital signal to be transmitted, and how to retrieve the information from the received signal; study in-depth various digital modulation schemes through a concept of signal space; build analytical and simulation models for digital modulation systems in presence of noise, and define the performances of digital communication systems through a probability of reliable transmission of information; build optimal receiver models for digital base-band and band-pass modulation schemes, and introduce iterative decoding on graphs, iterative decoding on intersymbol interference channels and constrained coding.

ECE 636:     Information Theory – Definition of a measure of information and study of its properties; introduction to entropy, mutual information, channel capacity, and rate-distortion theory.

ECE 639:     Detection and Estimation in Engineering Systems – Communication, detection and estimation as statistical inference problems. Optimal detection in the presence of Gaussian noise. Extraction of signals in noise via MAP and MMSE techniques. Performance evaluation including Chernoff and Cramer-Rao bounds.

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